
If we don’t tell him, he can’t call us liars.

“The difficulties I have faced in accessing the information my office needs to produce relevant and timely analyses are much greater than I expected they would be,” LeClair said. “Ministries have repeatedly refused to provide my office with information on grounds that are not founded in my enabling legislation.”

4 Replies to “Wynning!”

  1. a prediction: these liars will trot out a cornucopia of promises in 2018, like free tuition and infrastructure improvements and more green energy and . . . . . . . win the election.

  2. Unbelievable!
    At least it once was,now we are so used to corruption and thuggish misuse of power, it’s a wonder this guy wasn’t simply fired and replaced with a more Liberal auditor,and they’d have gotten away with it.
    Do Provincial pols get to call themselves “The Honorable”? Maybe it’s time we dropped that quaint epithet.
    One comment at the link suggests the Lieutenant-Governor should dissolve the current government and call an election, but another comment mentions that the L-G is in fact a Liberal appointee probably unwilling to bite the hand that fed him or her.
    I like auditors, seems like they are some of the few people left with any integrity.

  3. Dear Mrs. Brown,
    I regret to inform you that your son, Patrick, has been missing in action since May 15th, 2015, when he was last seen at the Ontario Conservative Leadership Convention.
