Amarjeet Sohi’s Office

Michelle Rempel is on the hunt for an explanation of why Edmonton Mill Woods MP Amarjeet Sohi spent $835k on ‘office renovations’.
Luckily for him, the CBC has his back.

Course, it isn’t a new department or a new office….
Update: SDA Gets Results

BI (before Internet) these Liberals with bylines would have gotten away with it and set the narrative. Should have sold the CBC when the Conservatives had the majority. What’s the worst that could have happened? Lose the election?

26 Replies to “Amarjeet Sohi’s Office”

  1. Bev Oda and Amarjeet Sohi – East Indians meet Native Indians … who knew they had so much in common.

  2. We’re about to renovate a 50 person office with new cubicles, repainting and network wiring. The budget is less than one-tenth of that.

  3. No doubt he’s got family in the construction business. If you get what I’m saying.

  4. Orange juice = Liberal outrage
    anything else (like 44 person trips to Washington) = Ho hum, nothing to see here

  5. Want more from the pro no growth droolers?
    “Energy East pipeline benefits questioned in secret government memo. Getting Alberta’s oil to the East Coast might not result in the higher prices once expected.” Nice headline except it’s wrong:
    “The market conditions that once made TransCanada’s proposed Energy East pipeline an attractive conduit for Alberta’s oilsands bitumen have now largely vanished, according to an internal finance department memo obtained by CBC News”
    Absolute BS from the Groundhog Day crowd:
    “The National Energy Board currently forecasts that WTI will trade at $77.54 and Brent at $81.62 in 2020,” reads the memo, marked secret and dated Dec. 10, 2015. In that context … the benefits of the Energy East pipeline would only be $1.48 per barrel compared to oil shipped by existing pipelines to the U.S. However, the benefits of Energy East would be up to $6 per barrel if compared to shipping oil to the east by rail. According to the memo, it costs $14 per barrel to ship oil from Alberta to the east coast by rail, compared to $8 if done by pipeline.”
    Add in the fake Conservative Grit at the CPC convention, and we’ve got a real load of whoppers from these incestuous pretend journalists. Yes, the CBC needs to go, though it’s doing a good job of killing itself off with it’s stupidity. Gotta love their HNIC ad about the latest “hit” TV show. Right, taxpayer hit. So they advertise on a profitable program that they let get away to shill their taxpayer hit programming. Real nice. Fire them all.

  6. I know someone who turned a “vanilla bay” (ie four walls, roof, cement floor) into a very nice vet clinic complete with 3 exam rooms, dental area, x-ray area, surgical suite, and much more – and for a lot less than 800k.

  7. Does it need to be any more explicit? CBC has become the propaganda arm of the current government, filling a role no different from that of Pravda in the past USSR. Shamrock is right; the CBC needs to go. A curse on the CPC that it didn’t do the job when it was in office.

  8. What’s he doing ? Building a Taj Mahal to himself ? bum-dum-dummh
    Ooops … that’s HATE speech in Canada, eh ? Some sort of “ethnic insult” … regardless of how FUNNY it is … Ha-ha ! can’t prosecute MEeeeeee !! I don’t live in the great white-ish north !!

  9. Shamrock;
    The CBC should have been dead or at least gutted to the point of extinction when the CPC got their majority. Instead the CPC acted like sycophants towards a media who were never going to do any less than smear or misdirect any effort to ‘report’ conservative news.
    The last local CPC get together that I attended, a couple of years ago now, had the House Whip in attendance. Cannot remember the name, from Vancouver Island. I asked why they continued to fund the CBC and even increase their funding. He said that I simply did not understand how important the CBC was to many in eastern Canada. End of conversation as far as I was concerned.
    Energy East economics is not for some flake who could not hold a real job to decide. If it is not economic it will not get funded. That is why the Black Group got no traction on their refinery project in Rupert. Stockwell Day was working with them to get it off the ground. It is not economic.

  10. Exactly. Frankly I am at such a low point in my support for anything political that my first reaction is to h*ll with it. The Conservatives need to become, and have evolved to being, Liberal Lite to get elected. Who cares anymore. The media, as you mention, especially the CBC, are propaganda arms of the Liberals.
    Shamrock, yes. A pox on James Moore.

  11. Still no outrage on the fact that Amarjeet Sohi is a convicted terrorist in India.

  12. Come now, we would not want CBC to surprise anyone by actually reporting the facts.
    Their spin is so massive now that reality is absorbed into their black hole, along with all that taxpayer money.
    I think it looks really good on CBC,that they are arguing, the CPC lied by reporting a House of Commons document.
    Only CBC would willingly sink this far in defending the indefensible.
    Once taxpayers wake up to the massive betrayal perpetuated against them, God help the Presstitutes.
    They just need rebranded, CBC is so stodgy, Liberal Truth is so much 2016..ish.

  13. “Still no outrage on the fact that Amarjeet Sohi is a convicted terrorist in India.”
    Never convicted. After close to 2 years in jail the charges were dropped. He says he’s innocent.

  14. From taxpayers. It was for his constituency office. At least that’s what he claims it was spent on.

  15. The Trudopian Supreme Court would most likely never allow any Government to scrap the Trudopian CBC… (re; just like the Senate) not without opening up the Trudopian Charter and getting “permission” from the tribes and cultists, which would never happen… (re: Queerbec and Ontariowe would never let that happen) Trudopia is a f##ked up Maoist style cult. Trudopia is the beast that must die, but it’s not as easy a task to kill Trudopia as it was for Trudeau to destroy Canada. Trudowe made sure the country he imposed has protections, unlike the great nation he legislated into dust. Just my opinion but getting rid of the CBC, although a fantastic notion, will never happen, and the parasites and maggots that work there know it, they are accountable to no one. CBC is a symptom of a greater disease, kill the disease (Trudopia) and you eliminate all of the symptoms.

  16. I no longer give a sh$t about what the liberals do. I voted conservative and am doing alright “jack”.my son I is in business and voted for sunny ways and when he moans about what is going on I simply say”hey, you voted for him,suck it up” .Then to rub it in I tell him I support Trump. He goes

  17. I guess the cbc was outraged when they thought he was a conservative mp.

  18. I first misinterpreted his name as As Ole, if you get my drift. He certainly seems to be fulfilling the role.

  19. ummm, perhaps ‘police investigations’ in 3rd world shytholes are to be taken with a grain of salt.
