Another set of dupes

I’m betting these guys didn’t see this coming from their ‘ABC’ campaign.

To do that, the government will essentially demote some veterans to a rank below the one they held when they left the military – something that the veterans say is not only unfair but humiliating.

Anything to save a buck for ‘office renovations’, refugees and PM Selfie’s vacations, eh.

28 Replies to “Another set of dupes”

  1. Ummmmm…..why isn’t Mr Selfie in there? I’m a vet, and cannot stand the toy boy. Mind you,he plays like his daddy.When can we vote Qurebec out?

  2. …but if you’re a government bureaucrat your retirement benefits are determined by your peak salary. It’s common practice to bump someone up to a higher rate just before they retire. The primary function of any government is to grow the bureaucracy, all other goals are a distant 2nd place at best.

  3. Ironically, the Liberals are emulating Trump:
    “I like people who didn’t get injured [captured]”

  4. How any military service personnel thought things would be better under a liberal government is really mind boggling. What liberal government since WWII has done anything to increase any type of support for veterans?

  5. I know one thing, if the Military doesn’t soon come up with a test to weed out potential PTSD sufferers, it won’t have a bloody budget – it will all be sucked up by Veterans Affairs to deal with this epidemic.

  6. And in the side column on the left looks like MAXIM BERNIER is now a GREENTARD !!!

  7. Any veteran who thinks they’re better off with a Liberal government with their pathetic record on the military are in for another big battle…stupid is as stupid does.

  8. I’m looking forward to Rick Mercer’s rant on this like he always did when Harper mishandled the Veterans file. I’m sure he’s writing up his rant right now. I’m sitting here holding my breath.

  9. Yet, we saw useful idiots, propped out, during PM Selfie’s campaign, ragging on Harrrrrrrpurrrrrrrrrrr’s treatment of vets.
    Hope they are enjoying their clawback, now….
    One thing about the LIEbrals that is consistent. Anything they promise, is a certain LIE

  10. Liberal voters and the people they elect have a co-dependent/narcissistic ( very dysfunctional ) relationship.
    The liberal voter is attracted by the self centered, smooth talking, manipulative liberal politician who feels very entitled.
    The liberal politician requires excessive admiration, has a grandiose sense of self importance, something both the main stream media and the average liberal voter gives them.
    The liberal voter is devoted to the liberal politician and /or the causes the politician claims to fight for.
    The liberal politician exploits the voter and has no sense of remorse or guilt, for having manipulated, lied and used the liberal voter.
    No matter how many times the voter is lied to, manipulated, and hugely dissappointed by the liberal politician, the liberal voter keeps holding on to this sick relationship and always forgives the evils of the liberal politician.
    The liberal voter does feel resentment and anger but he turns it against those who tell him he is being abused instead of towards his abuser; the liberal politician.
    and so on and so forth.

  11. Mark Campbell who lost his legs was unrelenting in his criticism of the Conservative government and was the cbc’s go to guy. He is quoted in the Sept/Oct 2015 Legion magazine:
    “What I really hadn’t counted on was the fact that I would come home and fight my biggest battle against the government I had served”
    I wonder if things have improved for him with the new government?

  12. Every day another fool is born
    every day another liberal voter is born.

  13. I’m not sure if people read the headline but according to the Glob@Plop this “unequal” treatment is being doled out by “Ottawa”, not Liberals. Its funny because I don’t remember the city of “Ottawa” running in the last election and I was also unaware that the city of “Ottawa” was running veterans affairs… Good thing the Media are around to clear things up. I guess the veterans love affair with the Liberals will continue, unfortunately the city of Ottawa will now be at “war” with the vets. Liberals good… Ottawa bad.

  14. The article cited “cuts” which were actually smaller increases than progressivia free stuffers whined for. The HDS crowd helped unseat Harper by aiding the bait and switch of the mediocracy and LPC (actually I just repeated myself). They did so by on one hand projecting the failures of progressive establishment entitlement types on Harper, then selling Trudeau as some sort of outsider and actual liberal &/or soft progressive. Neither was true and now we have a statist who counts votes, not taxpayer largesse (just collects it), who actually believes governments manage economies and creates jobs.
    Thanks to the mediocracy & ignorantgentsia, big government (by definition bad government because it destroys productive factors for more statism, rather than needed services) is viewed as “correct,” while expecting governments to not waste money, indeed to live within the taxypayers’ means, is “extreme.”
    Until we see enough pain to dispense with that idiotic notion, we will see ever accelerating decline, as government balloons and runs up debt while interest rates may rise, but with no doubt boomers will tax the great unfunded liabilities of pensions and medical care. Statism is the cause of those shortfalls, then its proponents blame hardworking Canadians who become the scapegoat for progressive failure.
    Somehow, they manage to really screw the poor in the process, despite the growing largesse. I’m sick of statists arguing only they can provide government, with their entitlement mentality, overpromising but underperforming, crony payoffs, while arguing providing good government, as guaranteed in our constitution is extremist, racist or whatever.
    Every new spending/borrowing increase is a new birthright for the nation. Government must be allowed to grow, grow, and statists make spurious claims of creating jobs and false narratives about government preventing a recession (that didn’t happen) along with lies about surpluses and now deficits.
    Donald Trump is the revenge of pop politics, but the real story is the beginning of the dismantling of establishment politics. The status quo is all that progressives can argue for, they are the new reactionaries hurting the most vulnerable in our society in favour of their purloined political bedfellows.

  15. Hope this isn’t taken the wrong way. but what percentage of vets would you estimate are from the Maritimes?

  16. And the Trudeau government is also continuing the Conservatives’ court case that the Liberal-connected veterans’ groups had been complaining about during the election campaign.

  17. Exactly. I have ex military friends that have voted Liberal for ever and for some unknown blinkered blinded reason just cannot see the s*itkicking the Liberals give them every time they are power. How can some ordinarily smart people sometimes be so dumb.

  18. Don’t blame all veterans for the idiots in the ABC crowd. Most of us voted solidly for the Conservatives, albeit at only one vote per person, not like some groups of opposite political persuasion.

  19. He’s too busy putting up gay pride flags on parliament hill.Gotta have your priorities you know.

  20. No sympathy for the vets–no apology! Anything but Conservative eh?? Suffer baby–suffer!!
    I was interviewed on this topic by Radio-Canada Regina. (I’m bilingual.) They gave me a voice mail number to comment on after I had listened to the program where the vets were whining because Harper was closing some of the Veteran’s Affairs offices across Canada. After the program, I contacted a 94 year old Cdn army vet (Legionnaire) who made it clear to me that all of WWII claims (health injuries etc.) had been settled long ago. There were but a handful of claims to be dealt with, mostly from the Afghan war. That was the reason they closed some the offices.
    The next morning, instead of playing the recording on the program as they normally had in the past, the host of the program read my comments, eliminating the part about my conversation with the vet.
    Needless to write, it was my last CBC-Radio Canada interview, ever.

  21. Sexuality flag flying on Parliament Hill, another photo shoot for PM Selfie, what could be more important to Canadians than a week of pride and exhibiting your “wares”?

  22. Oh don’t worry about it Lance, I’m sure you’ll find a better hill to die on…

  23. The blessing and the curse of democracy; people get the government they deserve whether they voted for it or not. Just remember, enabling is not the same as helping, and most people cannot see any difference.
    It makes me wonder. Did the Jews in Germany vote for Hitler, believing it would get better?

  24. My husband, a disabled vet, hates all things liberal but those he works with in the civie sector love Justine-just love him. Not surprised he’d place zero value on the lower ranks, Turdeo is an autocrat trust fund baby after all.
