22 Replies to ““Dear Facebook, I Think It’s Time We Took a Break””

  1. For a smart guy I’m surprised you were ever there. I’ve watched my kids waste days on the BS there and always harped on them that if someone’s’ business model is giving away their product for free and they become a billionaire by doing it that way, more is going on than you know…they ain’t just sellin’ ads!!

  2. i left facebook 2 years ago. deleted as much of my shit as i could and i have never looked back.

  3. Never had a facebook/twitter/instagram etc. Never had and never will. I am quietly hoping that the age of exhibitionism will end. Maybe there is a positive side to the growth of police state after all?

  4. I, on the other hand, use Facebook and Twitter daily. I keep in touch with lots of friends and an eye on my grandkids.
    So sure, go hide in a cave thinking no one will know anything about you. while you are at it, turn off the tv, don’t use credit cards or email people.

  5. One of the things that piss me off with Facebook is the number of sites that require you to sign in using your Facebook accojnt in order to comment on a piece. I don’t have a Facebook account and don’t expect I ever will. Same with all the other time-wasters.

  6. If you own a business and you are not on Facebook or Twitter well then you are missing big big $ and opportunities and the world has already passed your business by.
    But Captain Obvious knows better of course.

  7. I love Facebook. Mark Zuckerberg agreed with Angela Merkel to delete posts and accounts that complained about the poor Muslim refugees. I think some are even going to be fined and jailed.
    Zuckerberg is progressive as we must stop all H8 against our Muslim friends!

  8. One of the things that piss me off with Facebook is the number of sites that require you to sign in using your Facebook accojnt in order to comment on a piece.
    That’s the only reason I have a Farcebook acct, under the same pseudonym I use for comments. I don’t use it to collect ‘friends’ that’s what wastes time.

  9. “So sure, go hide in a cave thinking no one will know anything about you.”
    Yes of course because there are only two possibilities all or nothing.
    “while you are at it, turn off the tv, ”
    People still watch tv?

  10. Peter, I use it really as a “press release” platform for posts or podcasts, same thing with Twitter. But then you get bogged down in people posting articles, sending pics, etc. etc. Soon about only 10% of my time was really being used profitably. So I’m solely using it for that purpose and nothing else.

  11. shucks metis girl, looks like it’s a trade off between obscurity catering to a loyal but limited client base, and getting your business hacked and plundered as seems to happen on a huge scale somewhere about once or twice a year.

  12. Well the fact of it is you folks don’t get the real menace the social media poses. It hasn’t been even closely weaponized by the SJWs and the progs. But it’s coming.

  13. Anyone with a Facebook account is an enemy of freedom; it is as simple as that. It doesn’t matter if you prevaricate “I only use it to find people I never post anything”; you are an enemy of freedom. Being on Facebook is like agreeing to vote for Hillary if only she were the GOP candidate.

  14. I am laughing at you guys! Claiming that using social media is akin to treason reminds me of the greenies who fly to conferences telling the rest of us not to use fossil fuel!
    Like others have said, go live in a mud hut with the greenie weenies and don’t use any modern conveniences.
    “OMG, I looked at a Facebook page, all freedom is lost and the end of the world has arrived.” Gimme a break. I bet your 10^6 great grand parents thought the Gutenburg press was heretical too!

  15. Still having the temper tantrum you got when you learned that race and culture correlate?

  16. I have my own business. I have never been on Facebook or Twitter. Let the world of modern fools pass me by, I have all the business I want and I turn away more would be customers than I accept.

  17. I would have to agree that if I had a business I would most definitely have a business facebook page. Only because I would voluntarily be participating in the advertising scheme that is Facebook. But as far as having a personal Facebook page, there is no greater waste of human potential energy. When you are running a business, you have to know your audience and cater to their every whim and if your customers are spending 8 hours a day on Facebook, then that’s where I would go to get in front of their eyeballs. But I deleted my personal Facebook page a few years ago now and I am a lot happier. And it speaks volumes that when I downloaded my facebook information into my computer into one big file/directory, I skimmed through it one time and I haven’t looked at it since. Facebook to me is beyond a waste of time. The entire idea of having a politically correct group of leftists banning people for using politically incorrect words and phrases is downright dangerous… especially when you consider the power Facebook still has over a large majority of the population.

  18. Your comments are universally stupid, Female Member of an Achronistic Culture. But yes, you do seem like you would fit into the politically correct groupthink kindergarten class of ideas that is Facebook.
