Here, Tell These People Something They Don’t Know About Me

This is a war over how dialogue in America will be shaped. If Hillary wins, we’re going to see a further tightening of PC culture. But if Trump wins? If Trump wins, we will have a president that overwhelmingly rejects PC rhetoric. Even better, we will show that more than half the country rejects this insane PC regime.”

18 Replies to “Here, Tell These People Something They Don’t Know About Me”

  1. If Donald Trump is elected. It will be a victory for the 1st Amendment of the U.S. Bill of Rights.
    Political correctness is cultural Marxism, a totalitarian restriction on free speech, free thought and the handing down of American and Western Civilizations values and heritage.
    The U.S. of A. is the fortress of liberty, and where the grapes of wrath are stored.

  2. If Trump is elected Canadian Conservatives need to take note. Political correctness is not the path to the winner’s circle. Political correctness is all about control, controlling the message, the truth dare not be spoken. Most people are fed up with it. It’s rampant in Wynne’s agenda driven Ontario. It’s got nothing to do with insulting people or putting people down, it’s just telling it like it is, the bare facts that lead to actions that make life better and safer for everyone.
    It’s time to wake up and fight the demon called political correctness.

  3. “That’s a 218% increase in Democratic voter registrations compared with the same period in 2012, a strongly encouraging sign …”
    It’s probably a sign that dead people are registering, too.

  4. Sorry for linking to a paid news site.
    That one paragraph tells it all..
    Data from mid-May shows there were nearly 1.5 million newly registered Democratic voters.
    California with more democrat voters — imagine that ?
    turns my stomach..

    It reminds me of that spider that set down beside her and asked-
    “Whats in your breakfast bowl- Bitch.”

  5. The demac-RATS totaly reject the U.S. Constitution and what it means why else do many of them support gun confiscation and disarming the public to benifit the crinimals that vote for the demac-RATS

  6. I am thrilled that Trump won the Republican nomination. I hope I’m not being a wet blanket here, but the demographics are working against Trump — he’ll need something like 65% of the white vote in order to win the election.
    The Conservative (Cuckservative) Party of Canada completely acquiesced and surrendered on the issue of gay marriage. What is conservative about the conservative party now? That they are pro-business and for tax breaks for the rich? The business elites are some of the worst social liberals. Do an internet search on the Koch Brothers and how they view social issues — they are extremely pro-choice and pro-gay marriage and they view the grassroots Republicans and their pet issues (like immigration) with contempt.
    Trump is an excellent symbol of how strength begets strength — look at how he is moving the Overton window on the issue of immigration towards himself. Conservatives surrender on social issues because the majority supposedly now supports abortion and gay marriage–but the mushy middle can be easily swayed.
    But to offer a counter to my first point, for all of his supposed xenophobia, Trump is polling at about the same level right now among minorities that Romney was doing in 2012. A push for getting the working class white vote on his part will probably lift him in regards to getting the working class vote of other groups anyway.

  7. If almost half the US population accepts PC (political correctness) now, that means we are half baked. The cultural Marxists in “our” institutions have almost finished their jobs and the anti-cultural Marxists haven’t even left the station.
    Trump is just the finger in the hole in the dike.
    Grumpy this morning. My glass is half empty.

  8. Would suggest that the political correct speech is here for some time. The newspeak is so entrenched in communications that unless there is a mass rebellion in the media, it will not even die slow death.
    It’s how the ruling class keeps the plebeians in line.
    The ruling class has “journalists”. The “journalists” have the “experts”. The “experts” have the “journalists”.
    They refer to each other in circles without ever actually dealing with the truth.
    Every morning you hear on radio, television and read in the morning paper that they, the “journalists” were told by “experts”.
    Later the “experts” will quote “journalists” on the same subject as though that is the seal on the matter.
    Mutual admiration society in the hierarchy of the socialist aristocracy.

  9. Next time you hear anybody say “for the good of the party”, reflect on what the party has done for anything other than winning the next election. My middle finger is extended to any and all who value the party.

  10. Without free speech we live in tyranny. I’m not sure whether his opposition to PC group-think is principled or narcissism. Either way, it’s a thing of beauty to stand up to the progressive tyrants who dominate the culture. There should be a revolution against it that goes beyond the blogosphere.

  11. PC discourages individual thought….The social engineering KEY control for Group think… Don’t look now, but Canada has never been a bastion of individualism…The transition from a Monarchy (Top Down) to Marxism was easy…..Huddle in safe spaces & wait for approval…
    Canadian CBC has been the gatekeeper of PC bullshit… Canadians don’t say what they think, that is problematic in that it can be confused with been dim or handicapped….smiling while eating shit…
    The USA is NOT Canada…Individual Rights are paramount and only Hard core Marxist’s would
    think otherwise…..Trump has 100% of real Americans on his side of the PC rants….
    The Media is finding it hard to sand bag Trump… The Social Engineering norms (you can’t call out a individual journalist) are getting reamed….2016 will be career changing for cheap shot artists…

  12. Speech codes enforced by liberal brown shirts sending all violaters to concentration camps/gulags

  13. I agree, ditto here. And as Hitfan said at 9:58, “What is conservative about the conservative party now? That they are pro-business and for tax breaks for the rich?”. Liberal Lite with a tighter fiscal stance.
    Lev, this kind of reminds one of the old country.
    Canada has slide down too far into the Marxist rathole, and no Trump will come along to help us.
    We are becoming a nation of Whisperers.

  14. Canada has slide down too far into the Marxist rathole, and no Trump will come along to help us.
    And even if one did come along, how would we go about getting him or her elected in our political system? And if we could get such a leader elected, as part of a “Responsible Government” how would he or she make a difference anyway?

  15. Nope, Trump won’t win. Never under estimate the power of stupidity. Especially voting power of the same low IQ’s.
    Clinton will pull a magic rabbit out with false FUD regarding Trump. People will stampede to vote for her to preserve ‘the american way’.
