35 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. Take any estimate that the Clown Prince makes, multiply by 10, and one might come close:
    Should we be surprised that he underestimated the time it took to process all those refugees and that his projected budget deficit was far too low?

  2. Should the gay pride flag have been raised over parliament hill today?? I don’t think so. What would happen if the Freemasons, the Knights of Columbus, Ford Motor Company or General Electric asked to fly their logo over the hill?? My guess is that within a minute, the flag would be removed on the premise that it represents a special interest group, and not the nation! Or any nation for that matter!!

  3. We all remember Bev Oda’s $16.00 expenditure on a glass of orange juice. And we never did find out if that was for the whole pitcher, or for an 8, 10 or 12 oz glass! Why? Because the CBC never told us!
    So why hasn’t the CBC told us about the $850,000 renovations in the Minister of Infrastructure’s offices??

  4. And last but not least–Trudeau and Co. lied about the expenses for their trip to Washington, DC!! Once again, why has the CBC not reported on this??

  5. Going back to Waterloo, one of the best books ever written about this battle is “An Infamous Army” by the renowned novelist Georgette Heyer. Published in 1937, it combines the Regency romance for which Miss Heyer was famous with an account of the battle so lucid that it was used for many years at Sandhurst as a the definitive description of the battle.

  6. Emissions detected from space reveal big polluters
    [CBC]June 1, 2016
    Polluters can no longer hide their emissions of sulphur dioxide by failing to report them. Canadian researchers have found a way to detect that kind of pollution using satellites.
    The densest cluster of unreported emitters was in the Middle East. Further research identified where they were coming from — mostly oil and gas extraction facilities. Other previously unknown sources included oil and gas facilities and a power plant in Mexico, along with other industrial sources in Africa and Asia.
    Those [unreported] polluters may be responsible for six to 12 per cent of man-made emissions worldwide of sulphur dioxide, also known as SO2, reports the new study led by Chris McLinden, a research scientist at Environment and Climate Change Canada. The results were published this week in the journal Nature Geoscience.
    The study found that the dormant volcanoes were emitting almost 30 per cent of the sulphur dioxide in the atmosphere (with the rest being man-made)

  7. I noticed that while I was teaching at a certain post-secondary institution.
    Years earlier, I knew a kindergarten teacher who told me about the children she taught. She mentioned how they behaved if they didn’t have their nap or their snack.
    Many of my students conducted themselves in a similar manner. It was as if I had some of those aforementioned children in my courses and that they stayed the same throughout their adolescence and teenage years.
    And, yes, I was “encouraged” by administrators to handle their fragile, delicate egos with extreme care.

  8. Totally trolled amazon tonight… amazon.com…hehh heh …curad, gorrilla minni rolls , lolmany many trolled items lol . makes me laugh im such a jerk!!

  9. heyo CONservatives, if it is so darned awful whut the Lieberals do, hows about fielding a candidate that WILL engage in transparency and not yet another CONTROL FREAK?
    and stuff like that. you know, KEEP the election promises unlike Lieberals. *SHOW* the Cdn voters you are in fact a DIFFERENT BREED, not just the same old same old.

  10. Now that HARPER is vacating the Canadian Conservative Party leadership.
    I AM seeking a NEW leader.
    Step UP LOUIE and lead……….!
    and I AM
    Woodstock, Ontario, CANADA, and a fan of CLARENCE LOUIE!
    I AM ….. THAT I AM …
    GOD SAVE CANADA! from the
    “nice hair LIBERAL guy!

  11. It’s Obama not Nixon, so who cares?
    (CNN) – Part of a video of a State Department press briefing addressing secret talks between the U.S. and Iran was deliberately deleted before it was posted online, an investigation by the department’s legal adviser found Wednesday.
    “They learned that a specific request was made to excise that portion of the briefing. We do not know who made the request to edit the video or why it was made,” Kirby said.

  12. Doing those jobs Alberta unemployed Oilfield firefighters won’t do.
    “Canadian officials are bumping up the salaries of South African firefighters in Alberta because of concerns that the workers could be seen as “slave labour,” their South African manager says.”
    WARNING – Be very much aware that the Alberta NDP don’t want you looking at these people and thinking “SLAVE”.

  13. I disagree that Harper was a control freak as often claimed. A big part of the issue was that he was attacked on many fronts, by the leftists, media, and even the public service who were very sneaky about their hostility. I don’t think it is a stretch to say the Harper government was sabotaged. Harper had to forge ahead and stay focused, but consulted widely. If he chose to do something different from what the public service had always done or different from what the Opposition wanted, he was called a “control freak”. I say he was exercising his right to lead. Conservatism is not tolerated in this country. We prefer governance by the totalitarian elite. Currently, the royal Justin is at the helm. I am not seeing a lot of consultation.

  14. soixantchose >
    “hows about fielding a candidate that WILL engage in transparency and not yet another CONTROL FREAK?”
    Someone who physically grabs MP’s in parliament and elbows others in the chest perhaps?

  15. Not bad. Just a few quibbles. Weather was somewhat lousy that day. The whet crop on the field was four feet high (it was not fallow or pasture land as the film suggests), the field was much more crowded (can’t really do much with a limited number of re-enactors) and smoke made it almost impossible for soldiers to see each other until they were pretty much in their faces. Still, a pretty good film.

  16. Yes, it will happen in Canada. Justin and Obama take their orders from the globalists and it is the globalists pushing this crap. Teaching kindergarteners about this stuff, however, is truly pathetic. And you are exactly right, Wynne has already impelmented that in Ontario. Why aren’t teachers objecting, I wonder.

  17. Socialism: the religion of the stomach.
    “‘We want food!’, Venezuelans cry at protest near presidency”
    “The protest spilled out of long lines at shops in the area, witnesses said, after some people tried to hijack a food truck.
    “I’ve been here since eight in the morning. There’s no more food in the shops and supermarkets,” one woman told pro-opposition broadcaster Vivoplay.
    “We’re hungry and tired.””
    “Gustave Le Bon. “Theories of Socialism” Chapter 3 in Book 1 of The Psychology of Socialism. … Socialism is in effect nothing but the religion of the stomach.”

  18. the Harper government was sabotaged by an effective “HateHarper” propaganda campaign on social media fostered by the Lieberal leadership to bring young Lieberal new-voters into play. The CPC either didn’t see it or had no strategy to counter it.

  19. Well I guess you all watched the Battle of Waterloo without comment.
    If you did can you tell me who won and what was the number of soldiers
    that died for some unreasonable motive. Winning answer gets a free trip
    to SDA Corporate office if they can find it. Good Luck.

  20. I think I know why teachers haven’t opposed the teaching of that stuff, let alone so early.
    When I was teaching at a certain post-secondary institution, I encountered all sorts of weird theories and policies.
    I thought that just about all of them were nonsense, as not only were they wrong, they were based on some very flaky ideas, plus they served neither the students or society very well. (The “student as customer” doctrine was one of them.)
    While many of my colleagues agreed with me, I could count off on one hand those who, like me, opposed those policies. Many simply had a “go with the flow” attitude. In other words, don’t fight it as there’s nothing one can do about it. (Sound familiar?)
    A lot went along because it allowed them to advance through the institution’s pecking order. Yeah, I know–collaborators are everywhere.
    Some were die-hard converts and actually believed that nonsense. No evidence was going to shift them.
    Others felt that if they spoke out, they’d be fired and, yes, the administration took a dim view to open dissent.
    Anybody who stood against whatever idiocy we were handed or were expected to follow often found that they didn’t have many friends.
