41 Replies to “Tootoo Out”

  1. Until he was out, I didn’t know he was in as Fisheries Minister. Could be he’s a decent guy, for a Liberal. But Turdeau’s cabinet is so full of lightweights, it’s an embarrassment of witless.

  2. Well I guess Trudeau can finally claim with honesty that his cabinet is made up equally of men and women, and it only took 209 days and the resignation of his Fisheries Minister who requires addiction treatment.

  3. And a shrieking witless CBC “comedienne” will show up in Tootoo’s driveway in 3….2….1 – oh, wait……..

  4. “And a shrieking witless CBC “comedienne” will show up in Tootoo’s driveway in 3….2….1 – oh, wait……..”
    Because he actually did the right thing and stepped down to deal with his problem. He didn’t spend YEARS making a spectacle of himself and denying there was an issue. Of course… part of Rob Ford’s problem was that his outrageous behaviour was enabled by the conservative base, but that’s another issue.

  5. We have a right to know, just like it was with Rob Ford, particularly if there is an illegal aspect to it. If one of our senior federal lawmakers was involved in criminal activity we have the right to know.

  6. So what’s his poison? If it was booze there would have been a Seamus O’Regan grovel or a Johnny Walker McCallum apology. Is it coke like Rob Ford? A Liberal must need an addiction to tolerate all the lying and stealing they partake in.

  7. *
    So, Seamus O’Reagan can be dried out and rehabilitated… but Hunter Tootoo can’t? Are we calling that “luck of the Irish?”
    What are Justin Trudeau and the Liberal Party not telling us? CTV gives us a whiff…
    “Sources told CTV News there was an incident at the Liberal convention in Winnipeg this past weekend, which was serious enough that Tootoo is also leaving the party’s caucus.”
    I blame that “secretive & controlling” Stephen Harper.

  8. Something egregious must have taken place.
    Something even the Libranos couldn’t tolerate. The convention ended Sunday. Negotiations took place and buddy took the high jump. It was serious enough that he was forced to removed himself from caucus as well.
    If you look at his back he will have a LPC size 12 boot mark right in the center.
    Whatever took place must have been beyond rehabilitation.

  9. get 22 Minutes on this….
    oh wait they already did Scott Anderson….

  10. I’ve never met the man and have no idea what is his addiction. Maybe he is addicted to telling the truth. That is certainly serious enough to get him kicked out of cabinet and caucus.

  11. Well said and so true.
    That reminds me, has anyone uncovered Harper’s secret agenda?

  12. When will everyone’s favourite lush John McCallum leave cabinet and caucus for his addiction issues?

  13. Wait a minute.
    You and I cannot fire a crack addicted cretin who is caught with their hand in the till.
    Because of rules these kleptocrats have imposed.
    So how can they do this to Tootoo?
    They insist that addiction is a sickness and that we employers must stand the cost of sending such ill persons to rehab.
    Yet when it is their employee..?
    Oh right rules are for the little people.
    Kleptocracy Rules.

  14. I don’t see anything to celebrate here.
    He is a cousin of Jordin Tootoo,whose brother committed suicide a few years ago, just as he was on the brink of making it as a regular player in the NHL.
    Jordin also had trouble with alcohol,and spent some time in a rehab program,as so many Inuit and Natives do, the goddamn stuff is poison to them.
    I wish the Minister well in his battle to overcome his addiction.
    And let’s NOT be like the Left,who pounded on Rob Ford for years. THAT has nothing to do with Mr.Tootoo.
    We are ,allegedly, better than that.

  15. maybe the police will now follow Tootoo with helicopters and go through his garbage … oh wait, they only do that to conservative mayors in Toronto when they can’t stop them at the polls …

  16. The “game” cannot only be played by one side.
    Hold the bastards to account, use their tools against them. Hit back twice as hard.
    We should know why tootoo quit not only as a minister but from the liberal caucus too. That was unusual.

  17. *
    “don morris says… THAT has nothing to do with Mr.Tootoo.”
    this obviously is about more than a problem with alcohol or dope. mr tootoo went tootoo far over some unspoken line (speculation being of an unwanted sexual nature) and that got his a$$ kicked out of caucus.
    witness seamus o’reagan & john mccallum, who were both welcomed back into librano arms after confessing to a fondness for the devil’s milk.
    justin really isn’t doing tootoo a favour by trying to sweep this under the rug, but i suspect he feels he just has to try protect his feminist creds by prtending nothing happened here.

  18. Maybe he blurted out, “just let it warm up FFS” at a cabinet meeting.

  19. Again, what is so sad about this is that when you guys see somebody act accountably for their failings, you still demand blood. But when Rob Ford doubled down again and again and again, with each incident more extreme and crazier than the last, you continued to move the goal post. It didn’t matter what he did, there was no responsibility taken. Which is why conservatism is in such a sorry state these days. Its integrity levels are approaching zero.
    I have no doubt that Tootoo’s decision to step down came after some terrible little incident that made it clear he has a problem. And if he is being charged with anything, we have a right to know as tax payers. But beyond that, the man has resigned, so I would say that’s where our right to know ends. If, however, he had kept his job, and was caught threatening people at hockey games, or smoking crack, or twitching around like a maniac while spouting insane, coke-fueled ramblings, then yes. I would say we as taxpayers and voters have a right to be angry.

  20. Part of the apology is actually facing up with what you did wrong. The guy has admitted to nothing. I am an addict too – involves chocolate chip cookies. Do you suppose he’s addicted to chocolate chip cookies or some criminal code offence. Apparently we are supposed to forgive something that embarrasses the Liberal Party but we aren’t grown up enough to be trusted with the truth.

  21. TOOTOO: Never heard of the guy before today, but now his name is entered in my memory dictionary right between Desmond and Jacob.

  22. *
    “john says… some terrible little incident”
    you mean like a sexual assault? is that how you’d feel if it involved your daughter?

  23. Shouldn’t speculation as to why TooToo was PooPooed by the Libranos no matter the real reasons be labelled “racist”? When will the Liberal Party Media demand an end to this story, just like they demanded an end to the story of Trustupid assaulting opposition members including a woman (bitch had it coming) Why doesn’t the Media just say that whatever TooToo did or didn’t do was an “accident” or “inadvertent” like screaming “get the f##k outta my way” and assaulting people, all “accidental”. The Media should immediately demand an end to talking about this story and declare that anyone wanting to know the real reasons TooToo was PooPooed are “racist”. No Duffy treatment here, no $16 orange juice, move along or we’ll call you a name.

  24. Hey Johnboy, let’s face it.
    When it comes to the LIEbrals, there’s one rule for the whitey’s and another rule for the Indians and natives.
    They brought back that drunk mcCallum, and their boytoy Seamus, but hey, Tootoo? Who dat? He will be disappeared forever from LIEbral history. Bank on it.
    Next up for fisheries minister? Maybe another useless POS from the Maritimes, heaven forbid a BC member ever became a LIEbral fisheries minister

  25. Can’t help but wonder if TooToo didn’t get hammered and tell Turdipshit off to his face at the convention on the weekend…Justy looked awful pissed at the 16 second media release…

  26. I feel very bad for this man and his family. Addiction is not pleasant. But again, was he ready for his position? Or was he a name and a “background” on a morality checklist for our young PM?

  27. and of course, now, the Mop & Wail is running interference for Dear Leaduh Dwama Teacher, claiming that Turdopey has said, there was no single incident that prompted Tootoo’s resignation.
    Um, yeah, right, sure. I’m sure that Neil McDonald will get right on that one.

  28. John knows Tootoo “didn’t spend years” because the media didn’t tell him Tootoo did.

  29. Once again the stunning hypocracy of our media party.
    Imagine the headlines, slander and endless speculation, if this was a conservative.
    If this had been a member of Steven Harper’s cabinet,resigning under identical circumstances, does anyone think our presstitutes would have reported this way?
    This ain’t a private individual,this is a full blown and fully funded elected right honourable parasite.
    Sure got to love Libtards idea of open and honest accountable government.
    So how long has Tootoo had this mystery problem?
    Is it contagous?
    How did it escape the Prime Ministers vetting process when choosing the cabinet?
    The double standard is amazing.
    Course if the media reported all the incompetence of our current government,they would never get time off.
    CBC needs renamed,Canada Pravda would go whoosh ,right by the likes of John.
    Liberal Truth…says it all.
    Being as how they are not liberals and never tell the truth,the statist parasite party headed by Butts and Co needs full time propagandists to carry their water and protect the message.

  30. Junior looked so ticked that it wouldn’t surprise me if it involved “grabbing” and his wife!
    OTOH, Tootoo may have made a perfectly factual comment about Junior’s competence or intellegence (or lack thereof).

  31. We used to be a civilized western nation and now we have ministers named Tootoo…
