Bill’s Wife

Oh, that’ll leave a mark.

It’s zombie time at campaign Hillary. Behold the dead men walking! It was with strangely slow, narcotized numbness that the candidate and her phalanx of minions and mouthpieces responded to last week’s punishing report by the State Department’s Inspector General about her email security lapses. Do they truly believe, in the rosy alternate universe of Hillaryland, that they can lie their way out of this?

12 Replies to “Bill’s Wife”

  1. “Do they truly believe, in the rosy alternate universe of Hillaryland, that they can lie their way out of this?”
    Absolutely. It’s worked great up to now.

  2. Paglia has even LESS regard for the mainstream media, than she does for “dead-broke” Hillary Rodham Clinton. I love it when the leftists turn on each other.

  3. not all lefties are as we try to paint them in here. One of the best people that I’v debated “politics” with happens to be a lefty, thing his QI is a little higher than the ambient level in here. I only have to say something once, and he gets it. In here some things have been repeated for years, and some in here still don’t get it, butt that is the effect brain washing and ideological shading tend to have.

  4. All lefties approve of lying, stealing and killing. Study all socialist governments from Hitler’s Germany, Castro’s Cuba, Stalin’s Russia and any other socialist government, even Canada’s Liberal’s. Does doctor assisted suicide come to mind?.

  5. You’re right about that. Even better is this bit from Camille:
    “…unless the Democrats get their house in order and nominate a figure of honor and integrity.”
    Right now, it’s not clear the Dems have any such, which is why there’s so much support for Bernie and such lackluster for a second Clinton administration.

  6. A lot of 9-11 troofers think others are pretty dense by comparison. Not sure that your example bolsters your claim…

  7. A lot of 9-11 troofers think others are pretty dense by comparison. Not sure that your example bolsters your claim…

  8. Paglia is lost in a drug induced fantasy..No! her kind do not care if Hillary is a crook, or if Bernie would destroy any chance of the American Dream (ability to better oneself). She,
    Paglia belongs to a group that has lost any relationship to rational reality….
    She needs to take a dump to get her head out of her butt….What part of America does she pretend to support….Democrats are like a case of diarrhea.. grime tolerance & rejoice when they are gone….
    Joe & the Pocahontas are like switching deck chairs on the Titanic…..It is like the social engineering modeling (demographic matching) gamble of the Republicans…. McCain & Mitt
    The same holds true if Trump picks Newt as VP…Newt is past his due date. Re-cycling a immature little man is not wise

  9. apparently, based on the last two elections in the US zombies do vote. Hillary should do quite well.

  10. Hey, according to her latest spin, vote for the crook, at least she’s not a security threat like Trump is!
    What a winna!

  11. I’m loathe to agree with someone who does not support Hillary while she DOES support Bernie. Braindead is as Braindead does.

  12. from here it looks like the Justice honchos are playing a wait-and-see game. no one wants to be the one to drop the hammer in case Hellary winds up in the oval office and they become the first to bear her wrath.
    assassinations and secret ops are going to escalate all over the place with this first c**t-in-chief. she is going to be deadly, very, very vindictive. all the worst of the PMS frame of mind. without the PMS.
