26 Replies to “How Deep, Senor Maduro?”

  1. A translation of a report done by folks at the demonstration is here:
    The original with photos / video coverage of the event is here:
    The current actual exchange rate for the Bolivar is here:
    … this has fallen some from a couple of weeks ago when it hit +1100:1 Bolivars to USA dollars. There has been some chatter that the reason the Bs has “gained” a few points on the US dollar is that there really isn’t anything to buy, even at the rate of +1100:1 … and so the real exchange rate has fallen, due to no real commerce being conducted. The demand is there, but with import controls being what they are in Venezuela, what’s the point of buying foreign dollars?
    slowly, slowly unravelling, then “all of the sudden…!”

  2. The beatings will continue until morale improves.
    “Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard.” ~ H. L. Mencken

  3. A nice definite prediction. Conditions are desperate for a politician to say such a thing.

  4. I have to feel sorry for the people that do not support the Chavez/Maduro government style. That’s just not a good situation for anyone. I’m not usually sympathetic but there are obviously children involved – and hungry – as well.
    Socialism sucks. It’s wrong. It has always failed and it always will. I just wish this story was more front and center in all media communications.
    I hate it when stupid people – and powerful people who are not affected – support this kind of nonsense.
    Am I an idiot or does it just not make any sense? I don’t believe I’m an idiot but in no way, shape or form can I understand why anyone would support a government that does this to its people.
    BTW, I’m from Ontario and we’re headed in this direction but it will take many more years to get to this stage. It’s disgusting and stupid but apparently no one understands the logical consequences. Pisses me off to no end.

  5. “Things will improve in the next week or to so just go home and wait”, to paraphrase the government.
    I suppose this is the same story the people have been told for the last 17 years. I wonder how long it will take for these kinds of occurances to start happening in our own Socialist heaven of Ontario. We’ve certainly been told that in Socialist England seniors have had to decide whether to heat their homes or eat during the winter. A style of life that may be coming to a province near you , look forward to it.

  6. “We want food”, they ask. Perhaps you aren’t aware of their government’s latest policy – you don’t get food.

  7. But that same LEAP Manifesto will never touch those who drew it up or inflicted it upon the rest of the population.

  8. “I’ve been here since eight in the morning. There’s no more food in the shops and supermarkets,” one woman told pro-opposition broadcaster Vivoplay.
    Doesn’t she know it could be far worse than that? she could be living under a capitalist system!!! God forbid!!!

  9. Hey,they Guarantee things will get better,so what’s the ,ahem, beef?
    “Maduro blames the fall in global oil prices and an “economic war” by his foes, whom he also accuses of seeking a coup.”
    Yep,I just KNEW it was somebody else’s fault!
    May I respectfully suggest to the good socialist citizens of Venezuela,in a Dickensian sort of way, if you people are starving, eat your children.
    Can SOMEBODY please ship these poor bastards a couple of freighter loads of AK-47’s? I’d suggest M-16’s but they’re way more expensive.

  10. Danielle Smith interviewed Donald Kingsbury Professor and Lecturer in Political Science and Latin American Studies at the University of Toronto.
    About 22 minutes.
    She asked good questions.
    There is sort of a preamble of two guys that just arrived in Caracas and are talking about what they see.
    The professor guy blamed the melt down of socialism on some kind of strange socialism, blamed on some nonsense democracy, blamed it on the opposition. Opposition being emboldened by possible election of Clinton (Clinton being a hawk, heh), Brazilian constitutional coup, election of right wing government of Argentina and so on.
    You can guess what side the professor favours in spite of the obvious.
    As you can hear socialists and Maduro are not the problem, everybody else is.

  11. Madura is accusing the opposition of inciting the protests. So apparently he thinks poor Venezuelans need to be told they’re starving. Shortages of milk and flour? Does it get more desperate than that?

  12. That’s socialism for you.
    When does Maduro beg Trudeau for asylum?
    When will Canadians buckle under such a system and then start eating their fat, little snowflakes?

  13. People want to believe the politicians when they promise a utopia of a free lunch and that they will take care of you from cradle to grave. For some reason the big lie keeps working, over and over again. Eventually the free lunch turns to a nightmare for them, but their neighbours in the next country are now falling for the same promise of a free lunch.

  14. Great post Brian M. These are the kind of things thinking people know in their hearts, stupid people or followers, aka Justy, getting into positions of power are the problem.

  15. would Canadians be as passive in such circumstances? I guess they would just beg, more please sir, more. the government of venezuela needs to be removed by force if necessary, only stupid people live as slaves to their fellow citizens. oops, I forgot this is Canada.

  16. Ontario will never get to the same stage as Venezuela,having nine other Provinces to leech off of when they need help.
    We are seeing the result of forty years of dumbing down and propagandizing in our education system, people who will acquiesce to anything as long as enough of them are still secure. The reason ALL governments grow the civil service is because they know that creating a secure middle class of government dependent employees guarantees their survival.
    In Canada,we will NEVER see a civil war, too many fat cats in civil service ranks across the Country. And,in order to have a rebellion, you have to have a Leader,and the only real Leaders Canada produces are on hockey teams.
    The NWO folks, among whose ranks are many of our illustrious leaders in both business and politics,are determined to return us to the days of feudalism,with THEM as members of the exalted. They are succeeding magnificently.
    We are descending into what futurists predicted in the ’30’s and 40’s, with no method of halting it, only possibly to delay the inevitable for a few years.
    Just be glad you won’t have to live through it, unless,of course, you are employed by the government,then you’ll do just fine.

  17. Brian
    Dontcha know it will be different this time?
    (Oh yeah, tongue/planted/cheek)

  18. Maybe you haven’t read, but the bureaucrats in Venezuela’s government don’t have any work now either and are in the Food lines at the state run stores. Collapse, means the Government of Venezuela is collapsing.
    The smart people are going out into the jungle and hunting. I’ll boil my water over a pile of worthless Bolivar’s and go shopping for groceries in the jungle rather than idle at an empty store.

  19. Don (and others) – thanks for the reply. I can assure you that I am, and always have been a private sector worker. 37 years on June 25th actually.
