20 Replies to “Ryan endorses Trump”

  1. It’s about time…Now who is going to break who is the real question…
    On the climate change hoax, Trump is on record for saying that AGW is a sham.
    If Trump suddenly become a “believer” of the fraud religion of extortion then, in my opinion, it’s truly over. Trump will be part of the UN Globalists.

  2. Who was Paulie Ryan going to endorse, Hitlery? Bernie the Commie?
    CNN is also busy promoting “Republicans voting for Hitlery”
    Just as authentic as the LIEberal Muzzie at the CPC convention, I’m sure…..

  3. And the call to join the Trump cabinet will also be a day late and a dollar short.

  4. Like it or not it’s President Donald Trump. Like it or not Political correctness will be replaced with the straight goods, no mealy mouthed, namby pamby BS to hide the facts in case it offends someone. People have the right to offend and be offended, to hear the facts/the truth on issues and situations that affect their lives and safety. When and if truth hurts it can be productive in sorting out the tough issues that affect the lives of the masses.

  5. *
    i can’t wait to see that mexican wall.
    i can’t wait to see the us postal service
    broken up and sold off to fedex or ups.
    i can’t wait to see hillary clinton on trial,
    or defense minister ted nugent.
    hey… what’s flat, black and glows in the
    that’d be tehran… about 60 minutes
    after the first time the bearded weirdies
    try to call trump a pussy like they kept
    doing to hussein obliviama.
    may you live in interesting times.

  6. I would love to think it would be that simple, but voting in President Trump would be just the opening salvo in a very long and difficult counter-revolution. The truth is that we have already seen a revolution and we lost it. I’m all for the counter-revolution, have said just that for many years. But I am not under any illusions about how difficult it will be (and we’re talking about events that might happen south of the border, where’s our counter-revolution going to start? Tax cuts? There is a lot more to this than smaller government although that’s a great foundation.)

  7. The counter revolution may not be as hard or protracted as you think.
    Once Trump is in place and has replaced the PC mob currently surrounding The One, those that only paid lip service to PC to keep their jobs will change their colors.
    It will start slowly, but become a tsunami quite quickly.
    There are going to be a lot of people with hurt feelings.

  8. The closer Trump gets to Ryan … the more I will be inclined to sit at home on election day. Ryan is the WORST RINO in the history of the Republican party. Ryan’s state constituency is made up of a giant number of head-covered refugees. His people … aren’t my people. Ryan will ALWAYS be an appeaser for HIS people. Ryan needs to get UNSEATED, and I could care less whether he endorses Trump or not. It frankly makes my skin crawl, thinking about what conniving deals he has cut … for his “support”. I am willing to BET that we will be seeing the fallout from his endorsement soon enough. Ryan is a weak, metro(if not homo)sexual, LOSER.
    Yes, I would rather see sHrillary RUIN our country, than watch Ryan do it in the name of a party that I used to belong.

  9. I agree, and yes we have lost the revolution in Canada. We had hopes for PM Harper, but he failed as there were too many progressives hiding among his cabinet. Canadians are done like the White Army was after the Trans-Dnieper Operation.
    Philip, would that you would be right, but Trump will have get past all the progressives among the Republican ranks in the Congress and Senate, not to mention also among the judiciary. Unless he pulls a Putin, even if he would get two terms, he will only be able to make a small beginning. That is assuming he actually is going to do what he says he will do.

  10. Welp there goes all the rhino fantasies about a brokered convention. Romney can finally stfu now and go on masturbating to klintoon photos from the 90s.

  11. Yawn. One man with one votes endorses a candidate.
    This, along with excited tones about polls, is about as boring as it gets.

  12. President Trump
    40% tariffs on imports
    Tear up NAFTA
    Approve Keystone as long a he gets “a better deal”
    Can’t wait

  13. yes ken, and these progressives wouldn’t happen to be katholiks, you know, like pope kommy. It’s the religious types that ruin conservatism.

  14. Keystone is not going anywhere. Justin will block it. The globalists do not want more oil coming out of the ground. Justin takes his orders from the globalists. I doubt there will be a repeat of the state dinner.

  15. The revolution was lost before Harper took office. It started with PET and continued under Mulroney who, in my opinion, was conservative in name only.

  16. Ryan is not part of the solution.
    Like his predecessor, Spineless Jellyfish,
    he is a big part of the problem.

  17. neo , I would like to see some of the things you mentioned, but, any change to the US postal Service will require a constitutional amendment. I think that is why they have been unable to even drop Saturday delivery.

  18. :Canadians are done like the White Army was after the Trans-Dnieper Operation. ”
    True Ken. And maybe like Bruce Jenner after his Trans-snippers operation….
