It may bore you

But this is a big deal in the shipping and mailing departments of companies Canada-wide.
It means that in the near future there will be alternatives to using Canada Posts internal crappy, bloated Java applications just to create mailing labels and bar-coding.

11 Replies to “It may bore you”

  1. That is a big deal for researchers too. I had several sites that I used to use regularly for geographic coding and postal information that are not longer available because of the lawsuit.
    Tried to use the Canada Post site this morning. It used to be easy to find information on it, now it is just frustrating trying to use it. And the damn thing uses Adobe Flash which is going the way of the dodo.

  2. Canada Post is a crown corporation, or so I thought. That means it belongs to all Canadians which means it’s Postal Codes are the property of all Canadians and should be available to everyone, period. Maybe, no strike that, it is time to rethink Canada Post!

  3. It’s high time government got their big snoopy nose out of everyone’s business.
    I am conservative and not libertarian but after watching what has happened to government programs turning to crap while the bureaucracies grow unabated and everything they touch becomes suspect and subject to corruption, as time goes on I am certainly leaning more and more toward the libertarian philosophy.
    Want to fix a bad program (like the building codes)? Let government run the program and watch them get worse and provide profit to the friends of government.
    Want to watch a good program (like the TFSAs and idea of income splitting) turn to crap in spite of what the public needs and wants? Let government do it all and watch the friends of government enhance their profits.

  4. I continue to be impressed by the graciousness of our overseers in allowing us the use of “email” when clearly it’s an infringement upon their root word, “mail”
    Clearly they rue the day they “allowed” email into Canada.

  5. Hope this returns Canada Post to sanity and a sense of public service. During tax season, had occasion to try to find a client’s new postal code (this is not uncommon; most kids who move these days will NOT know their new postal codes). Got a message that service denied because the company for which I was working had accessed the system too frequently. Figured out a work-around, but was really annoyed that this service was denied.

  6. I am so inspired and confident in the government run healthcare.
    Want to create a shortage, let government supply the item.
    This is why we make the federal government responsible for defence, government run wars are protracted inconclusive messes.
    If private individuals declared war, we would take out the leaders, not the poor patriotic morons.
    All the dizzy halfwits voted Liberal cause legalized dope.
    Government supplied dope.
    Ha ha hedge clipping quality at premium prices.
    Enriching their dealer buddies with taxpayer cash..

  7. Canada Post seems to only Work 3 days of the week….Items (Ebay) shipped are not moved/loaded/unloaded.. Thursday, Friday or Sat & Sunday..
    They have 4 day weekend, every week, without the usual Shift work…It is time to replace
    Canada Post with a better Service…..
    Back in the 80’s Don-Mills had 3 day weekends in the summer (Friday mail was delivered on the following Monday) That unofficial practice has morphed into 4 days
