40 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. Renewable energy is spreading in the Arctic.
    Colville Lake, high in a corner of the Northwest Territories, has successfully tested batteries and solar panels that should allow the community to run entirely on the sun’s energy during summer.
    In Nunavik, Que., a wind turbine installed at the Raglan Mine has offset the use of 3.3. million litres of diesel fuel in its first 18 months.
    The state of Alaska’s US$50-million a year renewable-energy fund has spent some $271 million since 2008 while tracking the annual offsets of diesel fuel use. It reports saving about 75 million litres of diesel fuel in 2015, up from 57 million litres in 2014.
    Renewable energy make more sense in the Arctic displacing expensive diesel fuel than it does in Ontario displacing cheap hydro and nuclear. It’s not the fault of the technology when stupid politicians use it improperly and ineffectively.

  2. I was already a big Trump fan, but this well and truly seals the deal for me. Female Trump supporter abused by savages, barbarians, call them what you wish:
    Talk about a culture clash.
    After seeing this I am now so pro Trump I simply cannot wait for November. Six months to go!!! Is it November yet?

  3. I investigated stand-alone renewable energy systems for my last two graduate degrees.
    One thing I determined was that they will have difficulty in competing economically with an existing power grid. By comparison, if a new transmission line has to be built or the system is to be in a remote location (with the load being close by), it’s possible that it would be the preferred choice.
    It’s all a matter of money.

  4. Colville Lake, in the middle of nowhere, population 200 or so, can run off solar and batteries? This is something noteworthy?
    And how much did taxpayers have to cough up for the wind energy installation at Raglan Mine?
    Speaking as a highly educated and experienced engineer, if I hear another person tell me renewable energy makes sense I might lose my mind.

  5. if I hear another person tell me renewable energy makes sense I might lose my mind.
    I’d grant your wish, but I’m clearly too late.
    Renewable energy makes good sense when the option is trucking or flying diesel fuel thousands of miles.
    The Harper government funded research to study the feasibility of integrating wind energy into an existing diesel-based electricity system in Nunavik.

  6. So the Harper government coughed up three quarters of a million in taxpayer money to study the feasibility of the project, and then how much more was the taxpayer on the hook for the installation?
    I am sure you can find a few obscure examples where so-called “renewable” (a crooked term) energy makes sense (conveniently ignoring taxpayer subsidies), but those examples are so unrepresentative of the real world that citing them is quite frankly pointless.
    It is a bit like saying Mach 3 transport sometimes makes sense, as if that tells us a damn thing about the real world of aviation.
    Please don’t try and legitimize an absolutely fraudulent industry by pointing to obscure examples where the fraud might possibly be justified.

  7. Re: renewable energy!! Just as long as you don’t mind heating with whale blubber and reading by candle light when the wind dies and the batteries give out!! Forget solar panels, it’s dark all winter! And if you’ve ever heard the exhaust roar of a 6-71 Detroit Diesel on a -40° C night, you’ll go with the gen set.

  8. Mao* Strong Report.
    H/T Liberal Justine*.
    “China’s foreign minister demanded meeting with Justin Trudeau” (G-M)
    “The new China Syndrome
    First come the questions … then comes the meltdown”
    “Wang’s performance on Wednesday also underlined again the fact that the current Beijing regime often expects foreign governments it favours with its patronage to treat their citizens as it does its own. Last year, Britain’s Prime Minister David Cameron and — amazingly — that prophet of spiritualism, Prince Charles, refused to meet the exiled Tibetan religious leader, the Dalai Lama, when he visited Britain. The shunning was at the insistence of Beijing — the price of a revived economic relationship.
    In Canada, Beijing has made it clear that a free trade deal depends on Ottawa pushing through an oil pipeline from Alberta to the British Columbia coast. And if that means Ottawa must override existing planning and environmental assessments, and thumb its nose at what Canadians themselves think about such a project, so be it. You want Beijing’s trade? Adopt Beijing’s values.”
    Liberal Justine*:
    “Trudeau admires China’s ‘basic dictatorship'”
    “”You know, there’s a level of of admiration I actually have for China because their basic dictatorship is allowing them to actually turn their economy around on a dime and say ‘we need to go green fastest . . . we need to start investing in solar.’ I mean there is a flexibility that I know Stephen Harper must dream about of having a dictatorship that he can do everything he wanted that I find quite interesting.”” (Sun)

  9. The ‘real’ Caledonia is the original jump blues written by Fleecie Moore. It was the first song described as ‘rock and roll’.
    Louis Jordan made it a hit.
    Fleecie was Louis Jordan’s wife. In order to avoid paying tax on the royalties Louis who actually wrote the tune credited Fleecie with writing it. Later when they divorced……now you know the rest of the story.

  10. ..saying he and Wang had “honest and frank conversations on human rights and consular affairs.
    Two commies discussing human rights. That must have been really productive!

  11. Frankly – who cares. Off grid options are entirely irrelevant to the debate over the competitiveness of renewables as an option for the 99.9999% of people who are attached to the grid.

  12. I find it telling that they talk about the volume of diesel fuel saved but not about how much money was saved.

  13. Sadly, Google isn’t a Trump supporter. If you go to YouTube, for example, and try to find footage like what is shown here, you’ll instead be fed thousands of clips with headlines like “Trump supporters show how racist they are”.
    I don’t know if it’s possible to beat a propaganda machine that dictates what people get to see on the Internet.

  14. Ah, Gatemouth Brown. Had the honor of meeting him and shaking his hand at the King Eddy many years ago. He was a fine fiddle player, too.

  15. *
    more sucka$$ political correctness…
    “I remember when Dalton McGuinty made the Toronto Police Force, er, sorry… Service…
    change the name of the Black Gangs & Guns Unit. I think it’s now called the
    Random Pieces of Lead Maid Service‘.”


  16. “I mean there is a flexibility that I know Stephen Harper must dream about of having a dictatorship that he can do everything he wanted that I find quite interesting.”
    The simple fact is that it is not dictatorship.. It’s called the Guts of conviction….
    Without the guts of conviction you have nothing….Bland and boring is a loser

  17. O’down narcissist.
    “Colorado Springs: USAF Thunderbird warplane crashes after flyover at Obama commencement speech at Air Force Academy” (newswatch)
    “U.S. hiring plunges to lowest in five years, raising doubts about imminent rate hike”
    “The goods producing sector, which includes mining and manufacturing, shed 36,000 jobs, the most since February 2010.”

  18. Try to grasp the fact that PV provides power in the summer when there is 24hr daylight, and the diesel fueled generators provide power in the winter. That shouldn’t be too difficult to understand. This reduces the amount of diesel fuel trucked in on the winter road or flown in, by as much as half.
    If you know anyone who uses a motorcycle in the summer and a snowmobile in the winter, then the concept of seasonal use of equipment should be within your ken.
    Got it now?

  19. “Einstein challenged Universe expanding up to 9% faster than we thought, say scientists” (grauniad)
    “‘There’s something terrifying about it’: rise of the river Seine”
    “Incredible, that’s all I can say,” muttered Catherine, a publishing editor, as she stared dumbfounded at the river water that had swallowed up the busy road running along the banks of the Seine near her Paris apartment.
    Roads and picturesque cobbled walkways in the French capital have disappeared, submerged by a vast expanse of brown river water carrying an unusual assortment of debris including logs, …”

  20. The northern reaches of North America are getting greener, according to a study that provides the most detailed look yet at plant life across Alaska and Canada. In a changing climate, almost a third of the land cover — much of it Arctic tundra — is looking more like landscapes found in warmer ecosystems.
    Rapidly increasing temperatures in the Arctic have led to longer growing seasons and changing soils for the plants. Scientists have observed grassy tundras changing to scrublands, and shrub growing bigger and denser. From 1984-2012, extensive greening has occurred in the tundra of Western Alaska, the northern coast of Canada, and the tundra of Quebec and Labrador.

  21. Iceland has farms now, but it’s not yet as warm as when the Vikings farmed in Greenland during the Medieval Warming.

  22. How do you deal with those who call you their enemy. Enable them of course.
    Give them the means and opportunity to harm you, to acquire nuclear weapons we don’t want them having. The only option is war? In fact, let’s make an illegal treaty with them, as they conduct war worldwide, to have “peace in our time.” It worked in the 30s; it can work now. WTG Neville Obama.
    “Iran has ruled out helping America to bring down ISIS after describing the US as its ‘main enemy’, branding Britain ‘evil’ and calling Israel ‘damned and cancerous.’ Ayatollah Khamenei said trusting the US would be a ‘big mistake’ & that cooperating with Washington ‘goes against independence’ of Iran.”
    Despite the nuclear deal, which went into effect this year, Iran has ‘many small and big enemies, but foremost among them are America, Britain and Israel, he said. After accusing the US of procrastinating over Tehran’s landmark nuclear deal, he ranted: ‘It’s the US, the evil Britain, and the damned and cancerous Zionist regime. These are the main enemies.’ ”
