21 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. Lance: Thanks for a great documentary. Not often that I watch the screen that long.
    I was quite surprised to see that you had posted this. I was watching the last ”Canada AM” on CTV this morning, and thinking how that could be the network’s ”Waterloo.” After 43 years years, it was rather sad. Can’t believe they took it off the air.
    This was the first edition!
    This is a report on the last.

  2. Fuq Mohammad ………Ali ……a draft dodging Muslim sack of crap. …….and an amazing fascinating riveting boxer of wich another will never be.

  3. Ali could have gone into the army and, as a champion and former Olympian, it was virtually guaranteed that he would have spent his time on international/domestic PR tours/appearances and never placed anywhere near the front lines in Viet Nam.
    That would have been far easier for him than what he did do.

  4. Many of the same people who admired Cassius Clay, admire Donald Trump for the same reason: spitting in teacher’s face.

  5. Hockey has always mattered. To Canadians more than any of those. RIP Champ.

  6. Thanks Lance. Watched the whole thing. Where the heck are the other 3 parts?
    Ali needs his own thread. He was the greatest, in part because he beat both Foreman and Fraser, both world class boxers in their prime. But Ali stayed in the ring too long.
    Documentary on Ali: “The Greatest”

  7. Joe Louis, Rocky Marciano. Babe Ruth, Lou Gehrig, Joe Dimaggio, Ted Williams, Ty Cobb. Man o War, Citation. If hockey really mattered, Canadians would be able to name a few hockey players from the first half of the 20th century. That most can’t could be because we have had too many Liberal governments. I think Harper understood this which is why he wrote a book on the early history of hockey.

  8. Cassius was just another Muslim thug, and I have no doubt that this anecdote will be forgotten by the MSM in their great, slobbering blow jobs to him this week.

  9. My esteem for Cassius Clay took a severe blow the day that he morphed into mohammed ali. A man who made a living beating people up suddenly became a pacifist when he adopted one of the most violent religions the world has ever known. Nothing in the ensuing years ever happened that would remove that stain as I occasional read of his bigotry and ill manners.

  10. The Republican Senate MUST dust off the Bill eliminating the US Ninth Circuit. The corrupt Judges of the Ninth Circuit are Anti-Republican stooges… Judge Gonzalo Curiel is the paid tool of Soros & Gore… The suit against Donald Trump during a presidential campaign, in a corrupt judicial circuit, goes beyond any legal definition of decency…..Trump can’t get justice from the US 9th Circuit….Actually nobody gets Justice
    Time for the US 9th Circuit to GO….The Congress MUST act now and move all judicial cases to a NEW circuit… free of the California corruption..
    Until the US Ninth Circuit is gone, the USA can’t hope to correct the repeated injustice.

  11. Additional Rant
    It was in 2008 during the Democrat primary that Hillary Clinton got an Injunction against Obama Campaigning in Las Vegas(from the 9th circuit). The Democrat Senate went crazy and threatened to eliminate the Court if they interfered politically. The Injunction was lifted..
    What is the matter with the F**king Republicans, do they want the 9th circuit to pick the
    the replacement for SCOTUS…Hammer them like Reid did in 2008
