66 Replies to “Trump will win.”

  1. the more the mexican invaders act this out the more votes for Trump. Keep it up amigos. You are spitting in your own faces.

  2. Hopefully the La Raza corncob worshippers start getting their kernels popped before it is over.

  3. The Soros driven left have been longing for a replay of the events of
    1968. I was reading accounts of leftists who were promising to riot
    at the Republican National Convention long before Trump even announced
    his candidacy. The first thing these friggin morons have to do is
    realize it was a losing strategy.
    The American public was fed up the riots, the sit-ins,the takeover of
    college administration buildings and the violence against police
    long before the Democrat convention. At the height of the so-called
    “Peace” movement, the American public was still supporting the war
    at 60%. These delusional little bastards then spent the next 40+
    years telling themselves they made a difference, they ended a war.
    Every act of violence will drive more voters to Trump, just as the
    electorate did for Nixon in 1968. The only question left is just
    how big the landslide will be. The electorate finally got their
    heads out of their asses and rejected the 16 mostly GOP establishment
    types in the primaries. This is not just about punishing Obiteme
    or Hillary, they are targeting the squishy RINO’s as well! John
    McStain may not survive his primary challenge. This is going to
    be a bad year for both, and may even represent a 3rd electoral
    tsunami for the Donks in the last 4 election cycles.
    This campaign has done something else; It has unmasked all of the
    establishment types posing as mainstream conservatives. The movement
    that was spawned after GHW Bush’s no new tax pledge and eventually
    grew into a rabidly anti-W movement is rapidly proving itself to
    be in the hip pocket of the establishment. So,we can finally
    cancel our subscriptions to the National Review, and stop supporting
    the likes of Glenn Beck, George Will, William Krystol, and that
    vile scrunt Michelle Malkin.
    When someone tells you he would rather vote for the Democrat than Trump,
    that was the same line of crap that gave us Blow Job Billy and the Kenyan
    communist. Imagine, we would have had a pinko free White House from 1980
    to present had these idiots either not voted for Perot, or sat out the
    ensuing elections. After all of this time, these morons were in bed
    with the country club RINO’s.
    I am predicting that Trump takes New York, possibly New Jersey and even
    my home state of Mexifornia. The Trump campaign is now a runaway train.
    I do not think anything can stop it from here on out.

  4. While the anti-Trump supporters are behaving badly and will no doubt drive many into the Donald camp, the girl who was pelted with eggs purposely left her pro-Trump group and went over to confront and taunt the demonstrators. Not the smartest post in the fence. What is equally amusing are the men trying to get this on their smart phones and not offering any help.

  5. Before that happened she was taunted- she was replying to those taunts and rude acts. The real problem was the cops just standing around.

  6. The more these uncivilized brutes behave like this the more the american public will turn aganist them and their outragoius tactics

  7. Exactly! She is one feisty lady.
    South of 34, well said. The Soros funded commies feel strong enough to create enough mayhem and mass unrest to attempt setting the stage for their man to get into the White House.

  8. You are expecting there are enough people to react to this….not sure that’s a fair assumption. Based on what I saw she looks rather outnumbered, and numbers count.
    I don’t agree with what happened just saying the “silent majority” isn’t the majority it was in ’68, ’80, ’84
    00 and ’04 may have been the last gasp.
    Question is will all these people be allowed to vote if they aren’t citizens. Trump is a high level movement but as we saw during numerous primaries his organization lacks a ground game….and counting on the GOP machinery may not work, particularly when he pisses on them on a regular basis.
    Stock your cellars.

  9. I keep thinking that this is almost a carbon copy of the incidents and rhetoric that led up to the Spanish Civil War.
    In spite of many misconceptions, the war didn’t start with Franco tooling across the Straits of Gibraltar on German planes, there was about 10 years of nonsense and violence leading up to the final straw.
    Both California and Quebec fill the role of Catalonia with the goofy politics, violence, insisting on special status etc… the main difference is that the peasants in both Canada and the US have guns…

  10. The Hate Trump terrorists are acting worse than the Hate Bush crowd of 2004.
    I don’t believe I watched them burn American flags ?
    Kerry got 59 million votes, and the Hate Bush losers gave him-Bush 62 million votes..
    I absolutely agree, Trump will win.
    Hillary the Criminal might still obtain her just rewards..

    Trump needs to double his security team..

  11. I believe that the media is encouraging violence to increase viewership. totally corrupt.

  12. Last i heard America was still a free country…should be able to walk about ‘freely’ in public spaces. What’s your point?
    If she was intentionally taunting…good…let the world see what the Looney Left is all about.

  13. Would any of the apologists for the fascist left explain what the guy did wrong to deserve getting coldcocked in the second video?

  14. ” I am predicting that Trump takes New York, possibly New Jersey and even
    my home state of Mexifornia. The Trump campaign is now a runaway train.
    I do not think anything can stop it from here on out.” South of 34
    The Soros groups are freaking out…They are angry at Obama for not going full Communist and YES… they Know Trump will beat Hillary. The repeat of ’68 @ Philly is the real target, they want a committed UN/EU agenda…..GORE IS READY!
    Trump is their worst nightmare, nothing to gain from GOP demo’s except the threat of intimidation to “anyone” who apposes Sores & Gore. The paid demonstrators occasionally fly the Mexican Flag upside-down because they don’t know the difference. What they think works in California has the opposite affect everywhere else…
    We want more Stupid Soros & Gore caterwauling

  15. nothing to see here…move along
    Kudos to the young woman to stand up to the bullies.
    Grace under attack…good for her

  16. Remember the executive controls enforcement and use of force. So Cali, NY there will be no enforcement except in select cities that have GOP mayors. There will be no help from the Federal Government.
    Unless there is a quiet revolt by White Unmarried women and some ethnic constituencies Trump does not have a path, the African American vote might be able to be moved by the leaders are so committed to Hillary that makes it difficult. That is before you see a flood of votes from non-citizens who do not have right to vote checked.
    As well, without a flip of states like Michigan and Pennsylvania, it wont happen. You might get the reaction you talk of in Penn, but forget Michigan. Dreams of NY and California, without the above changes are just wishful thinking.
    Its a big mess….all foreseeable. Obama is laughing his ass off, the perfect environment for federally and democratic funded community organizers to consolidate the gains.
    As I said, stock your cellars, the Trump loss will bring a whirlwind of retribution from the triumphant left.

  17. Funny , you don’t see it on the news. This will only last so long. When some of these at takers end up dead , it will be on the news . I do not believe that all the silent majority will tolerate this. Of course it will be Trumps and all the evil rights fault .

  18. Sadly, Google isn’t a Trump supporter. If you go to YouTube, for example, and try to find footage like what is shown here, you’ll instead be fed thousands of clips with headlines like “Trump supporters show how racist they are”.
    I don’t know if it’s possible to beat a propaganda machine that dictates what people get to see on the Internet.

  19. Academia has been teaching that the fascists were a right wing group for the last seventy years. Some of us have been ridiculed and derided for stating the obvious that fascists are a left wing group. Well here is the proof right out of Hitler’s training manual. You can spell fascist either L-I-B-E-R-A-L or S-O-C-I-A-L-I-S-T but either way these people cannot function without force and intimidation. In the past it has been done subtlety using political correctness to shame anyone who disagreed with them but now they are afraid that they are beginning to see their first line of attack, the media (propaganda), is failing and like Hitler’s SA they are going to double down. Expect to see a lot more of this over this long hot summer, starting with the Brexit referendum, we are about to experience very interesting times.

  20. Obama now has >50% likeability polling and after the looters and thugs have had their convention, the left will congeal once again behind their entitled evil candidate. Videos like those above won’t turn the concrete-bound left from their “inevitable march” toward socialist suicide. That’s my new definition of American Exceptionalism – the hubris that Americans are innately immune from the universal destination of socialist failure and misery. I hope I’m wrong but more than a century of progressive rot will not be interrupted nor even potentially delayed a term as might be the case in a Trump presidency. Sanders supporters are their future (and our present).

  21. Interesting analysis. I hope you are right. It is time for the US to take back the country from these traitors and sell-outs.

  22. As I said in reader tips last night, where I posted one of these videos from YouTube, I was a Trump supporter already, but this exchange between barbarians and civilization seals the deal for me.
    November cannot come fast enough.

  23. San Jose Mayor (a huge Clinton supporter) said last night regarding the protests:
    “At some point Donald Trump needs to take responsibility for the irresponsible behavior of his campaign,”
    San Jose Mayor on twitter this morning:
    “There is absolutely no place for violence against people who are simply exercising their rights to participate in the political process.”
    Just another typical, hypocritical, lying, face-saving, sleazy Democrat.
    And he has pinned his tweet, and you know why? Because Matt Drudge called him out.

  24. “Not the best ad for Mexican immigration.”
    The protesters are insane. It doesn’t seem to occur to them that, for many, many Americans, the only take-away here from such antics will be: Trump is right.

  25. I used to say that America is becoming a 3rd world sh*t-hole … somewhat humorously, somewhat as a farcical warning. Well, after this latest display, I would say that it’s too late for the warning. America is now, officially, a 3rd world sh*t-hole. Congratulations Obama ! Our streets are now filled with your “dreamers”. Dreaming of TAKING free-stuff off all the productive citizens. Cloaking their lazy greed, in assorted ethnic identities, sexual identities, and political ideology. Er, excuse me … I meant they were “dreaming” of a college education … Pfffft.
    And, once again, the police stand-by and do nothing. When these mobs flood into toney Palo Alto neighborhoods where Zuckerberg owns a block of homes, they will be nicking Zucks STUFF too. It won’t matter that Zuck was a good little rabble-rousing leftist … his big fat RICH head will be on the guillotine too. Even though the state polizia might finally make a stand outside the Zuckerberg estate … they will overrun by the rabble so enthusiastically imported by Zuck.

  26. I speculate the machinery to remove Hillary is already in place, ready at a moment’s notice to step in.
    If Dennis Miller’s coined “violent do gooders” think their temper tantrums are connecting to Trump, they’re very mistaken. But, what else can they do?
    If they think they can intimidate voters they’re out of their little fascist minds.
    Hillary says Trump doesn’t have the temperament to be POTUS, to deal with world leaders.
    I’m sure she’s closer to world leaders, given they’ve read all her mail.
    Taking NJ, let alone NY and CA is, so far, quite removed from reality; we shall see.
    I think the most amusing thing is watching the entire establishment getting bitch slapped, with fascists demanding Hillary or Bernie rule, while the nasty but cool pinkos can’t stand Donald’s intolerance, he’s so prejudiced, given they’re so wise in their non-experience and D average.
    Meanwhile, removed from the beltway, Obama further sullies his office with commencement campaign speeches, including the tragic Air Force Academy, with further attempts to load the nation’s political culture onto a socialist rim.
    Lectures about how you’re stuck with incompetent progressives isn’t the political flavour any more. We don’t believe the neo-neanderthals any more. Donald wants to crush the status quo and that’s the flavour of an electorate fed up with self-serving, PAC leashed politicians.
    Elsewhere, Hillary sinks further into her auto depravity, possibly her and Bill having finally crossed the political and legal shit line. Donald is sure yanking her chain: she’s unfit for office; the server will certainly be an “topic;” to, as POTUS the AG will get to the bottom of the Clinton Foundation.
    If she stays, he gets to torture her with that, day after day. The debates; c’mon no way they debate. She’s seems very much like a dead candidate walking and the stepped up violence demonstrates that concern amongst totalitarian entrepreneurs like Soros and Steyer, with bomber Ayers at the ready.

  27. John, I used to have “faith” in the American Voter … when leftist Presidents and their failed policies put America on the road to ruin, a majority of voters came to their senses (see: Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan). But after years and years of unchecked immigration (starting with Ted Kennedy and Bill Clinton) … America is now filled with eligible (and ineligible) voters who do not share or understand America’s values. Theses immigrants want to impose THEIR form of a Banana Republic fascist dictatorship. They will embrace Strongman Hillary with the same enthusiasm as Dilma Rousseff … with the same inevitable result.

  28. When you do not have the electorate you want you import a new one. There is a reason why democrats have been importing loyal voters across Rio Grande. And expect the same on the streets of Canada when Justine’s cultural enrichers begin to repay favors before the next election.

  29. Media activist covers for thugs:
    “Tuscon sportscaster Paul Cicala deleted his Twitter account after receiving blowback on social media on Thursday night for his tweets suggesting that a supporter of Republican presumptive nominee Donald Trump who was assaulted by protesters provoked the attack by pointing ‘to her Trump shirt.’ ”

  30. Anyone knows if the thug from the second video was identified, sought after by police?

  31. Repeat after me amigos. THERE IS NO NEED FOR BORDER SECURITY. Let the hordes in. It’s no big deal. Let the whole lot of them in so we can have this everywhere.

  32. Never ceases to amaze me how many people tell me that hope Trump doesn’t win because they see him as a “hater” all the while oblivious to the irony of all the mountains of hate focused on Trump and those that dare support his run.

  33. You want to talk about hate? Look at the hate piled on anyone that dares disagree with a leftist. Seriously. Being a conservative is a crime in the left’s eyes. Ever been to a conservative rally or event? Every one of them I’ve been to has involved wading through throngs of leftist thugs yelling obscenities at me. I think it’s time to put a stop to this crap. I’m sick of it. They say they respect democracy, they want open debate etc etc etc and everything they do is completely counter to that.

  34. The very successful “HateHarper” campaign waged by the Lieberals on social media is proof of that. They motivated a large group of low-information young people who had never voted before to vote Lieberal.

  35. “Get In Their Face” the thug-in-chief said and the goons listened. Welcome to the United States of Venezuela.

  36. Can you not just highlight the URL in your address bar, copy and then paste into Facebook status?

  37. Someone who waits until you are looking away to hit you ( second video ) should have his balls cut off since they are non-functioning anyway.
    The guy is not even brave or man enough to face the much shorter and smaller person he hit, he had to hit from behind.
    the fact he is an invader from a foreign nation only makes this even more vomit inducing.

  38. In the early 80s, my wife and I were going to college in North Vancouver. The teachers went on strike and walked out. Many students joined them picketing. We being the country bumpkins thought we would go to the college library to study not know what was going on at the campus. As we drove up there was a picket line stopping traffic from entering. I got into a bit of an argument with one while cameras were rolling. They told me there was no way they were going to let us enter. As I started to unfold my 6’3″ frame out of our compact car, my wife kept yelling, “honey don’t hurt them.” Not a one of those cowards faced me. They parted like the Red Sea.
    It is time for some push back.
