66 Replies to “Trump will win.”

  1. Agreed, the asshole waited until the guy was surrounded and looking the other way before suckerpunching the smaller dude in the head, typical leftist coward. The entitlement of these cowardly leftist thugs amazes me… You can bet the police let that Soros brown shirted coward get away with this unprovoked assault too. Cowards.

  2. @Sean and Canadian Friend:
    The sucker punch is a characteristic of the ghetto (blacks/browns). It’s common there. (The “knockout game” is just another manifestation of it.) Get your opponent before he’s even aware that he’s a target. Another common tactic is for the gang to spread out …. cover the front, back, sides …. then distract and deliver the punch. Oh, and don’t forget the kick/stomp to the face and body when they’re down.
    I’ve seen it all plenty of times. Marquess de Queensbury Rules are LONG GONE.

  3. The first video is from a Jacob Rascon (@NBC)
    Was this covered by NBC news?

  4. videos of the sneak attacks on citizens, is probably not sending the message the activists and media think.
    Such brave boys.
    nothing says conviction,belief in the rightness of your cause.. quite like assaulting a citizen while their back is turned.
    Roll the footage, caption it “Democrats respecting their fellow citizens.”

  5. 1. Build the wall.
    2. Deport all illegal invaders, does not matter if they are mexican or other, let mexico take care of them.
    3. Severe all diplomatic ties with mexico, deport all diplomatists, recall all yours.
    4. Declare all displays of hostile mexican flag or of any allegiance to that $hithole treason, deal with traitors accordingly.
    5. Make use of Spanish illegal within any public property, federal state or municipal.
    6. Mine a 10 mile area south of US border.
    7. For every illegal invader crossing the border drop a bomb on a mexican federal building.
    8. For every crime committed by an illegal napalm a mexican police station.

  6. Yeah right. Remember how Obama got elected a second time? Trump isn’t going to win. Not even close.

  7. No. It copies the whole page with other articles which are distractions to this particular article.

  8. Thugs look good by picking on a woman only in Progressive cesspools and Muslim countries.

  9. The left are total cowards, always hidden , always sucker punch ….just losers and i hope trump does win and i hope he does deport them and i hope it does start a war in the south the wewt backs will lose and lose big time.
    Again i am working in tucson,AZ and i know many many of my mexican co workers that want them deported, in fact my co workers in suarjhita just 80 miles from the mexican boarder hate the illegals they are the worst they break into homes indiscriminately they steal cars, and also there is a muslim element to this as i have stated before in suarjhita they set up safe houses where muslims come in and stay get fresh water and clean cloths.
    The way to light the powder keg is to elect trump and then have him use the military to roundup and deport the illegals. that is the only way ….THE ONLY WAY .
    11-30million illegals is offsetting the economic balance hospitals are shutting down schools are crippled by having to spend resources to translate and explain to parents and kids.
    The law enforcment are wasting millions on capturing illegals only to have liberal judges and obama release them back onto american streets.
    I am not kidding i have met only a handful of people that think the illegals should be allowed to stay .
    My eyes were opened wide here when i got here in arizona they HATe the illeglas. they DO rape , they DO deal drugs …just watch boarder wars if you dont beleive me thats not made up .

  10. They’re just ensuring that Trump has a good shot at the Presidency. Let ’em rip. Those who didn’t, or will not in the future, attend his rallies will still vote for him in the booth.
    I won’t pretend to predict the final outcome but the people of the U.S.A. will (or the friggin’ electoral college – which I find abhorrent).

  11. I’ve been conned before. We have all been conned in the past. No one has been more conned than conservative voters.
    Trump may represent a full and complete undermining/takeover of the GOP by the left. There is plenty of evidence for that. I don’t beleave he had an epithany moment and sudden conversion.
    What we see is just good theatre. It’s show business for ugly people.

  12. I am going to enjoy the schadenfreude when Trum disappoints. It’s funny actually reading the comments of people who seem to believe Reagan is back.
    It’s true bubonic plague or ebola or the sun going supernova is preferable to hillary. But Trump, the best we will get is a mediocre potus. The worst case is still better than hillary. Cruz would have been great. The Texas gov would have been great. Carson, Fiorina, almost everyone there was a better choice than Trump. You rejected the dude who memorized the constitution at 13,and took the only one who had ever personally donated to the Clintons. Congratulations.

  13. So what if she taunted them? It was her alone against a mob and they showed their true colours. Who shows up to something like this with eggs and assorted food? For what purpose? Mexican flag carrying POS in this case.

  14. What the hell?
    So the thugs,psychos and media abetted riots are all just fine with you,cause Trump?
    Let me guess, the Trump voters,listeners to Trump and innocent bystanders all deserve a beating cause they favour Trump over your annoited one?
    Have you not figured out why Regan was the best?
    The man could get his lines down pat, deliver with conviction….Man you just wanted to believe.
    So whats your problem,Trump plays a fine reality TV star.?

  15. Kevin, The dude who memorized the Constitution wanted to allow the “dreamers” we see in these videos in, plus a whole lot more.
