12 Replies to “Well, there are easier ways….”

  1. Thank you so much Nathan. Thank you for not running to be leader of the ndp.
    You have so much to offer and to selflessly step aside speaks to your depth of character.
    The climate change file as well as electoral reform will be well served by your considerable talent.
    We’re so lucky to have you.

  2. WTF? “Nathan” reminds one of the prototypical “wild-eyed radical”. The guy is seriously detached from reality, but then, not much different from the typical Dipper member, they are just out there.

  3. Libby Davies retired after a distinguished career in Parliament.
    Let us all hope she can be talked out of retirement to take over as Leader of the NDP.

  4. I agree Morris. Let’s all surround Libby and rally support for her leadership of the NDP but let’s make sure we have a large number of supporters to actually surround Davies. A dozen or so should do the trick.
    McLaughlin and McDonough did such great jobs as the only female leaders of the NDP so how could the rank and file possibly ignore another female?
    As Morris emphatically states ………. LIBBY!! LIBBY!! Libby!!

  5. Thanks,BC, as a fellow BC’er,I guess you’re aware of how Libby almost singlehandedly cleaned up the Downtown East Side!
    Imagine if she had the chance to do the same for ALL of Canada!

  6. I nominate Red Rachel. But would a duly elected provincial premier leave for federal politics to go against JustHair?

  7. Well they could be doing what the Conservatives are doing … ridding themselves of traditionalists! While I do think there could be accommodation for same-sex unions (of a sort) though not under the heading of ‘matrimony’,and a legal definition for the splitting of property etc., in the case of separation or death. But there could be no adoption of children or turkey-basting techniques. Were the NDP to turn their backs on the wants of big unions and such, the same would occur.
    If the proposed changes go ahead as the Cons have suggested, there will be a split that they can ill afford! Some of us are just too old to change, and that would necessarily include a huge baby-boomer generation.
    Charge once more,then,and be dumb!
    Let the victors, when they come,
    When the forts of folly fall,
    Find thy body b the wall!

  8. I would include Liberals as being “out there”. I think Roger L. Simon has these zealots pegged accurately. They are “moral narcissists” who will unscrupulously destroy the lives of millions just to telegraph their moral superiority.

  9. 1.The NDP claim they will save the planet
    2.The NDP claim they will save the planet
    3.The NDP claim they will save the planet
    1.The NDP are now trying to save themselves
    2.The NDP are now trying to save themselves
    3.The NDP are now trying to save themselves
    aaah the irony

  10. What prevents these dippers from the realization that they’re every bit as out to lunch as the Libs. They’re all from the same alternate universe…seeking political power no matter what cost. And yes “moral narcissism” is a major component of such small minds.
    And….Li-bbee, Li-bbee!
