10 Replies to “Bill’s Wife”

  1. Can’t wait to read it. On the other hand – I doubt that any of it will surprise me.

  2. Its probably all true.
    Even the part about Bill Clinton flying off to a Billionaire island and sleeping with little girls as young as 12.
    Any wonder why he now shakes and drools ?

    But- The Fix Is In.. Bernie is screwed..
    The party said Clinton won 84.2 percent of the vote, while Bernie Sanders earned 12.2 percent. Under Democratic National Committee rules, a candidate must win at least 15 percent of the vote to be eligible to receive delegates.

  3. The Clintons: making ordinary cheap trash look good.
    Their next move in progress – paying off some woman to say she was abused by Trump.

  4. I bought an e-copy as soon as Drudge announced the book yesterday … it has gone from #60,000 to #1 on the Amazon Best Seller list. I needed some inspiring reading material for my summer vacation. What better than to read about this VILE excuse for a human being.

  5. Trump would be well served to buy thousands of copies of this book and simply give them away. That is excellent attack material in the waiting. The queston is, what venue and which demographic would it be best to give them to?

  6. D’ya remember when BillyBob got caught with his finger in the pudding … that the praetorian guard press corps all screamed … Character DOES’NT count ! Character DOES’NT count ! … so long as we have a dot.con booming economy … our co-presidents can do ANYTHING they want ! Even diddle 19yo subordinate Interns … with -0- complaint from the feminazi’s

  7. I read the book by the officer who carried the secret launch codes (the “football”) for the Clintons when slick Willie was the prez. It was pretty cringe-worthy stuff. After reading that, I doubt there’s much that would shock me about them.
