17 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. Ideological hooey.
    A tsunami of self-serving bullshit has overwhelmed every effort to contain it, and we’re left, once again, with the ancient question: who has the most effective weapons? Us or them?.

  2. Your history lesson of the day. Brought to you by the Russian Orthodox Church. Fair and balanced as they say (sarc).
    WOW! That is some awesome propaganda. Take a little truth here, twist it a little to suit your purpose there, build on it, repeat, and WALLA!

  3. Yeah, that was… weird. I had to shut it off when it said Capitalism is the genetic continuation of militaristic plundering.

  4. Well, what can you expect from a monk? The anti-capitalist slant goes much too far, though.
    What you are seeing in this video is a common, and old (much older than communism), Russian and Orthodox critique of the West. It is largely true – and we certainly helped to end Byzantium, and let the muslim hordes gain easy access to the West.
    The perils of untrammelled muslim access are graphically shown. Constantinople is no longer Greek, nor Roman; and we are very much the losers. Our shame.
    It took the muslims 700 years to conquer the Red Apple, as they called Constantinople. It won’t take them nearly so long to take the Big Apple, NYC.

  5. John, well said. We are as ripe for the Muslim takeover as the Romans were for the “barbarian” takeover of the period 200 AD – 400 AD.

  6. “WALLA!”???? “WALLA!”????? Is that some type of a muslim incantation? Or is that the word “WALLOW” being spoken with one of those sloppy, lazy accents from the southern part of the Excited States of ‘Murrca? You probably think the USA won WWII all by itself too.

  7. Amongst the nostalgia and farewell to Cassius Clay, aka Muhammad Ali – a lesson for Hillary at no charge:
    “I was on vacation in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, and saw an ad in the local paper. Ali, by then almost a decade into his battle with Parkinson’s disease, was still making about 100 public appearances a year, every one of them for charity, this particular event for the Special Olympics.”

  8. Just a thought of a bit fantasy, Russia taking over Turkey to protect “the greatest religion” ?

  9. Voila ? … as interpreted through a mid western, middle eastern, Somali, dialect ?
    Par for the course for one of Obama’s “Dreamers”

  10. @JohnPeg:
    Holly Batman John, get a grip. You’re way over the top on this. Okay, it should have been “Voila”. So can you now turn it down a notch and stop focusing on the small stuff. Did you or did you not buy into the video?
    And as a note, I speak English and Spanish. I had two years of Latin in High School as well. I never bothered with French because it makes no phonetic sense …. what is written barely relates to what is spoken. Voila!

  11. I recently read a prety exhaustive history of Byzantium (John Julian Norwich, 3 volumes!). Long read but worth it. What this video is saying looks pretty much true, and Western Crisendom did indeed betray the original Christian Empire, which Byzantium was. And when Byzantium finally fell to the Turk (=Islam), the last Emporor died fighting, leapt into the fray and his body never found. Do we think Emperor Hillary would do the same?

  12. I recently read a prety exhaustive history of Byzantium (John Julian Norwich, 3 volumes!). Long read but worth it. What this video is saying looks pretty much true, and Western Crisendom did indeed betray the original Christian Empire, which Byzantium was. And when Byzantium finally fell to the Turk (=Islam), the last Emporor died fighting, leapt into the fray and his body never found. Do we think Emperor Hillary would do the same?

  13. Gareth, thanks for your comment. I have many books on Roman history and the Roman army, but none about the Byzantine Empire. Thanks to Lance for posting this video and to you for your tip of John Julian Norwich’s history.

  14. I knew something of the history of Byzantium, mainly military history, but as stated above, it is always interesting to get that history from another perspective. The Byzantines being Orthodox, and the current Russian church being Orthodox, a natural antipathy for Roman Catholicism is understandable. It was interesting to see how Bolshevism’s residue continues to inform the historical slant of the film, which was, not very subtly, an allegorical apologia for the current form of Russian nationalism under Putin.
