24 Replies to “Riding Mass Transit Is Like Inviting 20 Random Hitchhikers Into Your Car”

  1. Evidently the ‘teenage thugettes’ skipped out on ‘finishing school’…
    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  2. Just like firearms, I don’t think the trains themselves are the problem, and I’m guessing they’re even “Registered”.

  3. Maybe they’re simply graduates of the public education system.
    One of the worst things about my job while I was teaching at a certain post-secondary institution was maintaining order and discipline. Dealing with the students was bad enough, but there were always administrators who let them off the hook if they went off the rails.

  4. Once again … “not my people” … inhabiting mass transit of the unwashed masses. I prefer to ride like a politbureau elite … in my own personal LUXURY automobile. Yep, just like the leftist political elites … a luxurious single occupant vehicle. Screw all the Eco-claptrap … I choose personal safety and comfort over the FRAUD of Global Warmism.

  5. Yes, public transit can be dangerous, but I use it. I also love my car, an older 2003 second hand “luxury” model sedan with 38K. My car allows me to transport my VIP doggie and my grandchild, buy a week’s worth of groceries and go to places that the PC police will not allow my dog to go on “not very public” transit. Bike lanes are even more dangerous than public transit because many users do not follow the rules.

  6. It’s a good thing they blurred out the faces of the thugs. If they were readily identifiable as Amish then the Amish backlash could be brutish.

  7. Uggh. I have 2 nieces and a nephew who take the NYC subways everyday. The one niece is harassed by the male savages all the time, trying to pick her up. Animals.

  8. Two Hillary voters … casting ballots of dead people. It’s only “right” since Hillary’s SCOTUS will lower the voting age to 14 anyway …

  9. Noticed it was the mothers of the criminals who marched them down to the Po-lice station. Why wasn’t it the Father’s? ??

  10. Right, if the victim of this attack had died, she’d be solidly for Hillary this fall (if she wasn’t already in life), so incidents like these are never a total waste.

  11. lol !! aaah B, the more things change the more . . . .
    fast rewind to the late 60s, I still havent entered the workplace but me brudder has gone from woikin’ in an autobody shoppe to teaching the woefully mishundershtood yout’ of the day the identical trade. notorious for acting up and causing all manner of disruption they were.
    sooooo, ever mindful of his place in the pecking order, said brudder inquires of those in charge, uh, umm . . . . what is the prescribed procedure to deal wit’ the class clowns? comes back the patented bafflegab answer, yawell yawell yawell, these woebegottens come from disadvantaged sector, fodderless homes, pass the klennex big time sob stories abound.
    but what, sirrah, mr staff psychologist, do I DO when they start acting up and disrupting the class?
    no reply.
    basically the same thing I observed at the time, going tru the same edjukashun cystem (but a different school) as he was teaching. crikey, I even wound up chumming with some of his students.

  12. From the linked story: “Asked by reporters why she allegedly beat the elderly woman, the 16-year-old girl said, “Oh my God, shut up.” ”
    At this point, somebody needed to pull out a blackjack, and knock the little c***’s teeth out.

  13. a luxurious single occupant vehicle. Screw all the Eco-claptrap … I choose personal safety and comfort over the FRAUD of Global Warmism.
    Damn straight!!
    My Traffic Tank is a 4500# diesel ’80s LandCruiser 4×4. It gets a respectable 20mpg; so it’s not a ‘gas guzzler’. FWIW, it’s tailpipe emissions are as clean as a new gasoline vehicle with the fuel mix I use. Low polluting 100% Canadian fuel; that’s ‘environmental’ enough for me. CO2 is plant food, and all I generate is absorbed by the trees in Canada’s forests.

  14. Jean I know this is off the thugette topic, Kate please forgive. Sometimes you confuse us to no end, driving a diesel Land Cruiser, but wish for a carbon tax? A flat tax, a higher sales tax and lower income taxes I can see, but a carbon tax smells like Al Gore’s and David Suzuki’s arm pits.
    Back on topic. Incidents like this story are most likely why the few times I have been forced to take public transit I see everyone is quiet and ignoring all other passengers except if they are with someone.

  15. I ride the subway every day. There’s a station right near my house. I get to work in 10 minutes when the drive time + parking would be about 25. So glad I get to spend time with random hitch hikers as opposed to dealing with a car.

  16. Sometimes you confuse us to no end, driving a diesel Land Cruiser, but wish for a carbon tax?
    I never stated I wished for a carbonTax, and it’s quite rude of you to put that on someone because you choose to misunderstand what they’ve stated. If you have an issue with what I post then quote me; I’m not responsible for what you think I said.
    Do NOT infer what is NOT implied; it furthers misinformation not understanding.
    If necessary go back ad re-read what I posted regarding carbonTaxes and my reply in that thread to your obvious misunderstanding.

  17. It’s easy when its only you to transport. I did that when it was only me. But try that with a baby, toddler or preschooler to day care first, then get back to us on how wonderful it is.

  18. At least they arrested the filthy little bitches unlike San Josie where they wont arrest these thugs attacking trumps supporters. I hope they get 35 years in prison without parole or viisitations

  19. Just more hijinks from two pieces of obsolete farm equipment.
    If only Dear Leader had two more daughters…
