Renegade Regulator

Shakedown: So, CSA was doing their usual shakedown, promising to harm the man if he didn’t pay whatever CSA wanted, and it’s protection money that they wanted. The CSA disregarded Queen’s Printer laws, the Statutory Instruments Act, and Federal contract law, all in one magical meeting. We got the same treatment, but it was by phone. Face to face threat-making is so much friendlier.

4 Replies to “Renegade Regulator”

  1. Sounds to me as if the “C” stands for “Chicago” and not “Canadian”.

  2. Not going to defend the CSA here, but there is a distinction that needs to be understood.
    CSA C22.1 is technically not the electrical law. It is a code and standard, that the provincial laws reference. Therefore the CSA can own the code and standard, much like ASME owns the pressure vesssel or process piping standards that bear their name. If CSA changes or updates CSA C22.1 (Canadian Electric Code), the changes to do not come into force until adopted by the provincial legislature. THAT is why the courts ruled as they did. So if you want to hurt the CSA, then lobby the provinces to change the referenced codes to the equivalent ISO or American code. Of course we would “loose control” of the standards, but doesn’t sound like we have much control now.
    As a nominally crown corp, CSA should be brought to heal if the stuff from RESTORECSA is even remotely true. They are not acting the best interests of Canadians, well Canadians other than the members of the CSA board of directors.

  3. Well the Liberal Government seems to be heade towards the Defence of the Arctic will become part of the U.S.A’s Air Force. So what’s the Problem? Cheers Darren.

  4. Not sure how that is relevant to the discussion with respect to the CSA. Are you discussing the purchase or non purchase of the F-22?
    Are you labeling me somehow a supporter of the Liberal government? I am not.
    for the record, the conduct as documented by RestoreCSA of the CSA has been shameful.
    So clarity please.
