23 Replies to “The Rise and Fall of the Elite”

  1. So much hot air until the UK parliament actually ratifies the referendum. Unlikely, the largest majority of MPs are against leaving.

  2. I hope that the British people who voted for “Leave the EU” will make sure that their MPs do indeed ratify the referendum.
    The signing of the Magna Carta comes to mind.

  3. We here at SDA have been saying the elites are out of touch,for years.
    Ironically,in our own tiny,sheltered kingdom,the voters were hornswoggled into believing they were electing a rebel that was going to have us all singing that old Ray Stevens hit together in perfect harmony. (No,not “Ahab the Ay-rab”!)
    Instead ,they got the ultimate insider, the elite of the elite.

  4. This wave of anti establishment in the West has not yet reached Canada…This is in part thanks to the good economic stewardship of Stephen Harper since 2008…Give it another year or so of “Just In (a) True Dope” and we should see the light here too…Eventually…Remember that Canada’s population is mostly in big Leftie leaning cities so…

  5. we will make damned sure they ratify it even as we speak conservative members of the leave leadership are back pedaling we are watching the bastards like hawks.

  6. One salient point that he makes, is the groveling support the media gives to these self appointed betters.
    I expect that when the dam finally breaks and there’s lamp posts being decorated, they’ll be baffled that the people will serve up the same justice to the media as to the politicians, academic, and legal system parasites.
    There are none so blind as those who will not see.

  7. stradi me boy, the politicians, at least some, will see the writing on the wall, and they do like to butter their bread.
    So how is your gay-A-phobia doing today???

  8. Since we know the king is buck naked, were you, perhaps, thinking of his song “The Streak”? (tongue firmly planted in cheek)

  9. Well written commentary.. The fact is that BOTH political parties have to change their ways & thinking…
    Noted: Hans Blitz the UN inspector in Iraq that refused to State the Truth, thinking he could get 5 more months to not find weapons. The EU/UN was wrong, but Hans is still an inspector
    Trump needs to dump the Republican think tank-models…and deal straight up
    1. He needs to appoint Marco Rubio, before Cleveland, the task of heading a Congressional bi-partisan Immigration Bill & dealing fairly with the illegals….That commitment to solve the Obama/Democrat failures will gain Hispanic support… IMHO Rubio can find the solutions that all of America will except….VP’s often lead such tasks
    2. He must understand that totally relying on the illegal acts, by Hillary, will not move the usual American voter…They will always elect the crook they Know…
    What worries me more is the period that Hillary was psychological incapable of coping with the death of Ambassador Stevens (was she medicated). It was the Secretary of State that had the responsibility to explain the circumstances to America, but she was incapacitated and sent Susan Rice to lie to America…That and lying to the families…She psychologically is unfit for leadership..unable to cope with failure
    3. Create a separate TRUST fund for Social Security..Not in to General funds

  10. I disagrre with so much in that article, that I couldn’t continue. Perhaps if I just read the last paraggraph.

  11. I think we would see a defenstration if that were to happen 🙂
    Article 50 will be applied and the process from then on takes 2 years, maximum.

  12. Penultimate paragraph: Brexit – despite all of the harm it is likely to cause and despite all of the malicious politicians it will empower –
    Grrenwald suffers from the same contempt of the people.

  13. Robert of Ottawa matches my reading. This sounds like 1 percenter, Occupy Wall Street rhetoric. The establishment he imagines is capitalism and their antagonists are the proletariat. Elites are hardly the root of the problem. More the lack of certain elites.

  14. Robert of Ottawa matches my reading. This sounds like 1 percenter, Occupy Wall Street rhetoric. The establishment he imagines is capitalism and their antagonists are the proletariat. Elites are hardly the root of the problem. More the lack of certain elites.

  15. Robert of Ottawa matches my reading. This sounds like 1 percenter, Occupy Wall Street rhetoric. The establishment he imagines is capitalism and their antagonists are the proletariat. Elites are hardly the root of the problem. More the lack of certain elites.

  16. Robert of Ottawa matches my reading. This sounds like 1 percenter, Occupy Wall Street rhetoric. The establishment he imagines is capitalism and their antagonists are the proletariat. Elites are hardly the root of the problem. More the lack of certain elites.

  17. Robert of Ottawa matches my reading. This sounds like 1 percenter, Occupy Wall Street rhetoric. The establishment he imagines is capitalism and their antagonists are the proletariat. Elites are hardly the root of the problem. More the lack of certain elites.

  18. I apologize for the repeats. The message kept coming up that my submission was refused.

  19. We now need a referendum for North America to exit the frigging United Nations.
    I think the vote would be 60-40 for Leave.

  20. A while back I enquired if the establishment had a Plan B in case calling people stupid and racist stopped working. After viewing the responses of the political, economic and media class to Brexit, it’s obvious that being condescending a-holes is all they’ve got. There’s been no efforts to understand the concerns of others, no soul searching about why millions of people in the UK, Europe and NA are completely disgusted and disillusioned with political, economic and media institutions. The window to repair the rift between the classes is closing and the establishment have decided to be snobbish, combative bigots right to the bitter end. It’s like they cannot see the escalation of events.
    I’m sure there’s things that could be done, some concessions to populists. Less micromanaging, control freak intrusions into daily life. Get political corruption and crony capitalism under control. Stop the war on affordable energy. Acknowledge and respond to the cultural conflicts and problems with immigrants who can not tolerate women, gays, Jews, free speech etc. Don’t overwhelm schools, hospitals, legal system and social services with new citizens. Personally, I don’t think anti-establishment populists are anti-immigrant but they do seem to dislike angry, intolerant immigrants and uncontrolled immigration. There’s a big difference between a peaceful immigrant from, say, the Philippines or Korea who owns a shop and integrates well into society and a religious nut immigrant from a violent, war torn part of the world who hates everything about western culture.

  21. Don Morris, exactly.
    While much of the article is right about the “elite”, I’m with Robert and Brian in that the author seems to think that a Marxist inequality of economic status (class war) was the driver of Brexit. I think not. The stagnation of lower middle class and middle class economies with stalled incomes may well have been a goodly part, but the main parts of Brexit to my understanding was the loss of freedom to un-elected bureaucrats in Brussels and the unfettered mass immigration of alien cultures that would supplant the nation (see LC Bennett’s excellent comment).
    The people voted for freedom.

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