7 Replies to “BoJo is out.”

  1. Among the many examples of my good fortune is the fact that I was educated fifty years ago.
    I, too, am regularly appalled at the declining quality of English usage that escapes editing.
    AP, CNN, Fox, all of them.

  2. Very interesting development. Boris was THE key player in winning. Is he chicken or Does he have a hidden scandal or, Ashe seems to imply , does he consider himself to be too divisive a figure to be the negotiator?

  3. On the night of the Brexit vote once it was announced that the odds of the Leave side winning was greater than 85% one of the media faces called out to an older gent who had been a pro-Remain talking head throughout the coverage and had been lamenting on how the “good” environmental work the EU did on global warming MUST be preserved within Britain even if the Leave side won. He worked personally on that environmental doctrine for over a decade. Anyways the media face was interested if he had CALLED HIS SON BORIS to congratulate him. It seems that Boris’s dad also publicly said his son’s career was making the mistake of his life and that supporting the Leave campaign will finish his career. With a dad like that who no doubt would make things difficult for Boris to effectively negotiate new trade deals free of EU terminally toxic regulations it’s no wonder why he would recuse himself from a leadership role. The did his job. Now someone free of such family liberal baggage can do the Brexit negotiations.

  4. Boris may recognize his own limitations. He may be a good persuader, but not such a good person on strategy, negotiation. It is unusual to come across a politician who is willing to concede their limitations. In Canada, it is unfortunate that our own PM is unwilling to do so, but just continues to blithely pretend he is governing.

  5. Negotiating Brexit will be a challenge few are up to. The domestic noise from the zombie media, Labour and Red Tories will be deafening. The Scots will try to throw a spanner into the works as well. Farage is the only name that comes from my admittedly limited UK brain trust bank as whoever gets the job must have his heart in it.
