Here, Tell These People Something They Don’t Know About Me

There’s a growing sense, not only in Great Britain, but in the US as well, that the elites, or the political class, or whatever you’d like to call them, are incompetent and have been leading us astray. And the response from elites is to call those criticisms illegitimate. Those doing the carping are assumed to be racists or nationalists, both of which, of course, are unpleasant, dirty types of people. Both the UK’s Leavers and the US’s Trumpers share some commonalities. Among them are skepticism over free trade and free immigration; concerns that elites dismiss as foolish and uneducated. And, of course racist.

It’s not working nearly as well as it used to.

17 Replies to “Here, Tell These People Something They Don’t Know About Me”

  1. The spectacle taking place in the HOC yesterday provided a grim example of exactly that. The place was packed to the rafters with fools and takers, unapologetic in their sense of righteousness and entitlement. Every once in a while I get steered over to that cesspool of narrow mindedness on Twitter and realize the futility in hoping these people will ever see reason and recognize that their so-called principles are purely self-serving.


    Democrats are Terrified.
    Hillary is Screechless.
    Present Obathroom is Speechless..
    And Joe(hair-plugs)Biden doesn’t give a Shit, He is drunk..

  3. Yesterday morning I was taking the dogs out for a run and was listening to “shad” on CBC. He was interviewing academics on brexit and Trump. It was such utter clap trap and so failed as any attempt at understanding that I think it was a new low (if that is possible) even for the CBC. They are doubling down on “their” narrative and I suspect things could be headed for a serious disruption. In a way I’m grateful I don’t have much to lose.

  4. What did that lackey of Obama say? The media consists of 27-year-olds who know absolutely nothing,

  5. Any one that buys into the BS from MSM on the Reasons Why Brexit happened….Don’t know shi t from shinola..
    This was about Immigration & Migration accented by the outright Arrogance of the Progressive Left world wide, those Elites telling us Multi Cult works and said migrants-immigrants were sorely needed…maybe, but sure as HELL, not from the Middle East.
    Well..?? GOOD on the Brits.!!
    That we could have such a Campaign – VOTE in This Country/Continent…

  6. Think about this for a bit. Trudeau is very much one of those elites mentioned in that piece. While I must admit that he is a gambler of sorts bearing in mind that, at some point and while still young, he made the somewhat risky decision that a love of all things Trudeau deeply ingrained within the Liberal Party and the Canadian media could be combined to create a viable force that he felt he could ride into the PMO. The element of risk was that he was looking a decade into the future, when a lot of things could change to derail that train. That said, there is nothing apparent that this very esteemed “elite” has ever said or done anything-ANYTHING-to suggest that he is even modestly above average intelligence in either a broad or a narrow fashion. Not only does he lack a broad and general-knowledge based intellect, he possesses no unique expertise in virtually any area.
    That’s not a new or unique criticism of Justin Trudeau. The frightening aspect is that among our Laurentian elites, as they are known to us, Trudeau is not unique in any sense. Our banking, legal,educational, and political institutions are chock-a-block full of “elites” whose only path to influence was the postal code of their childhood home, and who lack any pretense of being broadly knowledgeable about almost anything.
    I’ve met these people. I’ve spoken with these people. And many of them are not bright people. They’re not inquisitive, or ambitious, for that matter. They know instinctively that doors of opportunity will be held open for them, and that the profits from such opportunities will be ample enough that no extraordinary ambition need be applied to whatever enterprise they drift into. There is no need to become knowledgeable, because there is no NEED to survive.
    There’s no understanding about how new products in any field get developed, or how new processes and materials come about. None. They think that anything new almost automatically flows only from university research departments, because it can never occur to them that some guy running bead on some weldment might have an epiphany about material flow, or how a fleet manager might grasp from using real-time GPS that by changing the way you look at fuel costs to include looking at lost time driving to a specific fuel supplier to save $.01/liter might actually cost more than filling when convenient, etc, etc. This never enters their minds because there’s no need.
    Now, imagine this lack on a global scale.

  7. “While I must admit that he is a gambler of sorts bearing in mind that, at some point and while still young, he made the somewhat risky decision that a love of all things Trudeau deeply ingrained within the Liberal Party and the Canadian media could be combined to create a viable force that he felt he could ride into the PMO. The element of risk was that he was looking a decade into the future, when a lot of things could change to derail that train. ”
    He took no risk, Bill…and there was nothing that would derail the train. Our pathetic media had the phony little tit in their coronation sights from the moment he did that swoon with a rose at turdo la first’s funeral.

  8. Brexit:
    Makers vrs Takers, then?
    There are Takers at the top and at the bottom. I am thinking of the Takers at the Top, aka Globalists, Financialists, and Multinationals. They also are the political Paymasters that is why “The Donald” is the only one to break through in the USA, since he is self funding.
    Mass migration is a side effect of Globalization, as many people are abruptly displaced from their traditional livelihoods. There are 4 billion people dependent on subsistence agriculture, where are they to go when they lose their livelihoods? We can look to Mexico for a model of that phenomenon. The Transnational Elites, aka the Davos Caste, benefit disproportionately from “Free Trade” but they have managed to collectivize the Pain by foisting mass migration consequences and costs on the Tax Payer and working people, sorta like the bail outs in 2008.

  9. Brexit:
    Makers vrs Takers, then?
    There are Takers at the top and at the bottom. I am thinking of the Takers at the Top, aka Globalists, Financialists, and Multinationals. They also are the political Paymasters that is why “The Donald” is the only one to break through in the USA, since he is self funding.
    Mass migration is a side effect of Globalization, as many people are abruptly displaced from their traditional livelihoods. There are 4 billion people dependent on subsistence agriculture, where are they to go when they lose their livelihoods? We can look to Mexico for a model of that phenomenon. The Transnational Elites, aka the Davos Caste, benefit disproportionately from “Free Trade” but they have managed to collectivize the Pain by foisting mass migration consequences and costs on the Tax Payer and working people, sorta like the bail outs in 2008.
