27 Replies to “I Felt A Great Disturbance In The Narrative”

  1. I hate to sound like an ‘I told you so’ but when this story first broke on some of the left wing sites I commented that we don’t have enough information to know if this was indeed a hate crime or not. Other commentators rushed in to affirm all the allegations. Will they ever learn?

  2. Aren’t we proud of our good’ol Lieberal MP, Ralphie boy right out of the shute with accusations of ‘hate crime’. What a sh_t head.

  3. If I followed that correctly, the woman is from Iran. My understanding is that very few women from Iran wear the hijab once they leave because it is used to oppress women in Iran. Well, this woman just needs to figure out that in Canada we are prepared to tolerate all kinds of barbaric cultural practices. She needs to figure out that under the Liberals, Canada stands for nothing.
    On a side note, I`ll bet MSM media just hates Rebel for exposing their manipulation and hypocrisy.

  4. I’m surprised that the media didn’t spin this to call the woman a good Muslim turned bad by Harper/Trump/Hitler integration.

  5. It appears Sheila Shaidae views our way of life more favorably than the media.Sounds like she was pissed off at an immigrant bringing the old,repressive ways to Canada.
    Frankly,I’m on her side.

  6. The original reporting which supports the narrative is the headline on page one. Corrections and/or retractions, if done at all, are buried. This is what the mediocracy does, jumps on something that fits their worldview, then stick with it no matter what contrary evidence comes forward later, using the maxim, if we ignore it, we don’t have to report it, so it didn’t happen. Any bias proofed reporting is evidence we should take note of their spoon-feeding wisdom.
    With an unethical, biased and ignorant mediocracy, this is quite easy to achieve, to take the easy/lazy way out instead of letting the great unwashed decide anything; hence the Trump revolution against pop politics, and anti-establishment sentiment evident everywhere. From the US, to England, Norway and elsewhere voters are sending this message, which Obama, Trudeau, Clinton, the NYT seem oblivious to, including the political consequences to all the tin eared, self-congratulatory statists. They know knowledge based pluralism is fatal to their influence and power over us.
    “The medium is the message,” is a phrase coined by Marshall McLuhan meaning that the form of a medium embeds itself in the message, creating a symbiotic relationship by which the medium influences how the message is perceived.”
    IOW – The message is the mediocracy, and vice versa. Once their perception rules, including others’ actions, the sheeple are ready for shearing.

  7. A tweet response in Ezra Levant’s tweet about this also claims the Iranian woman is known in the area for being mentally ill that might be worthy of investigation as well showing this wasn’t about “racism” but mental health in Wynne’s Ontario.

  8. Nacho:
    “And over there in the tree, is a chipmunk nest. And that right there, is our corn, best in the city, it’s delicious.
    And that is a crazy Iranian lady.”

  9. “this wasn’t about “racism” but mental health in Wynne’s Ontario.”
    Does any province treat mental health seriously? In the treat-em and street-em process they often leave out the treat-em part. You pretty much have to kill someone to see a psychiatrist.

  10. Anyone EVER hear of a non-white being charged with a hate crime? Me neither.
    It is a PC law manipulated only to victimize non-conformists and needs to be struck down.

  11. This Henderson guy certainly has a gift for disseminating misinformation, half-truths, falsehoods and outright bullshit. He seems to have a real thing for Stephen Harper. On the slim chance that he even has a job, I’ll bet it’s in the media field.

  12. I am getting tired of all the stupidity. Shamrock. quit droning, by the way. I am buying a long rifle
    moving to an uninhabited lake and gonna wait until sanity returns after all the religious nuts
    kill each other and the socialists die of old age.
    It will be great. I will be 167 and rocking!

  13. Ralphie always has been one and shakes hands like one also.
    scar, “Does any province treat mental health seriously?” Oh yes they do. At least in Ontario they elect them to Queens Park and to Ottawa.

  14. “Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.” — George Carlin

  15. … and isn’t THIS exactly what all us infidels have been calling for ? For Muzlims to root out the FUNDAMENTALIST nut-job Muzlims who have hijacked their “beautiful”, “peaceful” religion ? Isn’t this woman actually putting Obama’s words into action ? For calling-out EXTREMIST Muzlims who don the apparel of TERRORISM that they falsely “call” Izlam ?
    Hate crime ? Hell … this woman should be given a special award by the twirp PM.

  16. The only satisfaction I can get out of this timely and informative video is to imagine the “conscience” of the media.
    Surely it must dawn on them what politically correct dupes they are. I remember many years ago a criticism of the media thus: “It is very often not what they do say, but what they don’t say.” Not necessarily right, but an indication of a dim figure like Goebels (sp) lurking behind them.

  17. If she punched the woman in the face and tore off her hijab she is my hero. Fucking Hijab and Burkas should be illegal in public, vile islamic kkk hoods, they are the very symbol of incitement to Jihad and Sharia upon all Christians and Jews and other non Islamics.
