50 Replies to “The World Is In The Very Best Of Hands”

  1. well at least they didn’t grab each others dicks, not in public anyway…
    that ladies and gentlemen is what they call a cluster_uck

  2. Justine to the two banditos as they turn their backs to the cameras and point at the Canadian Parliament buildings. “Someday this will all be yours.”

  3. So Barack points out to Justin – ‘see that there? That is the peace tower’ to which Justin replies ‘Oh! I thought that the peace tower was that one over there’……..

  4. Only 204 days until a post-Obama world.
    Well, in fact, only 138 US working days; not much he can really do now.

  5. Oh, and Mexican presidents are constitutionally limited to a “sexieno”, a single six-year term of office.
    Nieto will be history in December 2018.

  6. 3 Amigos? 3 Stooges is a more apt description. I’m quite happy that they managed to have a discussion on “climate change” during their get-together. Nothing quite like having a conversation about nothing substantive while giving the appearance of solving a huge problem.
    Obama doesn’t have much time left to bugger things up too much. Unfortunately Canadians are stuck with their version of Caligula for quite a while yet.

  7. All hands on deck…what a flipping spectacle. According media reports from people they nab on the streets of Canada Obama is a real star, the all love him. Guess that explains why we got what we got running this country today.

  8. “…Unfortunately Canadians are stuck with their version of Caligula for quite a while yet.”
    I recall reading Caligula was a nickname that translates as “Little Boots”, bestowed on him by his father’s soldiers when as a small boy he would go about the camps proudly wearing the military style sandals specially made for him.
    You may have started something there. I found a Latin translator online that renders “little brains” as “paulo cerebro”. And our PM is nothing if not PC.

  9. See that little short guy?
    Hopefully he will be shelling out for a shiny new wall in the near future.

  10. I will ask: how do we get rid of all three, like, now?
    These morons will form a North American version of the EU but with more futility.
    Anyone not wearing a billion sunblock is going to have a very bad day.

  11. Hm,reminds me of Churchill,Roosevelt and Stalin together with our Canadian hero Mac-King,at Yalta.
    Our Commander-in -Chief is sending an entire battalion of troops to Latvia to help the Messiah frighten off Putin and the Russians! And you fascists at SDA called him for removing the F-18’s from the ME!
    Talk about a wartime Leader! ( and I suppose I have to go “sarcophagus” or someone will take me seriously)
    But I’m puzzled and a conspiracy theorist myself; headlines this AM: “Putin to Reveal Hillary’s E-mails”,and “NATO starts troop buildup in Latvia/Estonia to halt Russian Aggression”.
    Makes me go “hmmmm, I wonder….”.

  12. The Latin word for brain is “cerebrum”.
    As with the name Caligula (caligae “army boots” + -ul- which lends the meaning of “little”), coining the name Cerebrulus – “Little Brain” is a snip.

  13. “Hm,reminds me of Churchill,Roosevelt and Stalin together with our Canadian hero Mac-King,at Yalta.”
    Alas, our dear PM MacKenzie King was never at Yalta. Perhaps you are thinking of the Quebec Conference in 1943 where King was allowed to appear for a photo op with the Governor General, Churchill and FDR on the ramparts of the Citadelle. Apparently his late mother and his dead dog Pat were there too (though only in spirit of course).
    “Our Commander-in -Chief is sending an entire battalion of troops to Latvia to help the Messiah frighten off Putin and the Russians!”
    Our Dear Leader may be all things to his Rainbow Coalition of Lovely Human Beings Who are Better than Us but he is decidedly not our “Commander-in-Chief”.

  14. I avoided CBC news world and their orgy of 3 amigo selfies and mundane utterances. Two of these three are utterly incapable of delivering on anything promised yesterday. By chance I happened on CNN and a panel discussing Donald trump and his suitability for foreign diplomacy. They referred to Obama’s remarks in Ottawa, and showed a short clip. Apart from a small address at the top screen, no mention of Canada, Trudeau, Mexico, amigos, was made by anyone. The trip was a non-event obviously, and US media treated it exactly like that.CBC has a somewhat different definition of breaking news.

  15. “NATO starts troop buildup in Latvia/Estonia to halt Russian Aggression”.
    They might as well claim it’s to halt ‘climate change’ too.

  16. Those 6 little hands grabbing at each other like playing on a Twister Game.
    Little Barry, Little Turdie, and Little whatever his freaking name is.

  17. How about we have a caption contest? I’ll start with ‘They can’t keep their hands off each other’

  18. Liz,
    “According media reports from people they nab on the streets of Canada Obama is a real star”
    Say it’s not true …. Zero doesn’t even have nice hair. WTF, who even listens to media reports anymore knowing they are simply a propaganda wing of the progressives?
    Wow and we have this ShinyPony at least for another 3 plus years looking out for us.

  19. Tweedle-Dum, Tweedle-Dee, and Tweedle-Dope, (assignation is your choice)a meeting of the minds in Wonderland. Meanwhile back at the ranch the Democrats and the Republicans are too busy taking turns on beating on Trump to realize what has happened in Britain and the rest of Europe. The Muslim migration has declared war on the West and the only man that was committed enough to recognize it is sadly exiting stage right and his understudy is in the process of getting the boot after his soliloquy in Brussels. Harper tried to reverse the destruction that the Laurentian elite had created in this country, Farage issued the clarion call in Europe before it was too late, and unlike Canada fortunately the ‘plebs’ responded there. Now the globalization plan is in unforseen turmoil and that is only going to benefit the Muslim take-over. The West will be too busy infighting to organize a planned counter-strategy for the Muslim influx that has and will continue unabated in the next year or two. Paris, London, Madrid, Brussels, Istanbul, Orlando and …? Fast and Furious guns in Paris, armouries in mosques in Europe, sanctioned arm shipments from Libya to Syria, the list goes on and on, and we have Tweedle-Dum, Tweedle-Dee, and Tweedle-Dope in charge. The solace in any of this must surely come, again from Britain, in a quote from the Bard.
    “To be, or not to be? That is the question—
    Whether ’tis nobler in the mind to suffer
    The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
    Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,
    And, by opposing, end them?
    “To take arms against a sea of troubles” Second Amendment anyone. Too bad that right no longer exists in most of the West.

  20. Wonder if Trudeau gave his US and Mexican counterparts the new words to Oh Canada? It’s gotta be a concern for the entire Western world. Also wondering how much it will cost to make the change? Of course we all know the French version out of Quebec is different from the rest of the country, that won’t change. I suggest we just start with Oh Canada then Blah, blah, blah the rest. Who will notice when
    everyone is singing their own version?
    Nothing is sacred in this country, the Liberals are trashing our history at every turn and we are meekly sitting by letting them have at it. I’m sure the monarchy is next. With their proposal for changing how we vote we can assume we’ll become a republic in undue course. That and taking orders from the UN we may as well prepare for a dictatorship, our votes will count for nothing.

  21. I didn’t think anything could top Raul Castro lifting JugEarsMcFoodstamp’s limp wrist in the air. I was wrong.

  22. I prefer the second English verse, which has the lines:
    O Canada! Where pines and maples grow,
    Great prairies spread and lordly rivers flow.
    How dear to us, thy broad domain,
    From east to western sea.
    Thou land of hope for all who toil,
    The true north strong and free.

  23. At least two of the Three Stooges–er, Amigos–think themselves as the Lord High Executioner.

  24. Little Paco is quite the shrimp. He is going to need someone to help boost him over the wall when Trump is elected.

  25. The George Soros trio doing their special rendition of the “global warming” hand jive, it looks rather clumsy because they usually do it pantless…. the half baked summit… featuring the three assholos… The trust fund jag off can’t sell out the country fast enough, laughing it up like the complete jack-ass that he is. I know the Media just love it when Justine wears his dads jacket (probably the most important political event since like forever eh) I wonder when the medias pet chimp is gonna go for a canoe ride wearing one of his Mums dresses , maybe on Dominion Day, oops, I mean Trudeau Day.

  26. May I be the first to wish everyone here a Happy Dominion Day tomorrow in spite of ourselves and the situation a majority a la our system has placed us in. We are not in good hands but we have to carry on regardless and wait for the next change towards becoming the Republic of Canada. We will then have a whole new anthem.

  27. Call them three amigos but they’re closer to three farts in a windstorm for all they accomplished and the cost of the whole meeting is not value for dollars spent.

  28. We are in for a long hard road that will get worse before it gets better, but it might be necessary for people to re-learn that lost knowledge.

  29. I watched the short clip several times. They all respond roughly in unison to an obvious cue to wave.
    Then, as the host of the summit, it is Zoolander’s time to take the initiative and shake his guests hands. He flubs it.
    What an embarrassment this PM is. He is worse at protocol than Obama.

  30. Previous comments referring to these 3 as the “3 Stooges” are an insult to the original Larry, Moe, and Curly.

  31. Bongo might have one of his mum’s dresses on very soon. The pride parade is coming up…..

  32. I finally got around to reading the comments. While reading I thought Three Stooges would be more accurate and then I read that you beat me to it. You won fair and square.
    Btw, I’m still upset that the morons in our parliament had to cheer Obama with repeatedly loudly suggesting he go for four more years. Marxist birds of a feather.
    Happy Dominion Day everyone.

  33. There has to be 3 or 16 CBC reporters on the trip willing to wash the turds pencil on this trip

  34. “Bongo might have one of his mum’s dresses on very soon.”
    Would that be the blue one…the one with a stain or two?

  35. OMG … all of everyone’s comments are making me do coffee spit takes ! Too funny ! And did I glance up at the TV screen a couple days ago and see a shirtless twirp-PM with arm tattoos ? Not even tattoos can give any gravitas to this silver spoon leftist baby of a famous leftist. Just a little awkward twirp. Outclassed by an American “community-organizer” in Chief.

  36. “Not even tattoos can give any gravitas to this silver spoon leftist baby of a famous leftist.”
    If tattoos gave gravitas I might consider getting one. I think tattoos are merely a sign of bad decision making.
    I’d never hire someone with such poor judgment.

  37. Ken…Yes, and then the dutiful press started polling re. a third term for Obama. The Democrats backed that idea.
