Another Win for Feminist Ghostbusters

Feminist Ghostbusters.jpg
Remember, just because kids don’t want the toys (and the movie hasn’t come out yet), you’re a sexist if you don’t see this movie.

30 Replies to “Another Win for Feminist Ghostbusters”

  1. New Coke / New Ghostbusters… just because people say they don’t want them doesn’t mean the people actually have a clue about what’s good for them.
    How did that Brexit thing happen again?

  2. Just wait until Target really marks them down.
    It will be the Tuesday after the movie opens (July 19) and closes on half the screens on Monday July 18.
    Target always does the new clearance sales on Tuesday

  3. The 30% off price is fitting,
    After all, Progressives only pay women 70% of what a man makes.

  4. “…when Target marks them down….”
    Target – find them filed under “Failures 2015”

  5. Buy one when the price has really been slashed to clear the shelves. Leave it in the box and tuck it away.
    Then, 20 years later on some sort of Antiques Roadshow:
    “Well, the movie bombed of course. So you have a Jillian Holtzmann… what a mouthful! What were the screenwriters thinking when they came up with that one? Anyway, this action figure is now so rare that collectors are snapping up the few they come across. In this condition, in the original packaging…”

  6. Holtz-MANN? Man?! Micro-aggression!
    And that’s a scary-looking automatic assault proton pack she’s got there. Does she really need that to hunt? Triggered!

  7. This is all part of the UN Agenda 2030 brainwashing. They are pushing a feminist agenda. Social engineering at its best. What scares me is how pervasive it is –it’s everywhere, being pushed by the political leaders who have been sucked in: Trudeau,Wynne Notley. Aboriginal rights are part for the agenda as well, and “global(ist) warming”. Of course,Hollywood is owned by the globalists. I guess they will try anything. Nice to see their efforts backfire on occasion.

  8. The history of the movie industry is replete with “re-makes” of original movies. It’s been going on for many, many years. Most of the re-makes are stinkers, sometimes they are even remakes of stinkers. Apparently it’s cheap to do and will always make SOME money …. a prime consideration of the industry.
    I suspect that this remake will not do well, but will still make SOME money. However, I do recall the movie “Space Balls” where Yorgart explains to Lone Star that the real money from movies is in the marketing of branded products: lunch boxes, dolls, etc. And he wasn’t kidding either………

  9. OT but I always felt sorry for a kid who had to play with an ‘action figure’ toy. It’s a doll but not really. When does the fun part start and what exactly does it entail?
    Barbie I could appreciate; especially the big tits.

  10. Serves the film writers and producers right ! … for not making Jillian a militant lesbian black woman with tightly clipped cornrows ! The problem is … they just didn’t go far enough … right ? Just like all the FAILED Socialist states … or Obamakkare … just. didn’t. go. far. enough.

  11. Why do all the characters look like lesbians? I suspect someone is throwing away their money. Aykroyd mustn’t like money anymore. If he had William Shatner replace the dead Harold Ramis, that could have been the high grosser of the year.

  12. It’s been advertising on TV – looks lame, really lame. Likely won’t even watch that one for free either.

  13. I never watched the original even when it was on on TV so I certainly not going to watch a feminized knock off. However that is one of great mysteries of feminism. Why if you are female and a feminist do you want to take the role of a man? Instead of always being “me too” come up with something original that reflects your womanhood.

  14. Here is my rule when it comes to movies; it has served me mightily well for most my life. It is thoroughly vetted, and ‘peer reviewed'(I’m not kidding)
    I strongly recommend this.
    Rule 1: Don’t see any movie with more than one woman on the poster; UNLESS, said women are ninjas, superheros, have dragons… or something like that.
    New Rule (still being vetted, but having very promising results): Don’t see any movies with ANY women on the poster who are over the age of 30.
    Example A: Ghostbusters … FAIL!
    Crisis averted.

  15. I forgot to mention, after the catastrophe that was the new Mad Max movie… I found it necessary to expand on the rule excluding women over 30.

  16. that’s very ‘fluid’ of you
    whatever you need to tell yourself about why you liked girl toys i guess

  17. You may be a leftist if you insist that gender & sexuality doesn`t matter and you can be whatever you feel that day, but also insist that the Ghostbusters be female, Captain America should be gay and that government should be selected 50 – 50 based on ovaries – testicles.

  18. “It will make some money…” If it doesn’t recover the 120$ million it took to make, highly doubtful, it will not have “made money”; it will have “lost” money. I’ll take the under on domestic gross at 40 million Alec.

  19. Can’t make it this weekend, Indigo Girls are playing a women’s league softball tourney.
    Maybe after I catch that Ishtar remake.

  20. Remember Trudeau’s daddy, who memorably told the Canadian Parliament ‘Menge de la M***.’ Whole bunch are a class act?

  21. Socialists (collectivists) doing to Hollywood what they did with Art and the artist to indoctrinated to understand. Collectivists despise true Art and hence they developed this ideology called Dada Art. True Art is the epitome of Individualism. This is why today leftist can consider a Jesus statue submerged in a Jar of PISS actual Art when it is no such thing. Hollywood continues to make crappy movies for a reason. The stooges that take these giant paychecks arent artists they are CAPITALISTS, yet are too dumb to realize it.
    Collectivists always have a plan while Individualists almost never do. Its because they are individualists not collectivists. Americas founders were Individualists. 0bama is a Collectivist. Forget the entire Liberal/Conservative labeling.

  22. Socialists (collectivists) doing to Hollywood what they did with Art and the artist to indoctrinated to understand. Collectivists despise true Art and hence they developed this ideology called Dada Art. True Art is the epitome of Individualism. This is why today leftist can consider a Jesus statue submerged in a Jar of PISS actual Art when it is no such thing. Hollywood continues to make crappy movies for a reason. The stooges that take these giant paychecks arent artists they are CAPITALISTS, yet are too dumb to realize it.
    Collectivists always have a plan while Individualists almost never do. Its because they are individualists not collectivists. Americas founders were Individualists. 0bama is a Collectivist. Forget the entire Liberal/Conservative labeling.

  23. Socialists (collectivists) doing to Hollywood what they did with Art and the artist to indoctrinated to understand. Collectivists despise true Art and hence they developed this ideology called Dada Art. True Art is the epitome of Individualism. This is why today leftist can consider a Jesus statue submerged in a Jar of PISS actual Art when it is no such thing. Hollywood continues to make crappy movies for a reason. The stooges that take these giant paychecks arent artists they are CAPITALISTS, yet are too dumb to realize it.
    Collectivists always have a plan while Individualists almost never do. Its because they are individualists not collectivists. Americas founders were Individualists. 0bama is a Collectivist. Forget the entire Liberal/Conservative labeling.

  24. Circa 2003 – 2010.
    “I got an idea! Every movie we have made to c##p all over GW Bush and the Iraq war effort has been a catastrophic failure and financial black hole. Howz this sound? Let’s make three more!”
    “Hmmmm, hey, yeah, that sounds great! Let’s do it!” “Uh-huh, Uh-huh, sounds like a plan! I’ll call the banks…”
    Be baffled no more. That’s just business. (I miss the days when it was “cynically all about the dollars”. That certainly made better movies.)

  25. “Rule 1: Don’t see any movie with more than one woman on the poster; UNLESS, said women are ninjas, superheros, have dragons… or something like that.”
    I can think of a couple of other things that might work.
