Riding Mass Transit Is Like Inviting 20 Incompetent Politicians To Drive Your Car

Ontariowe: The provincial government subsidized passengers on the troubled Union Pearson Express last year at a rate of $52.26 per ride.

23 Replies to “Riding Mass Transit Is Like Inviting 20 Incompetent Politicians To Drive Your Car”

  1. Hummmmmm. At one time there was a vote to out Queerbec. Can we have one to out Ontoriowe?

  2. There’s a crappy, woefully underused “light rail” line near me that links crappy New Jersey state capitol Trenton to the nation’s murder capital Camden, winding it’s way along several dying Delaware River towns, a real uplifting travel experience if one has the time. I would be shocked if the subsidy-per-ride isn’t 10x as bad as this Canadian example. So keep your chin ups Canadians!

  3. Ontario has the worst slate of incompetents running the ship in it’s history and there’s not a thing that can be done to stop the carnage. The cost of living in Ontario is obscene.

  4. I AM not a fan of our current Ontario government, but CANADA is still the BEST COUNTRY IN THIS UNIVERSE……… BAR NONE!
    It’s sprinkling rain here this morning in Woodstock Ontario/.

  5. The headline presupposes that there exists a competent politician.
    I have seen no evidence, in my lifetime, to support belief in such a creature.
    Those who desire the position are usually least suitable, to serve and perpetuate civil society.
    Those who are competent,people that is, refuse to seek office.
    Given the similarity to faeces flinging monkeys and our current political elites. I am wondering if their true function is more like, Preselected Scapegoats.

  6. Funny how the Tsar, er Star, manages to paint a solution that doesn’t reduce or stop subsidies but to subsidize a larger group of “more deserving” riders on other public transit lines.
    I also wonder why no mention of the salary rates being pulled in by unionized employees.
    Whenever the Government subsidizes something the cost of running that something magically skyrockets, and the taxpayers meekly bend over once more.

  7. Well … we retain lay know who was taken for a “ride” now don’t we ? I hope all you tax paying suckers enjoyed the view !

  8. Well … we certainly know who was taken for a “ride” now don’t we ? I hope all you tax paying suckers enjoyed the view !
    Stupid auto-correct … and even stupider me for not proofreading a single sentence.

  9. Exactly ! … and even CHEAPER … to give them all a prepaid UBER card for their “work-related” commute. They can pay for all other rides on their own damn dime.
    Of course … NONE of it should be paid for … but if the Socialists MUST … then at least be efficient about it.

  10. Maybe we should also have a vote regarding reader’s fatigue setting in with the repetitious and intentional misspelling of “Queerbec” and “Ontariowe” even though those provinces richly deserve the criticism implied in the misspellings.
    The cutesy terminologies are growing thin and stale and no longer funny after the first several dozen times of usage.

  11. Mass transit is an article of blind faith in municipal circles and because it is driven by politics rather than a market it more resembles other forms of circles. Like any other rail-based transportation system, efficiency is largely a function of volume and lack of cost effective alternatives.
    It sounds like it would be cheaper for the municipality to pay for taxi service for those currently using this system. Seattle’s latest system is similar. I recall a former economics professor from UW who taught at UBC (45 years ago) while on sabbatical, used a similar analysis to conclude that the US Government would save money if it payed for a vacation to Hawaii for every user of US National Parks rather than run the system.

  12. “Like any other rail-based transportation system, efficiency is largely a function of volume and lack of cost effective alternatives.”
    All rail transit in the whole world is drowning in red ink except for one particular line in Japan. Not all Japanese lines. One line.
    The historic purpose of rail transit was to move troops quickly in case of emergency. That justified the cost, once upon at time.

  13. I AM not a fan of our current Ontario government, but CANADA is still the BEST COUNTRY IN THIS UNIVERSE……… BAR NONE!
    Wrong. We are just a country full of nitwits and people who do not know how to stand up to the currant a@@holes running? the country. And Bcer is one example. He/she/it must be one of the voters for Turdeau. They are this country’s worst enemies.

  14. Turdeau?
    See what I mean? A good laugh the first time, a snicker the second time but continuously boring after the third time.

  15. There are and always have been competent people in politics,but once elected with the zeal to make some real changes in the system, find themselves running into a brick wall.
    As a former Reform MP said, not verbatim, I thought I could make a difference, but no one there (Ottawa) wants to change anything.
    It’s an exclusive club,and when you enter,you very soon find out the rules,and the rules are; don’t rock the boat.
    In B.C. we had a rail transport system known as the West Coast Express,which served Mission,and other areas, and was inexpensive, but the system had to be subsidized by about $26 per rider, fare was about $8 at the time.
    The only way to get people in Canada to ride public transit would be to ban all cars from the city,and only a Green government would do that, so until that glorious day when we completely adopt “1984” as an operating manual,we’re going to have to subsidize the fantasy.

  16. That may be so but in those high population density cities, few realistic alternatives currently exist (by design). I guess that lonely profitable Japanese line has perfected the compression of bodies in the coaches.

  17. BCer, rectum calling an a$$hole shitty, say it isn’t so
    But then we know ewe real well, don’t we. You will climb on the train to call Benjamin Levin, the pedo, all sorts of names, right up until I call him a Joo. Go soak your head you hippocrit
    As to the sorts of trains being discussed, it’s not the practicality that’s the problem, it’s the “management” of the whole system. Having done a lot of travelling, |I’v used these sorts of conveniences a lot, and find them very good.

  18. Thank you NME000.
    I would have been disappointed had I not received one of your barely literate offerings.
    “NME000” or “Notthinkin” – six of one, half a dozen of the other. Same thing.
    BTW – I guess you already know that, as always, the Jews and the Pope are behind it all.

  19. I told a friend last night the human species is just another herd. Herds, though, through their collective action and instinct, can sense danger. I think the herd is realizing harder times are ahead, so this is a time to trim, not increase fat. As the statist predator nears, the stampede is imminent.
    The elites are the groundhogs, hoping every great day of golden watermelon largesse continues unabated by reality. When the herd’s wisdom, btw which they aren’t truly aware (but they’re catching on) is revealed, the groundhogs wail and moan about the silly humans, so defective in their racism and xenophobia. All the while the groundhogs reveal themselves to be afraid of their own shadow. Meanwhile the herd feels preyed upon.
    This is the beginning, not the end of that movement. Trump is the leading edge. To our great detriment Harper failed as our limited government hero, because he allowed the statist cabal to re-engineer him as establishment so cabin boy could be projected as a populist.
    Don’t count on Trump letting that happen. Look at Wynne at 18% approval. Look at Norway where the only politician running for leader got 18% of the vote. Brexit now snowplows for the anti-establishment, up to here voters in the US.
    Instead the neo-leaders want to ride it out until elections, and then send their mediocracy sycophants to plow the way; they run the risk of the Brexit plow running them over as it meanders over to the US. Hillary is basically all in at this point. She must capture and the POTUS and the Dems Congress or she will face a shit storm of investigations, special prosecutors and ultimately indictments.
    Now Willie has ditched her to try to save his own skin by ambushing AG Lynch. BTW, she’s carrying the water for the Dems on terrorism and corruption; I sense she’s not happy about it. If they keep pressuring her, as they no doubt are as Comey closes in on Hillary and Bill, will she blow?
    If she were to resign &/or blow the whistle, it’s sayonara time for the Dems everywhere. Will Hillary get the White House or the Big House, those are the two main questions. When all is said and done, will Hillary dispense of orange man or herself don an orange jumpsuit?

  20. Calgary’s LRT Costs: It costs $25,000 to $50,000 to build 1 parking stall and $11 per day for cleaning per stall. The parking is $80/month and the LRT fare is $3.15 per ride. So Green thou!!
