28 Replies to “The Humourless Left”

  1. Of course the comedians running the show, want you to take them seriously.
    The cogent response is loud guffaws…followed by a Harumph!
    If one is formulating national policy at Comedy Central; you’re not a serious nation.
    Notably, the jokers who are ostensibly running the government at their own behest and benefit are the punch line.
    A grand farce to be sure!
    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group ‘True North’

  2. The author attributes great insight and sparkling wit to Jon Stewart, who, in fact, is no more than a talking head performing the lines written for him by a large and talented and expensive staff of comic writers.

  3. There is no humour anymore.
    There hasn’t been any in quite a while.
    And the terms “out there”, risqué and edgy are meaningless now.

  4. Right, he’s a garden variety agitator that would have been railing against the government and “the man” 30 years ago, and now he cheers it on, following a script. Edgy.

  5. Once in a while Jon Stewart actually had something creative but it was mostly politicking. The South African black guy who replaced him just comes off as bitter and hateful and devoid of comedy. I would ask who is this foreigner trying to make fun of America’s political leadership? If he wants to make fun of someone Jacob Zuma is a much better target than Trump and many times more ridiculous.

  6. Jon Stewart was in a great position. He never had to answer for his opinions. If he ran a piece that was particularly untrue or unfair, he didn’t have retract it. He could just shrug and say “What’s the matter? Can’t take a joke?”

  7. I treated the Daily Show … like I treated SNL … erased from my DVR settings. Just too much leftist tripe, that wasn’t only NOT politically accurate … but painfully unfunny. And sorry, David Letterman WAS funny and inventive in 1987 … not so much for the 90’s and beyond.
    The same old tiresome schtik about them dumb, NASCAR watchin, cousin kissin, inbred hillbilly fundie, republicans … when, in-fact the most UN-educated people I know … are the so-called “high-degreed” Democrats here in N.CA. “The things that pass for knowledge … I can’t understand”

  8. Liberals are incapable of understanding that what they think is funny is just sadly revealing of the inner moral vacuum that at the same time creates their extraordinarily unbalanced world view.
    The typical liberal joke is more or less this — people in the sticks are so dumb that they think ISIS fighters are blending into the refugee stream so that they can blow up things here.
    And then they look at each other and laugh as though that were funny somehow.
    Another liberal “joke” would be that Harper would be too stiff to jump into a crowd of teenagers and take selfies. This would also create waves of almost uncontrolled mirth, as though some great truth about the human condition had been revealed.
    Also, liberals like to joke about how some people are too dumb to realize that global warming is real, sort of like saying some people are too dumb to realize the Toronto Maple Leafs are natural favourites to win the Stanley Cup every year.
    Anyway, here’s some conservative humour — a liberal, a progressive and a socialist walked into a bar. The bartender said, “sorry, I’m just closing up.” The liberal, progressive and socialist said in unison, “but the sign says open until midnight and it’s only 3 p.m.” “Well when I saw you come in,” said the bartender, “I changed the clocks to Moscow time so you would feel at home. And it’s midnight.”

  9. Excellent joke! What makes it even funnier is that the time difference is about 9 hours.

  10. Toking Liberal then cites some obscure hack who claims he has a measuring stick for senses of humour. I suppose you’ll be happy when Little Mosque on the Prairie begins their reruns.

  11. I bet Johnny Carson’s valet was funnier than any of these clowns on today. I gave up TV just in time.

  12. The left’s definition of humour is anything which ridicules whatever conservatives consider good, right, and proper, and does it in as rude and disgusting a way as possible.

  13. “The fact is, conservatives just don’t do humour well.”
    ~Our Tolerated Liberal
    Dennis Miller, a conservative, was a core member of Saturday Night Live and not only did comedy sketches but was a major writer and creator of many of the characters played by other now famous comedians and wrote their jokes and comedy sketches too.
    Dennis Miller is listed as #21 on Comedy Central’s 100 greatest stand up comedians of all time.

  14. “Dennis Miller is listed as #21 on Comedy Central’s 100 greatest stand up comedians of all time.”
    Yeah, exactly. You can count the number of “conservative” comedians on that CC 100 all-time greatest stand-ups list with, what, one hand, maybe two?

  15. yep, you definitely are a liberal. that is not something to be proud of.

  16. Liberals are incessant.They manage to work their leftist ideology and comments not only into morning,afternoon,prime-time and evening telecasts,but now even into sporting events,commercials,business,travel and cooking shows and even the weather.
    The last unbiased TV show was the test-pattern, and that always seemed to be a repeat.

  17. Not even the test pattern was unbiased.
    The one I saw when TV was primarily black and white featured a native chief wearing a headdress. It was very politically incorrect (i. e., racism, cultural appropriation, sexism).
    The one that’s used nowadays is also quite liberal. After all, it features a variety of colours and we know what that represents when it’s displayed on a flag.

  18. The Humourless Left

    Actually, clips of the Daily Show with Jon Stewart were widely shared, and often went viral.

    The comedian’s job, I believe, is to stand above the absurdity of the world, lower his rope, and invite us to laugh ourselves up out of the muck.

    Apparently, the author doesn’t understand the concept of satire. It’s often said that conservatives don’t get irony.

  19. What the left and left leaning comedians in general do not understand is that comedy is an essential element of free speech. That means my words and opinions can and will offend you. It is ironic that some left leaning comedians are now feeling the sting of attack coming from the constantly offended left’s SJWs for not only current routines, but ones that are decades old. Jerry Seinfeld, Chris Rock and John Cleese have been criticized and have spoken out against this PC backlash but as Bart said to Lisa, “The ironing is delicious.”

  20. “and often went viral.”
    Viral, for the Left, means astro-Turf. Nothing is grass roots with them.

  21. Oz: Viral, for the Left, means astro-Turf. Nothing is grass roots with them.
    Actually, the Daily Show with Jon Stewart had one of the highest ratings on cable television, with a high number of coveted younger, more educated viewers.

    while advocacy-with-jokes isn’t really comedy

    It’s called satire, a form of comedy with a very ancient history.
