Bill’s Wife

The Hill;

FBI Director James Comey is now firmly in the driver’s seat of the Hillary Clinton email investigation, after Attorney General Loretta Lynch pledged she would accept whatever course of action his bureau and career prosecutors recommend.
Lynch’s influence will continue to be felt throughout the department, and her refusal to fully remove herself from the case ensures that she will continue to be briefed about its developments. Prosecutors within her department — not the FBI — will ultimately decide whether or not to press ahead with charges.
But her decision makes Comey the public face of the investigation. And his reputation as a well-respected but hard-nosed maverick might give Democrats some worry about the outcome of the probe, which is nearing its one-year anniversary later this month.
“Comey is the center of gravity on this thing,” said Ron Hosko, a former FBI assistant director and president of the Law Enforcement Legal Defense Fund.
“There is a growing expectation that we the public need to hear the FBI, Jim Comey version of whether or not charges will be brought,” he added. “There has probably been increasing recognition by her that that’s true, that she is viewed as — regardless of her prior reputation as an effective prosecutor — she’s now the head of Obama’s DOJ, a political position in a Democratic administration that is deciding on the prosecution or not of the leading Democratic candidate.”
Lynch on Friday succumbed to the intensifying public pressure on her following Monday’s private 30-minute meeting in Phoenix with former President Clinton.

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18 Replies to “Bill’s Wife”

  1. She did not succumb. She removed her face from it. The justice dept already knows what to do. Clinton will be free of it.

  2. Classic Hypocrites. The Democratic party in America wants anyone on the no-fly list to be unable to purchase a gun in America but its OK for someone who is being actively investigated by the FBI in a state security threat to run as a candidate for President of the United States. George Orwell could have written the script and Rod Serling could have presented on the Twilight Zone, but it was so far off the map that no-one would have watched it.

  3. Was Lynch seen wiping her chin as she left Clinton’s plane?
    This is kabuki theatre. The demented Hillary is not going to be indicted. The fix is in. What this means is a cooperative Department of Justice career lawyer will make the call. He will be trumpeted as being “independent.” So when he finds that Hillary made inadvertent good faith errors in judgment, there will be no criminal prosecution of the the presumptive Democrat candidate for president. So any blame will be off the Democrat party and on the independent, career DOJ lawyer instead.

  4. The friendship between FBI director Comey and Illinois prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald makes me wonder about Comey. Fitzgerald was the lead prosecutor in the Scooter Libby debacle, which tells me that he’s a Democrat “hit man”. The Blogojevich investigation also seemed to have been cut short to protect a certain highly connected Democrat:
    –Fitzgerald, a mere 6 feet 3 inches tall, has a quieter, less cutting style than his friend. He usually plays Comey’s straight man, but every once in a while he’ll surprise you with his own barb, usually directed at Comey.–

  5. Hmmm, the crime syndicate known as the Democrat Party has a career criminal standing as their candidate for POTUS, and that same crime syndicate is in charge of Justice. Hmmm.
    The Dems are howling with laughter.

  6. Bill Clinton appointed Loretta Lynch as a Federal Prosecutor. They, “go back” …
    If the career prosecutors and the FBI do not issue the same recommendation…

  7. That is exactly my take on the meeting with Clinton. She orchestrated it, to fabricate a reason to recuse herself from the whole affair.
    She did this as her Pontius Pilate moment … to politically wash her hands of the whole affair. So she won’t be a tainted Supreme Court nominee by madam President

  8. I don’t think there has ever been any doubt about that,Ken.
    Remember the good old days,when we used to laugh at the machinations in the “banana republics”, secure in the knowledge that OUR system was strictly on the up and up?
    Not any more.

  9. If they had wanted the meeting to be private, it would have been. This is just the Clintons’ way of reminding the commoners that they are untouchable and beyond the law.
    American aristocracy.

  10. Lynch and Clinton met so that she can step to the side and call the shots from the shadows. These are the smartest people in America. They don’t do whoops.

  11. You know what I can’t figure out? If you really wanted to keep a meeting at an airport secret, would you have FBI crawling all over the place telling people, “no cameras, no cellphones”? This is like planning a surprise birthday party for your Grandma but publishing notice of it in the local newspaper that she reads religiously.

  12. Hillary has now met with FBI investigators. How many times did she take the 5th?
    Whether or not Comey recommends indictment, the FBI report will be leaked to the public, along with lots and lots of incriminating peccadillos, leaks & hacks via Hillary’s breached homebrew server.
    Hillary has already showed herself to be the most transparent Sec of State & POTUS candidate in history thanks to her abominable judgment.

  13. The FBI’s so called integration of Clinton on the first day of the long 4th of July holiday tells me that Hillary is free and clear.
    Anyone remember the Obamacare, You Can Keep Your Doctor, and save 2500 dollars per year, release date ??
    As Americans scrambled ahead of the July Fourth holiday weekend on Thursday afternoon, the Department of Health and Human Services released 1,296 pages of new regulations dealing with payment rates to doctors and hospitals. This timing is part of a long pattern for President Obama’s administration, which has often used holidays as an opportunity to dump dense regulatory changes/charges, when most reporters and Americans are focused on their holiday plans.
    They are smart enough to know that low information voters have Shiite for Brains, and those low information voters would care less if Hillary Clinton is a Crook, or had a 4th of July firecracker up her A$$…
    Just Bring me a Beer and a couple of hot dogs, Hey – Look !
    Judge Judy is on TV !!

  14. integration- interrogation ? shit.
    Well you know, She can talk like a Black Woman.. yo.

  15. Just finished a second book on the Clintons by Edward Klein. This is about the Blood Feud between them and the Obamas. Both his books stressed how Obama is a weak, amateurish narcissist and run by Jerrett and his wife. He has little interest in the presidency beyond using it to show his vast intellect (choke). The Clintons are pure scum and Bill is only interested in power. Hillary is crass and just a real piece of work. Throughout both books though Hillary with Bill’s vast contacts and money crowd is driven to become the president there is no hint on why beyond Bill being back in the White House. There is, just as in the EU, a moneyed, elite class that more and more is running America for themselves. I hope as in the UK people vote Trump in as president. Nothing could be as bad as having the harpy Hillary there.

  16. Rush is correct – “the fix is in”. There is no way Lynch would step aside without having a Hillary rescue in place. Don’t give them the satisfaction of being surprised when it happens. Just respond with a “that’s typical”.
