35 Replies to “Bill’s Wife”

  1. I’ll be shocked if any charges come out of this. It’s all for show.

  2. Ain’t nuthin gonna happen. We Yanks been living in a BANANA REPUBLIC the last 7.5 years.

  3. Just tying up a few loose ends?
    It’s a felony to lie to a federal agent, add that to the long long list as well…

  4. “We do investigations here at the FBI” …
    “Clinton campaign spokesman Nick Merrill released the following statement regarding the three and a half hour meeting (as read on Fox News):
    Secretary Clinton gave a voluntary interview this morning about her email arrangements while she was Secretary. She is pleased to have had the opportunity to assist the Department of Justice in bringing this review to a conclusion. Out of respect for the investigative process, she will not comment further on her interview.
    FBI Director James Comey told Fox News’s Catherine Herridge in May that he was not familiar with the term used by the Clinton camp, “security inquiry.” He told Herridge that “We do investigations here at the FBI.”

  5. I expect that you and Sid are correct. The corruption is too deep in this government.

  6. This thing `voluntary interview` is a curious phrase.
    What does Clinton mean by it.
    Is it that Clinton went to the FBI and said “go ahead, interview me”?
    Or is it that the FBI said “we have to interview you” and Clinton said oki doki.
    One here thinks, it is as anything coming out of Clinton’s mouth, running interference kind of thing.
    Does not mean anything, it just fills the void and impresses the “journalist” pool.
    If you follow the saga, Clinton will say “it’s old news” or “as I said before” or “it has been look into before” as though that invalidates any inquiry in her actions.

  7. I predict the number of ‘Squirrel” sightings by the Presstitutes will escalate to unprecedented levels.
    Just watched a Progressive Shill on Fox try all the current talking points, everything except answer the question.
    MSM coverage;”Hillary Clinton asked…Oh look squirrel.. What a magnificent beast..That concludes this breaking news story.
    Next coverage…”Clinton Charges? Thats old news”.’But Trump”.

  8. Actually dhimicrats are FUBAR, the more blatant the media and political establishment’s cover for Hitlery the more powerful Trump gets. If he plays it right it is a perfect storm one way or the other.

  9. This is the same kind of BS we saw here in Canada with regards to Mike Duffy. The whole investigation was camouflaged. The Mounties had enough on Duffy to put him away for a decade. The PMO phoned a judge and the whole mess was swept under the bed. As for Clinton, the same will happen. I’ll bet both judges will have a new Escalade in their garages before duck hunting season.

  10. Lynch: I will accept the recommendations of career FBI agents and career prosecutors.
    That is the whole point, isn’t it ?
    If you want to keep your career, it better be a good recommendation.

  11. Hey sues …what have you been smokin’? You’re saying the PMO…as in JT and bunch put a kibosh to the Duffy prosecution. Harper was out of office at the time. You obviously we’re not paying attention to the details of the Duffy arrangement. Duffy, although a creature of the entitlement culture, was no more culpable than the rules (or lack thereof) allowed. He was demonized because of the conservative brand. Many others allowed themselves the same indulgences. If they gave him advantage, it was because it also benefitted others who were less expendable than he. ie: liberals.

  12. My concern is that they WILL indite Clinton and the Dems will then select Biden or someone else who is not miss-trusted/hated by the public making it harder to get Trump elected.

  13. Really? The PMO called a judge? The whole thing was swept under the bed?
    What was the name of the judge they called? What did they tell the judge to do? What was the name of the individual in the PMO that called the judge?
    I love it when people with real insider information come out with facts that have been kept from the public.

  14. Oh yeah, Pirro could be right, the fix is in; but the only fly in the ointment is the desperate(?) Bubba tarmac appearance.
    If FBI recommend grand jury/indictment, she will go ahead. She’s had a bellyful of the Clinton family imho.
    An indictment is no longer out of the realm of possibility, again imho.
    Either way Hillary is road kill. Unless GOP sinks him on purpose, Trump should win.
    Unless he tanks, which he hasn’t yet.
    The avatar corrupt establishment politician belongs to Hillary, but she’s endangered herself.
    Bill’s chance meeting with Loretta shows he’s worried and she’s all in. Is Hillary pissed with Bubba? She should be.
    The White House or the big house, assuming she can also rule at least the Senate too.
    I can’t wait for the debates. Will Hillary make it that far?
    Our cabin boy got in under the leave sentiment by posing as a populist.
    Our idiotic TO-centric “national media” circles the bowl, having given their last to get the cabin boy in.
    Otherwise it would have been clear sailing to libertarian prosperity via PMSH, so crises needed manufacturing.
    Millennials and their thirty something wannabe clan claim they have to learn for themselves.
    Having taken the original Trudeau ride, I don’t share their enthusiasm for an encore of statist fiscal corruption, juiced with cronyism.
    From my perch, I say great, thanks for the present income via future tax increases to you. I’m cashing in; baby boomers will rule the roost for awhile.
    Meanwhile, I’m enjoying every minute of the Trump takedown south of the border. It sure beats the gong that poses as governance here.

  15. Grilled? I doubt it. Hosted at a coffee klatch, maybe.
    This has the feel of a charade.
    “Not only must Justice be done; it must also be seen to be done.”
    ~Gordon Hewart, 1st Viscount Hewart, 7th Lord Chief Justice of England

  16. Yep, wouldn’t want to be accused of gun running to ISIS through Libya; supporting the wrong side of the cluster disaster that is Iraq/Syria.
    “Hellary” loves conflict, she is so busy supporting death, stupidity and disaster. Why? Because conflict sells arms…which is good for the bottom line. And if a several of your own get caught up as ‘collateral damage’, you can always blame some unknown video producer.
    Always nice to know you can build a potential presidency on a pile of graves. Maybe she really will have to duck sniper fire at some point in the future. I hope she sleeps well…
    There isn’t enough hot water in the world to shower off the scum.
    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group ‘True North’

  17. Why has it taken so long for them to interview or question, or whatever, Bill’s wife and why now? I’m sure it hasn’t anything to do with the looming election.

  18. Rush has the definitive analysis of the “clandestine” meeting and the “investigation”.
    “We Are Being Played by the Clintons”.
    He discussed the excitement and anticipation of an indictment along the lines: ‘they won’t be able to sweep this under the carpet’ which of course they will do AND get away with it …. and leave us crestfallen and depressed.
    The radio show transcript contains two theories of the machinations.
    One is that the Phoenix meeting was a deliberate TAINT which was my immediate impression when I heard the news. As to Bill being there for some golf? In 110F heat? More like some chess.
    May I suggest a thread title edit: It’s Certainly Nothing.

  19. There will never be an indictment. The greatest punishment we can hand HilLIARy is to deny her the presidency.

  20. Here’s how I see it.
    The Dems have a clear track record of using almost any sleazy means to achieve their objectives. Neither justice nor due process will prevent their bureaucracy-wide “team” from retaining control of the White House. The FBI will invent some line of reasoning to explain her “innocence”, the media will collaborate and together they will aggressively attack anyone disagreeing with their claims.
    Remember, ultimately none of this matters to the media anyways ’cause Trump is a racist.

  21. Please remember, it is not who cast the votes who determines the out come of an election, it is he who counts them. The reason “polls” are always close is so that the counters will have the cover of a close call win so that the losers will think it was a fair election and not rise up and physically throw the bums out. Add the democratic process must also be “seen to be done” to the program. In conclusion as someone here said, “If voting really mattered they wouldn’t let us do it.”
    And yes I will vote, cause I want some little $hit who is a tool and doing the in the trenches dirty work to have to lie big time.

  22. Agreed.
    The coruption runs too deep.
    Americas security , under Killary’s presidency, will be sold to the highest bidder.
    NWO here we come!

  23. The Establishment on both sides of the House are so scared of Trump they will ignore Clinton’s transgressions and clear her way to the election. National security you understand.

  24. I understand that the left hates Trump. What I don’t understand is that they think it is quite ok to offer up a criminal as the alternative.

  25. Still in the indictment camp. In fact, I’d go so far as to say that the little missive leaked to CNN yesterday was a nice barium meal test to find out who in the Feebs has been leaking information on the investigation before they go forward with their recommendations, which is completely opposite the information leaked to CNN.

  26. I think that the Orlando debacle by Lynch (hiding the Truth by redaction) has sealed the fate of the Clinton’s…That and corrupt Bill meeting with the equally corrupt Lynch….The MSM detected & refused to give Lynch a pass (She & the Baltimore AG are similarly Incompetent)
    Hillary has a huge PR problem…She will be indited, or the public will indite all Democrats. How could an honest Democrat succeed under that cloud of slime?
    Hillary would not get the Public respect necessary for an effective WH administration? The whole system would fail.. The Congress can still, and should, impeach both Lynch & Obama….Six months of unchecked corruption is not healthy…..

  27. Very interesting … and very possible. I dearly HOPE you are right. If she walks with some weak slap on the wrist, then America is finished. No longer a nation of laws. No longer blind justice. She will become the “white O.J.”

  28. “How could an honest Democrat succeed under that cloud of slime?”
    There are honest Democrats? Really?
    I’ll tell you what there are.
    People who for various reasons want to believe a lie, however implausible.
    All that is necessary is that you throw them a thread from which they will build a whole cloth.
    “Still a man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest.”
    ~Paul Simon, lyric from the Boxer

  29. Dear Slap Shot,
    You are so cute. You are still believe in justice, there isn’t any. The rules are for the little people and those that oppose the NWO,everyone else gets a pass .

  30. What difference does it make now? Good question. Does the Clinton criminal enterprise know no bounds?
    “(Bill) Clinton sought secret info on EU bailout plans as son-in-law’s doomed hedge fund gambled on Greece.”
    In 2012, Mezvinski, the husband of Chelsea Clinton, created a $325 million basket of offshore funds under the Eaglevale Partners banner through a special arrangement with investment bank Goldman Sachs. The funds have lost tens of millions of dollars predicting that bailouts of the Greek banking system would pump up the value of the country’s distressed bonds. One fund, exclusively dedicated to Greek debt, suffered near-total losses.”
    Clinton stepped down as secretary of state in 2013 to run for president. But newly released emails from 2012 show that she and Clinton Foundation consultant, Sidney Blumenthal, shared classified information about how German leadership viewed the prospects for a Greek bailout. Clinton also shared “protected” State Department information about Greek bonds with her husband at the same time that her son-in-law aimed his hedge fund at Greece.”

  31. Apparently the FBI had been chasing Hillary for about ten days, but she was ducking them in a game of conflicting calendars.
    The quick and dirty right now is the FBI have decided not to recommend an indictment over the emails, something Trump has already tweeted.
    Let’s hope that’s just a shot across the bow by Trump, and not the FBI skidding under the establishment umbrella.
    Is the next step by the Clintons to ensure censorship of the case details, scrubbed thus far from election discourse?
    If so then Bubba has made the single biggest blunder in American political history. This fish stinks from head to tail to wary voters.
    What about the Clinton Foundation investigation? Yes, it would likely gain from conflict given they have so many despots as contributors.

  32. WRONG!!! – The rules for the Senate were written by the Senators for the Senators! Harper in no way influenced the outcome. This entire issue was by and for the liberal media. In October last year they – the Libs AND the media got their way.
    And all Canadians will pay a price.
    Of course you won’t care – you will remain in the basement, eh!
