29 Replies to “Deep Impact”

  1. “Beyond that, it is very, very hard for me to see what else can be done.”
    Perhaps try producing something that isn’t sh!t. Just a thought.

  2. What a useless exercise in navel-gazing! Dropping the political agenda in everything you print/post and just reporting the news fairly will go a long way to restore credibility (and revenues). But that will only go so far with a generation that is more interested in selfies than ISIS.

  3. Shorter version:
    We produce a product nobody wants because it’s largely an echo chamber of us talking to ourselves. To find a solution to this lack of demand for our product, we talked amongst ourselves.

  4. One careless misstep and a talentless hack could lose any chance
    of ever riding on the media party gravy train complete with a valid
    transfer to some government’s leftist make work PR heaven.
    It must be very stressful.

  5. Have to agree with JDN.
    Prior to the rise of new media the propaganda press could easily control the narrative by simply not mentioning that the tree fell in the forest. Their reaction to new media hasn’t been to spread the truth about the fallen tree but to loudly proclaim the tree still stands, and viciously attack any who dare state otherwise.
    It is the deceit that is killing them. Faster please.

  6. re: “Facebook is the devil”
    of course, and so is Twitter, and all those blogs that won’t pay his pension, and cannot be nuanced into painting rosy pictures of things as they ought to be.

  7. Exactly! And that would liberal biased sh!t.
    Andrew Potter writes, “I’m old enough to remember a time when print journalism, and the news media in general, was seen as a pox on democracy, a gatekeeper of information that used its quasi-monopolistic powers to manipulate the public and manufacture consent.” I have news for you Andrew, it still is. Eight years plus of constant bashing and denigrating of Harper, his family, and the Harper Conservative government, and now since October 2015, nothing but praise for everything the Liberal government does and the photographic and article building of a personality cult of the beautiful Trudeau and family.
    The only paper I do or would pay for is the E-edition of the NP. The rest are nothing but mouthpieces for the Liberal Party of Canada.
    Markon is right, faster please. No media is better than a totally biased media.

  8. That’s exactly what happened in Alberta. Soon after Red Rachel became commissar of our Free People’s Socialist Republic out here, the Rebel predicted that the media will give the provincial government a free ride. The reason it cited was that, by keeping quiet, its members might get a seat on the gravy train.
    Several journalists did exactly that–they kept a low profile, didn’t stir things up, and let the Dippers off the hook. It was no surprise that those same journalists are now working for Red Rachel…. most, if not all, with 6-figure salaries, just like the Rebel predicted.
    Presstitutes, indeed.

  9. re: “Facebook is the devil”
    Perhaps Andrew Potter would be happier if Trudeau gave Facebook $125M/year, like that sweet election bribe to the CBC, in order to bend and twist public opinion more to his liking. What a piece of work.

  10. Is the MSM slowly fading away really good enough for everyone here?
    I want them to suffer. I want them to pay for the “crimes” they have committed. I want society to forever place them higher than used car salesmen on the lying scum-o-meter. I want them to be renowned as the anti-Democratic traitors they truly are. I want to see specific charges of fraud, slander, treason and misconduct leveled. I want to see a public confession that THEY ARE the left’s mouthpiece and THEY ARE the hate-mongering bigots, not everyone they deem as not obeying their narrative. I want “journalism” on a resume to carry as much negativity as a felony conviction.
    That would keep me happy for starters, anyways.

  11. I agree with everyone’s comments above. The other big problem is that we never paid anyone for news before. Their money always came from advertising. So if they can’t squeeze money out from ads anymore what makes them think we will pay for it. It’s a product we place no value on. We’ve never paid for news in the past.

  12. The media will get welfare, citizens will be burdened with a new tax. Media will be even more subservient to Liberal politicians and Liberal ideology. That’s what Liberals do. Look at how many “objective” journalists have been hired by the LPC since the election. Of course journalists who are insecure about their career are already climbing all over each other trying to get hired by the federal government. Pretty soon all government employees will be from Quebecer and Southern Ontario, academics and journalists.
    They’ll call themselves experts and, like Brexiters, everyone who disagrees will be labelled stupid and racist. I don’t think there’s much ideological or regional diversity right now. Look at the difference in treatment of western Canadian pipelines/energy companies and central Canadian auto and aerospace industry. They all have big CO2 footprints (one production, the other two consumption) but only one is singled out, threatened with punitive taxes and insulted. The two from central Canada are praised and bailed out by taxpayers. How often does the media write about that contradiction? The next target will be cattle and grain farmers but exemptions for everyone else.
    The demonization of western Canada and the west’s economic interests will get worse and worse. The media, bought and paid for, will cheer the Liberals on. A renewed interest in western separation will not only return but will be stronger since every province east of Saskatchewan will, economically, be going Greek. But the media will still be writing about Canada’s two solitudes and, occasionally, about those horrible, stupid, racist people in the hinterland.

  13. Just my thoughts.
    Uhh while the rebel.media is no Fox News I think they have secured a base to witch they can successfully function as well they produce a product that obviously people want.
    Supply n demand works folks for me personally when it comes to all news journalism news papers tv news Ect Ect …..there is an oversupply of shit right now and the rebel is north of the 49 parallel is one of the only news company/franchise that produces a product that people want to pay for I am a paying member myself.
    As an aside blogs such as this are destroying the junk relic media simply by posting articles from the scene from first hand accounts….so “the news at 6” is just no longer a possibility people are more Mobil and busy than they have ever been why pay for and lug around a news paper or magazine when you can have several of both on your phone , tablet, what have you….anyway just my thoughts and opinion.
    People are people your can’t piss on their shoes and tell them it’s raining anymore now than you could in the past….its just that now they have even more choice and cheaper prices.

  14. As pointed out above the almost total collapse of ad revenue is doing its work to finish print journalism.
    We can’t be too cheered by its replacement. If you think all the stupidity in the world recides in the boardrooms of newspapers think again.
    Look at the things the owners of Facebook, Google, and Youtube believe in and promote. The ad revenue is going to these clowns and the result will be no better for the cause of freedom.

  15. It is kinda interesting to know Andrew Potter thinks it’s still important to look inward at himself and his fellow ink-stained wretches to try and figure out what went wrong, what is going wrong, and what will go wrong.
    When columnists and reporters make the news and stories about themselves and their craft, and have themselves a big ol’ pity party, they just lose some more.
    Potter can just look back at the splendid reporting on the Robocalls scandal that garnered the Ottawa Citizen so much praise, but turned out to be a nothingburger dud.
    There was no widespread abuse that stole the 2011 election for Harper – just one guy rung up in Guelph that couldn’t even stop the Liberals from winning that riding. As much as the Citizen hoped they had something massive and consuming, higher-ups should’ve known sooner that they were beating a dead horse when more and more was revealed. The OC persisted with tilting at the Harper windmill when they should’ve moved on. There was no apology given for misrepresentation, sensationalism, and exaggeration.
    I will enjoy the day when guys like Potter read the news/columns as they do on cbcnews.com and sit back, look up, ponder deeply, and realize (finally!) that he and his private MSM cronies have been promoting and subsidizing a killer of his job and his company in Canada.

  16. Part at least of the “problem” is the poor quality (at least in terms of user friendliness) of MSM websites. I have just let lapse a second one year paid sub to the Calgary Herald. My reason is simple – the experience of trying to “read” the e-paper is simply unsatisfactory, compared to having the old fashioned hard copy (which I mostly can’t get anyway, being a rural dweller).
    This is not an easy fix, either. The news sources have to make it worth while for consumers to pay for nicely presented and really good content, before the digital editions succeed. One suggestion might be to can all advertising, try to segregate the “markets” and then charge enough to pay for the content. AFter all, any paper costs at least $2 these days – that’s about $500 a year or so. The Calgary Herald e-edition was not worth even their paltry $100 to me, but I would happily pay say $250 for something much better.
    Similar comments apply to the Mop and Pail, and I may try their e-paper again one day.

  17. The fundamental problem for journalists is that anyone can describe what they see. Very unlike reattaching torn knee ligaments with an orthoscope.
    Once Al Gore invented the internet and smart people invented the smart phone, FB, Twitter, Instagram, and blogs it created a situation whereby anyone who can write clearly and communicate well can be a journalist. Which is a lot of people. The only thing that ever kept journalists in their position as gatekeepers was technology, not their skills.
    As Kate’s image implies, what we are witnessing is a mass extinction event. There is no future for journalists.

  18. The MSM are the zombie corpses of progressive culture. Spewing unreadable and biased bilge of which only a fraction of even their own partisan fellow travelers engage is not a sound business model. Aside from the lack of marketable content, print and network news is becoming a horse and buggy industry. This makes the CBC nothing more than a malodorous government funded progressive museum.
    The only thing that has changed over the last few decades (while technology has passed them by) is that the media is no longer trying to hide their watermelon perspective on everything as they have become unapologetically indistinguishable from the progressive blob.

  19. Indeed. People will pay for NEWS. As for the eructations of ill-taught superannuated adolescents, not so much.

  20. News media, school administrators and the teachers, bureaucrats and all government employees, are pretty much leftist, or PROGRESSIVES conservatives. The morphing to the left has been relentless over the last 50-60 years. And what have the socalled conservatives done, besides learning to fix the lefties toilets, they sing geezus saves, geezus saves, and then go home and bitch about the fact that lefties are in charge.

  21. “What should be done about the state of the news media?”
    Nothing. Nothing at all.
    Sort it out yourselves. Sink or swim. Not my problem.

  22. Of course the first initial error in all of this is, that the definition of “news media” is, to be generous, 99% wrong.
    There is no “news media”, there is media.
    The media is an entertainment business that some times dabbles in news business just to pretend.

  23. Funny that they didn’t want to post my comment about them not getting facts right or their leftwing bias pushing their agenda into their stories.

  24. I’m with you, Grok, it will be be interesting to see how many comments from here survive moderation, and what they say. The author is probably astonished to see how much attention that missive is receiving. If he’s smart he’ll track it back and read some of Kate’s site from the viewpoint of “these are the readers I’ve got to recover, what do they want to hear?”
    I suspect that he won’t. It’s much easier to assume stupidity in those who disagree with you than to try to understand the sources of disagreement.

  25. Yes, just being an echo chamber for the left, a propaganda organ worthy of a communist regime, is not a recipe for success.

  26. Exactly true. It’s not the ‘news’ anymore, it’s an entertainment system, run by libtards who edit the propaganda they produce to appeal to the libtard demographic their advertisers and staff want to reach. Almost all ‘journalists’ went to LibArts schools where they could buy a degree with a reasonable amount of scholarship. Those who have skills go into engineering, science or the trades.
    “The difference between science and the fuzzy subjects is that science requires reasoning while those other subjects merely require scholarship.” — Robert Heinlein

  27. Most Canadian journalists are really dumb … maybe even mentally retarded.
