36 Replies to “More Pavilions At Folkfest”

  1. When I was in high school, being a fan of RPGs mostly meant playing with funny dice and not getting laid.

  2. And now, the older relatives of these students have “no idea” why real Canadians won’t give them work…
    regarding the linked article, I know plenty of real Canadians that are struggling now with being out of work. I doubt having to have an arabic to english interpreter on hand to sort things out will help.

  3. A normal and sane person read the above and thought ; ” well… muslims may not be very compatible with us, maybe we should not import so many of them…”
    and a liberal thought; ” damn!! those non muslim white westerners must be punished!!! they are such hateful racists!!!”
    Liberals are insane and dangerous. They must be stopped before there is nothing left of Western Civilization.
    We need a Canadian Donald Trump.

  4. Oh so.
    Prayer room for muslim students A OK.
    Meanwhile The Lords Prayer Violates the chlldren’s Rights..Or something..
    So do all religions now get prayer rooms/chapels set up on public schools properties?
    Only one thought for parents with children in that school..Home School.

  5. Liberal governments believe in Sharia law not Canadian law, from the provincial to the federal level.
    These student’s parents have to march on the school and demand Canadian laws and values be enforced. The school will have to back down and the provincial Liberal government would have to get into a public fight on the Sharia law issue.
    If the parents love their children. They’ll step up and protect them from inept, incompetent, corrupt government.
    Canada, true north strong and free or Canuckistan?
    Pegida New Brunswick? Or New Brunswickistan.
    The school mosque is a F.O.B.
    Emir Justin’s M.B./Salafi friends are on the march.
    Elections have consequences.
    “We stand on guard for thee,” “True patriot love in all thy sons command.”

  6. *
    faith goldy at rebel media has put out a series of video reports on this.
    one highlight is that there are adult male syrian refugees hitting on the
    homegrown grade 9 girls.
    what could possibly go wrong, huh justin?

  7. The BIG question now; what faith to raise the children from these meetings?
    Maybe we should start a new victim group, Infidel-slims,the kids of Muslim men and 14 year old infidel girls,who probably find them sexy and mysterious, until they get knocked up.
    Then the only mystery will be, where are they with the child support?
    Whoops, almost forgot; the Liberals had better lower the age of consent back to 14, as it was before that awful guy on the oil companies payroll was PM for a while.

  8. OK, Admittedly I was raised in a bit of a rough town, but God help anyone who harrassed a little girl. There were always older family members and friends that quickly made sure that never happened again.
    Where are the men in Fredericton?

  9. I was wondering the same thing. What we are seeing here from the actions of the school authorities is that Islam is good, Christianity is bad.

  10. Where are the men? They have been emasculated by the progressives.
    It is becoming more apparent every day that western liberal democracy is doomed. All you have to do is watch the news on a daily basis that they do allow to be published.

  11. Justiney already has a solution to that “problem”.
    He wants to lower he age of consent to 14.

  12. When self defense is a crime, when freedom of speech is a passe relic, when multiculturalism replaces culture viscous animals thrive. The point isn’t that a western male grew pussfied, not more now than in the past. The point is, that a western male had never in the past of this country, faced a better organized state apparatus aimed at subduing him for the slightest challenge, than he faces now.

  13. What I find amazing is that our bleeding heart Liberals have learned nothing from what’s happening in Europe and actually believe these people will ever be compatible with our Canadian way of life. If they believe in Sharia Law they will spend the rest of their lives biting the hand that feeds them and their offspring will carry on that tradition.

  14. They voted Liberal, they need to live with the consequences. You can be sure Justine Turdeau won’t have his kids in a school where there are Syrian refugees.

  15. Toute nation a le gouvernement qu’elle mérite.
    Every nation gets the government it deserves.
    –Joseph de Maistre

  16. This stuff is happening in BC too. Employees in a hotel on Vancouver Island where Syrians are being housed have been told they may not call the police over anything to do with them, or they will be fired. They have also been told not to speak to the media, or they will be fired. So when the Syrians lit a mattress on fire, or start fights and throw chairs around, or when they destroyed a dance floor, or when they’ve broken into the bar, it’s all hush hush, nothing to see here…and the feds cut an even larger check to the hotel to cover the damages. But hey –nothing to see here. And the suspicion of those working there is that the government are the ones leaning on management at the hotel to keep everything quiet. Because it’s “politically sensitive.” Imagine being told you couldn’t call the police or you’d lose your job.
    If we had decent reporters in this country, they’d start with a FOI request for all communications between hotels housing refugees and government. And maybe start questioning why the costs are so out of control. Could it be because of all the damage that’s been done? But nah, we don’t have time for that….Justin’s wearing a buckskin jacket!

  17. I am wondering how the hotels get way with that. I guess the Federal government insists on a cover-up of any misdeeds, and they are paying the bill. Employees should look for other ways to get the word out. The media failing to report just creates additional suspicion.

  18. Sheraton Four Points, just outside Victoria. Go look at the active management responses to the comments on trip advisor.

  19. You can be sure Justine Turdeau won’t have his kids in a school where there are Syrian refugees.
    That goes for all the elite in Parliament, regardless of political party.

  20. We as Canadians have never face an enemy within so well organized and so determined to subjugate us. Until we realize the nature of the enemy we will be losing this fight.

  21. You are correct. The Lieberals continue to get away with this because they’re a lot smarter than the average Canadian, who they know will do sweet fúck-all but complain from behind the safety of their keyboards. I have no sympathy for the spineless twits. People in a democracy get the governments they deserve.

  22. “The Lieberals continue to get away with this because they’re a lot smarter than the average Canadian”
    I disagree. People who violate a trust aren’t smarter and people who trust aren’t dumber.
    The fundamental duty of a government is to protect the people over whom they govern.
    It takes an epiphany, a paradigm shift, for most people to realize that the ones that they have always counted upon to protect them are their enemy.

  23. “Steve from Rockwood | July 2, 2016 5:03 PM | Reply
    They have high schools in New Brunswick?”
    Don’t get too excited Steve.
    I’m sure the mountain of wrong information you have about New Brunswick has you believing that High School is a possibility for you after all.
    But to be honest, Rockwood Ontario and 3 terms of Liberals and counting? Or Rockwood Alberta and the, snicker, NDP?
    Obviously, we have our very own share of fools and need no more.
    Besides, a quick perusal of your contributions here shows that High School may be beyond your capabilities.
    Aim lower.

  24. *
    “metis girl asks… Where are the men in Fredericton?”
    i knew the country was in trouble when my son came home from grade school and told me a classmate had hurt herself using the teeter-totter… so the playground equipment was being removed.
    also… no more tag during recess.
    more importantly, under kathleen wynne, kids, from kindergarden up, are having mindless, mandatory multiculturalism shoved up their arse a nickel at a time.
    ironically, the liberals are paving the way for the new caliphate… and their own demise.

  25. It reminds me of End of Days for the Roman Empire. Delusional behavior and the inability to react.

  26. Liberals aren’t smarter than the average Canadian. They may be as stupid as the average Canadian.
    But the average Canadian should have the capacity to learn. If one political party fails to deliver, one does not vote for it again.
    Canadians screw that up on a regular basis.

  27. Oh, dear, do these poor unfortunate “refugees” need a bit of education or not? Problem is where and who is going to teach them how we do things here in Canaduh? I suggest the Liberal loving folks in New Brunswick and the rest of the Liberal loving dweebs in the Atlantic provinces take their problems to their ever loving Liberal Leader and specifically John McCallum…if he can be found and lucid. I’m sure things will be sorted out…oh no, we can’t offend, sorry, forgot, scratch that. Enjoy the refugees and let them have their way with us.

  28. Here’s a thought: restore peace in their homeland, kill of ISIS, AQ et al. Then they can go home if they want to, or apply for immigration.
    How many would want to stay? Judging from other crises, like the Lebanon war with Israel, the “refugees” returned home immediately (dual citizens many of them, whom no doubt accessed our medical system while being offered safety here.
    Many returned to countries they said would arrest and execute them – for vacation.
    If immigrants or refugees find their values in conflict with ours, isn’t the onus on them to reconcile that, not us, given the plethora of excellent support they receive from us? Sorry, does that make too much sense? Since it doesn’t agree with the false narratives of progressivism, it’s probably racist?
