29 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. Ken Curtis was originally a singer and was a member of the Sons of the Pioneers. His movie career included a number of films which were directed by John Ford and which starred John Wayne, such as “The Searchers”.
    He was Ford’s son-in-law for a while as well.

  2. Reminds me of Jim Nabors, who played a country doofus on TV but in reality had an impressive voice.

  3. One can only hope that Trudeau and Sophie will be overexposed, a bit like Obama and family. I remember some award show (the Oscars) when the audience actually groaned when it was announced the royal pair would be giving a video speech. Meanwhile Trudeau’s appearance with Obama in Canada will keep his honeymoon going as Canadians thanks to our media love Obama more than the Americans do.

  4. Watching the Liberals chanting “Four more years!” in the House of Commons was the most embarrassing moment for this country since Brian Mulroney and Ronald Reagen sang “When Irish Eyes Are Smiling” on national TV.

  5. What was Soapy doing on the floor of the House Wednesday with her arse plunked on a chair sitting there while BO addressed Parliament? Protocol has the wife of the PM sitting in the Gallery as her place of importance…crickets about this in the MSM…and yet another example of Team Trudeau making a mockery of the House.

  6. Ah, but isn’t it protocol that the queen sits beside the monarch when Parliament is in session?
    As much as I loathe the memory and legacy of PET, he, on the whole, respected Parliament and how it functioned. Number One Son doesn’t even come close, aided and abetted by all the media flunkies out there.

  7. What do you expect from a prime ministerial couple who worship and imitate the Obamas?

  8. I think that was inappropriate. The assumption of this particular PM and his wife is that they are royalty and can do as they like.

  9. Sitting on a rez in NW Ontario on Dominion Day. Eves dropping on a conversation of a coupla locals. “Obama’s in Ottawa”……blah blah.
    The FN’s are still impressed by zero. What’s he done for them or for his black brothers?

  10. Referenda are almost banned in Germany. According to an article in the Daily Mail:
    Germany’s postwar constitution allows for referendums in only two circumstances – if the constitution itself, or if the territories of the states making up the republic, are to be changed.
    There was a succesful one in 1951 combining Baden and Württemberg into a single state, and one in 1996 seeking to link Berlin and Brandenburg into a similar entity, which was rejected.
    On average there are 200 local referendums each year on matters of policing, enviornment, sanitation, building projects and education.
    But the experience of the Nazi manipulation of plebiscites made the postwar constitution writers shy away from them being used at the national level.
    ‘Germany is one of the few EU countries with no experience of national referendums,’ said Ralph Kampwirth of the Initiative & Referendum Institute Europe.

  11. *
    an illegal gathering place where people can stay up all night and get shitfaced. what could possibly go wrong?
    “The second victim, Matthews, leaves behind two children; a former co-worker and friend described him as ‘one of the funniest, most intelligent people I have ever known’.”
    sure, that’s probably why he was working at a boozecan… a tax-dodging criminal enterprise… instead of a standup comedy club or a quantum physics laboratory.

  12. “As much as I loathe the memory and legacy of PET, he, on the whole, respected Parliament and how it functioned.”
    Your “on the whole” has a lot of pretty big holes in it.

  13. O’narcissist: USA’s first & only “black” lame duck president’s scrambled Brexit no-brainer.
    “The shift in tone illustrates how Britain’s vote has abruptly scrambled Obama’s reality.”
    “Obama backtracks on UK trade warning to limit Brexit fallout”
    “President Barack Obama is backtracking on his warning that Britain would go to the “back of the queue” for a U.S. trade deal, as he tries to contain the fallout of the U.K.’s decision to leave the European Union.”

  14. He would never have tried many of the stunts that the Clown Prince got away with.
    I guess it was, in part, that the press gallery in thsoe days wouldn’t have allowed him to. Back then, there were reporters such as Norman Drapeau and Charles Lynch who not only knew just about everyone in the House but were also familiar with its various protocols and procedures.
    Most, if not all, the reporters there were experienced in gathering and writing the news. Nowadays, give someone with a journalism degree a fancy-schmancy electronic toy and they think they’re more than qualified for the job. On the other hand, they probably can’t tell the difference between a parliamentary session and a MuchMusic awards show, not that one could distinguish between them based the conduct of the participants in either event.

  15. Not a waste.
    Hundreds of trucks, minibuses and cars were hit by missiles after Fallujah was wrested from IS by Iraqi forces on Sunday.
    From the comments.
    “It is unfortunate that any environmental damage has to occur in the complete and dedicated annihilation of these Islamic maniacs. I am sorry that a worm or moth may have been harmed, or unpleasant chemicals deposited, during this successful and ongoing decapitation of this Islamic filth.”

  16. Statues of Haig should be buried upside down with the horses legs sticking out of the ground.
