39 Replies to “Wynneing!”

  1. In spite of it, voters in Ontario are largely responsible for installing another corrupt Liberal government with aligned ideas federally. That majority is either masochistic or more likely just a gullible bunch of fools.

  2. Mission accomplished…
    She shuts off her water heater during the day, hangs out all her laundry and her air conditioner is never turned on. The dishwasher only runs at night.

  3. My son is watching the memorial of the slaughter of the Newfoundland regiment in WWI and for some strange reason I can make a connection between the Wynne liberal government and the old generals who sent the Newfs to their death. A classic case of mind over matter. The elite doesn’t mind and the peon doesn’t matter for the elite have more important battles to deal with.

  4. *
    gotta pump up the revenue stream. i mean, somebody has to pony up
    for the 70 million dollars per year that the premier recently dumped
    into in-vitro fertilisation for the “socially infertile” community… aka lesbians.
    hey… wait a minute…

  5. “[The] old generals who sent the Newfs to their death. A classic case of mind over matter. The elite doesn’t mind and the peon doesn’t matter for the elite have more important battles to deal with.”
    I suppose it’s a nice thought but hardly factual.
    Whatever the arguments over the competence of those “old generals”, it’s easy to forget they were all once lowly subalterns themselves.* And the elite versus peon thing is a nonsense. Plenty of “elite” young men were killed at the Somme, leading their “peon” troops. German bullets didn’t distinguish between the commissioned scions of upper class families and the private-soldier sons of Newfoundland fishermen.
    * Even the controversial Haig had served in the Sudan, the Boer War and India; he could have been killed at any time in one fracas or another during his earlier days (lots of less fortunate officers were). Haig’s generalship might well be questioned but he was no coward hiding in a chateau as some would like to paint him.

  6. If you are severely affected by Ontario’s green theocracy (and responsible brain-dead electorate) and don’t have NG access, you might want to look into quietly converting as much as possible to Propane.

  7. JJM Please don’t try to defend the WWI generals and their class based bigotry. They sent the colonials and the lower class to certain death because those colonials weren’t real humans. After all they were colonials. It is a very common sentiment and one that I noticed growing up with the utter disregard Ontario showed(s) for the west. This article simply points out that same bigotry being expressed by the urban elites to the rural serfs.

  8. The sad thing about the brain dead incompetents in Ontario electing repeatedly the McGuinty cum Wynne government to a majority, there’s not a thing can be done about it. The government of Ontario is beyond any doubt the worst ever for the province and the entire country. Health care is also a mess, badly disorganized and money wasted and all while harassing doctors. The people in charge of the various portfolios are as incompetent as the Premier. It’s a government with priorities to feed their green agenda which cannot and will not work, money is being shoveled into a black hole, while her Green highness dresses to the nines and hems and haws her way around telling us it’s all good for us. She should go off and do some popcorn ads for her look alike, Orville Redenbacher instead of using our money to buy TV and radio ads for her frigging programs, telling us how great they are.

  9. You’re an idiot, Joe.
    Generals tend to care much more for their men than politicians do.

  10. Name calling other forum members ‘idiot’ blows any shred of credibility.
    Haig was an incompetent general who acted like he was still fighting in Africa. His willful ignorance of German machine gun effectiveness wasted as many young lives in one battle as the US did in the Vietnam conflict.

  11. Well said, and a good followup by Stan.
    McGuinty and Wynne would be in jail if all the courts were not Liberal.

  12. Excellent documentary. It could be argued that Haig destroyed Newfoundland. Wynn’s GTA-Lieberal govt is destroying rural Ontario. Canada loses in both cases.

  13. Post the link to the documentary you produced on WW1 and we can evaluate the validity of your argument.

  14. “She” is in the posted article. A rural Ontarian whose quality of life is being destroyed by the enviro-Marxist Libtards at Queen’s Park.

  15. The problem would be easily and quickly cured by a border-to-border agreement to stop paying hydro bills – they can’t cut everyone off.
    But this is Ontario, Canada, where keyboarding and signing petitions are the favoured substitutes for real action.
    One guy actually posted that he was a member of a Facebook group that had amassed 27,000 signatures protesting the hydro rates. Boy, that’ll show ‘er, eh? May as well light a f****** candle.
    Ontario: old Huron word meaning “balls all gone”.

  16. Propane contains 91,547 Btu per US gallon. A typical furnace will convert about 85% of that to heat, which means that 1 gallon of propane provides about as much heat as 23 kilowatt-hours of electricity. At current propane prices in Ontario of $0.45/litre or $1.70/US gallon/23KWH, that works out to 7.4 cents per KWH which is lower than the current off-peak rate of 8.7 cents never mind the mid peak and peak rates of 13.2 cents and 18 cents respectively. Maybe Propane is more expensive in Rockwood.

  17. “They sent the colonials and the lower class to certain death because those colonials weren’t real humans. After all they were colonials.”
    That is just histrionics rather than history, I’m afraid.
    That there was often condescension in British senior ranks about “colonials” no argument,* but the “colonials” actually fared no worse than British troops (i.e., soldiers from the UK proper). Indeed, in terms of deaths as a percentage of population, Britain suffered roughly three times as many casualties as Newfoundland and twice as many as Canada. Australians and New Zealanders sometimes talk about Gallipoli as if “colonials” were the principal cannon fodder. Almost 12,000 Aussies and Kiwis were killed there. But 34,000 British troops also died. The horror of the Somme would cost Canada over 24,000 casualties and Newfoundland over 2,000 before it ended in November 1916. However, it would cost over 350,000 British casualties. So much for picking on “colonials”.
    As for the “lower classes”, the armies of WWI represented a mix of classes. Obviously the “lower classes” constituted most of the rank and file soldiers. But the officers tended to reflect a band of upper- and middle-class men** (and as the war went on and on, increasing numbers of other ranks were commissioned to replace the inevitable losses). The upper classes did not sit out the Great War. Eton College alone lost over a thousand of its former pupils, about 20 percent of former Eton students who served. Upper Canada College had over 130 former students killed. The death toll reached out to everyone: for the first two years of the war the British PM was Herbert Asquith and he lost a son at the Somme.
    The action at Beaumont Hamel cost the lives of Captain Eric Ayre, 2nd Lieutenants Gerald and Wilfrid Ayre and Lance Corporal Edward Ayre. Not forgetting also Captain Bernard Ayre who was serving with a British regiment when he died the same day elsewhere at the Somme. Four members of a prosperous Newfoundland department store dynasty. Hardly very “lower class”.
    * By the end of the war that condescension was waning. Canadian troops were considered “shock troops” by the imperial command.

  18. Stop saying we voted for this. The fey SJW hipsters and the dependent classes in the cities voted for this; the working middle class in the rest of the province did not. As has been noted elsewhere by others, a majority of voters are now “dependent” because they are employed by the government or because they rely on benefits or because they enjoy a special victim status. Stop tarring me with your “you voted for this” bullshit. I don’t post here wishing Albertans ill for what’s happening to them.
    Although I do have to say that I hope the maritime bastards freeze in the dark for their all-in on Shiny Pony. Screw those guys.

  19. Ontarians are Grade A morons who either voted in corrupt inept liberal governments for the last 13 years, or were PC supporters who couldn’t get a party leader able to tie his own shoelaces (Eves, Tory, Hudak). Yes, Lickmuffin, you’re just as guilty as the SJW hipsters even if you put your checkmark beside the PC candidate. Ontario will recover once conservatives party members stop being stupid, mentally backwards d$cks and stop putting unelectable social conservative gomers in charge of the party. I recall previous threads with you morons dumping on Brown for not being a low IQ neanderthal… keep it up. We’ll have liberal governments until the year 2120. F&ck I hate this province, but for now, I’m stuck living in it, with 9 million retards.

  20. A modern propane furnace will operate at about 95% efficiency which puts it closer to 6¢/kWh equivalent to electric heating. Most people would be better off to run a generator on propane for their electricity and disconnect from the grid.
    Running their house on western LPG and producing even more CO2 would be a beautiful way to thumb their nose at the Greentard hipsters in Toronna.

  21. Tanker, I have campaigned for the Conservatives both Federal and Provincial for years. I have spoken to hundreds of people in many ridings around Toronto as we help each other with canvassing. You mentioned us PCs having poor choices as leaders. It did not matter if we had Winston Churchill the huge and growing number of public sector employees, their families, contractors, unions and those on government assistance bury us with their demographics. The private sector is disappearing with only 3.6 now to 1 public employee. 80% of Toronto cops make over $100k while 90% of the private sector doesn’t make $100k. 114,000 public employees make over $100k. The vote rich cities carry the day and now with muslims pouring in it will only get worse. 65% of muslim voted for the Liberals, 2% voted for the PCs.
    Liberal/progressives I talked to could care less about debt, corruption or endless spending as they benefit from it.
    In the UK Scotland and North Ireland have 78% of all economic activity government driven. Wonder why they voted to remain in the EU?

  22. “JJM Please don’t try to defend the WWI generals and their class based bigotry. They sent the colonials and the lower class to certain death because those colonials weren’t real humans. ”
    Please shut up until you do minimum of research:
    “Although the great majority of casualties in WW1 were from the working class, the social and political elite was hit disproportionately hard by WW1. Their sons provided the junior officers whose job it was to lead the way over the top and expose themselves to the greatest danger as an example to their men. Some 12% of the British army’s ordinary soldiers were killed during the war, compared with 17% of its officers. ”

  23. What would have me do, Tanker? What the frig could I have done? F@ck me sideways with a pointy stick, man. I hope you lose your f@cking home and everything you own. You deserve it as much as you say we do, jerkspurt.
    I have to admit the I just laughed out loud when my phone offered to add jerkspurt to its dictionary.

  24. I watched this story on the news (in Calgary) and following it was an important “news” story reporting that locker rooms in a new YMCA in Calgary would be open to all genders. Apparently people not being able to pay their electricity bills in Ontario are not that important or interesting, when you can play the transgender card.

  25. “Some 12% of the British army’s ordinary soldiers were killed during the war, compared with 17% of its officers.”
    Yes, while obviously more private soldiers will become casualties than officers (because there simply are more of them), to do their jobs properly, officers have to lead which means they have to be well forward.
    Which, as you point out, means they must face a higher statistical possibility of being killed by percentage of their numbers.
    There is nothing new in this. It’s well to remember that the Battle of the Plains of Abraham claimed the lives of both commanders because they were forward with the troops.

  26. John,
    The price of propane is closer to $0.70 – $0.80 / litre in the winter when you need it and I’ve paid $1.15 in February.
    Propane might be cheaper for heating but not for converting to electricity. I’ve owned electric, propane and most recently geothermal heating systems, the latter being the most expensive to install and the cheapest to operate.
    With all costs in, electricity in Ontario is about $0.19 / kWhr. Electricity from propane is around $0.42. It isn’t anywhere near $0.08. To anyone who thinks it is I will gladly pay you $0.12 / kWhr if you install it in my home. I have a 4,000 litre tank of propane waiting for you. Also, propane furnaces use quite a bit of electricity so you need to talk total cost.
    Plus if you buy a propane furnace what do you do in the summer? Central air uses only electricity. There is a reason for the 30 A hook-up.
    If propane could generate electricity for $0.08 and the grid charges $0.19 why wouldn’t everyone have switched over? It’s either because everyone else is stupid or because one person is wrong.

  27. Colonialista at the risk of taking this thread even more off topic please do some simple math. Using your numbers of 17% and 12% then factor in the ratio of officers to enlisted and you get 1300% more troops than officers were killed. However once again you missed my initial point which is the bigotry of the elite to the rube and how it is quite acceptable for the elite to ruin or destroy the life of the rube to advance the cause of the elite. Throughout my life I have always noticed that same bigotry coming from Ontario to the west and now it has permeated even farther into the Canadian psyche with that same bigotry shown in the urban rural split.

  28. One could learn about UVO-biodiesel and cogeneration.
    However if you live in a city yer already screwed, so ya might as well bend over and take it up Uranus like Winnie and her GQBLT cohorts want you to.

  29. I am not talking about Ontario/Canada/Your life. I do not disagree about the points you’re making (albeit being an unapologetic evil right winger in Ontario I could argue some of the points). I am talking about WWI where the upper class paid more (almost 50% more) than their fair share. That was the only point I was making.

  30. Colonialista Don’t look now but the rich are still pay more than the rest of us which I suspect helps them feel all the more superior and thus entitled to meddle in our lives. The urban elites pay more so they are entitled to ruin the po’ folk lives by jacking to power rates so those self same po’ folk stop expending all that CO2.

  31. The Lieberals continue to get away with this because they’re a lot smarter than the average Canadian, who they know will do sweet fúck-all except complain from behind the safety of their keyboards. I have no sympathy for the spineless twits. People in a democracy get the governments they deserve.

  32. “Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard.” ~ H. L. Mencken

  33. This is Just in thinking of the Liberal Party of canada/Ontario/Quebec and the Librano Crony Crowd approach to political punishement.
    An Example presently in place and still expanding is the incredible number of Unwanted Wind Turbines constructed in West Lincoln. All appeals and requests for consideration of West Lincoln Citizens “brushed aside”.
    Why? Well you see this is what an Ontario Citizen is being taught; West Lincoln is Tim Hudak’s Riding. The former Leader of the Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario. How dare those West Lincoln Voters to vote for anyone But a Liberal Party of Ontario Candidate.
    Did I mention what the Liberal Party of Ontario has and is doing to the Rural Roads of the Niagara Peninsula?
    If a road leads past a Farmer’s House and Barn it becomes a “Farm Access” road. What does this mean? It does not receive any support from The Liberal Party Of Ontario Government for Maintenance.
    Potholes are rarely repaired and re-paving-duh what’s that. I believe the Queen’s Park thinking is when the “Farm Access” roads become impassable for cars/pick-ups/school buses etc. then the Farmer will be expected to build a little, unheated garage at the closest junction with a maintained road and drive out to that building in a Large Wheel Farm Tractor.
    Did I mention the Cost of Electricity? Well all of those Farmers who did not accept the Offers from The Liberal Party Crony Crowd to allow Turbines or Solar Panels on their Farms will just have to go to Food Banks if their Electricity Bills get so high they can’t afford Food and pay their Electricity Bills.
    What’s that? y’all say this is already happening? Well serves y’all right for not Voting Liberal.
