23 Replies to “Happy Ramadan!”

  1. OK, I am going out on a limb here. If I had to say who my most dangerous enemy is, is it not the International Left? I say this because my side is losing, amd losing badly. Above all else, I wish to live as a victor, and not a slave. To that end, I ask “what does my real enemy fear most?”.
    I submit that the nightmare scenario for the Left is a truce between the forces of Conservatism, and the footsoldiers of ISIS… Can you imagine if we on the right decided that perhaps in a knock-down fight between the modern Western anti-male, anti-hetero, anti-Caucasian state and ISIS, we really have no dog in the fight? What then?
    We are lost either way. But with Islamic values, no one will ever again tell me I am scum simply for being a married, white conservative, hard-working male… Muslim. Come to think of it, I’d find it fairly easy to be observant. And if they want to chuck gays off rooftops, those same gays who a few years ago were suing Christian bakeries for wedding cakes, what’s it to me?
    I doubt ISIS will win, but Islamic values are winning, and in your lifetime, there will be no gay marriage, and there will be polygamy (my wife and I are already discussing how this could work, given how much it takes to raise kids and run a household these days). Also, when my daughters are grown, we will live in a society where there is scant tolerance for young unaccompanied girls being out on the streets, doing who-knows-what. So , where exactly am I losing out here, as a Conservative husband and father, who wants to not have his young daughters end up as frat-boy bait?
    What am I missing here?
    Why should I believe the Right can win this two-front war?
    I think the Left and their pet causes may be in the process of signing their own death warrants… And channelling my inner Bonaparte, one must never interrupt one’s enemies while they are busy making massive mistakes…

  2. The middle East. Keep the low life’s there and let them kill each other off. The worst of the worst? Islam. Or Muslim.Same sh!t people,different day.

  3. Now that the Jihadis have finally discovered the soft target of the queues of (potential) Infidels well before the security gates, how long before the security theatre agencies “discover” what the Israelis have been doing by screening vehicles entering the airports, screening people as they enter the buildings and again in the terminal. They also add a sticker to the passport with a security rating number on it based on your profile. Given their PC handicap and federal government monopoly of security at US airports, the highway system could be looking at a lot more traffic in place of short and medium distance flights.

  4. Don’t be silly … Obama (despite being raised a Christian) … has certified that these people are NOT Muzlim. Izlam IS all about peace, love, and gentle conquest through unchecked immigration.

  5. You are the reason Islam is winning. You have no clue as to what you will “submitting” to.
    ISIS just crucified two children, hanging them in the air to die because they didn’t fast correctly for Ramadan.
    You are throwing the gates open to the enemy, you are but a slave to them already because you have no moral compass in operation.
    Your post here shows precisely why true conservative values are but window dressing to true Conservatives.

  6. “But with Islamic values, no one will ever again tell me I am scum simply for being a married, white conservative, hard-working male… Muslim.”
    Putting aside the idea that Muslim males in Muslim countries are hard working, you wouldn’t be a conservative because Canada isn’t have a Muslim nation and you wouldn’t be conserving Canadian culture so you wouldn’t be a conservative by definition.
    If you were to conserve traditional Canadian culture you would be considered scum by Muslims.
    “So , where exactly am I losing out here, as a Conservative husband and father, who wants to not have his young daughters end up as frat-boy bait?”
    I guessing you think there is no rape in Muslim countries. You are wrong.
    That said: The Left is using Islam as their Cat’s-paw to destroy our traditional way of life.
    They believe they can cast Islam aside when they have succeeded. All it would take to destroy Islam would be to nuke Mecca.

  7. What is Ramadan, I do hear about fasting so it’s gotta be a religious observance? It may be hard to believe I don’t know as a citizen of Canada what it’s all about since Islamic immigration is huge here, they’re coming in by the plane loads daily. We just can’t get them in fast enough from the hell holes of their birth. Only complaint I have about that is will they be bringing their hatreds and way of life here? They have everything to allow them to do their thing, demand Sharia be put into our laws and with our Trudeau Charter and his multiculturalism policies they can’t be refused. Vive la Canaduh, eh?

  8. “I do hear about fasting so it’s gotta be a religious observance?”
    Merely shifting your dining schedule from daylight to darkness is not fasting and don’t let anyone tell you that it is without challenge.

  9. 80 dead in Baghdad,
    20 in Dhaka
    44 in Istanbul.
    And not ONE in Canada!
    We are as successful at Ramadan as we are at NHL hockey! (You know,the pro sport in which Canadian based teams don’t make the playoffs.)
    Wtf is the matter with OUR beloved Canadian Muslim brethren?! Have they been corrupted by this decadent Country so soon?
    Allah almighty it’s hard to live in a Country where we can’t seem to do anything well.

  10. And the number of people killed in acts of terrorism committed by Christians on Easter, Christmas and other such Christian celebrations is

  11. Pretty disgusting coward or a dumb islamitic plant. Your don’t want your daughters to be frat bait. Charming.. How about raising our daughters to be strong , competent, confident women instead of the reflection of her boyfriends zipper? Your daughter is so much safer not being able to drive, being pushed back into a burning school because she doesn’t have her burka on. Much better off staying uneducated unless a male relative. An Chaparone her to every class. Where she is her mans property and has no right to refuse his sexual needs, much safer being beaten by a loving hubby to correct her errant ways… Where her word matters less then half a mans word. You must hate your daughters very very much.

  12. What definition of ‘luv’ do you suppose someone whose nic is Bdsm has?
    “Come to think of it, I’d find it fairly easy to be observant. And if they want to chuck gays off rooftops, those same gays who a few years ago were suing Christian bakeries for wedding cakes, what’s it to me?”
    “being a married, white conservative, hard-working male”
    A better nic for this troll would be Moby Dick.
    Yeah, conservative, sure.

  13. well Ooz, I read bdsm as satire. Butt your nonsense, and it is repeated in here like a clarion call to the stupid, that the lefties are all about destroying the “family”. No Ooz, it’s the natural flow of things as society functions today. Not that long ago the western women were given equal rights to us males, and they haven’t adjusted to that reality yet. Most separations/divorces I’v witnessed were initiated the woman. Years ago the women had very little choice but to fake it out, today they have a choice, especially financially. My X turfed me, in her mid years, and has spent the next 20 years eating crow as to her reasoning for ending it. See, 45-50 yrs women go through the “change”, and that is quite often a contributing factor in their decisions, even for religious types. Throw in the fact that I’v seen more often as not, that religious males start thumping the bible when things head south, and that just speeds up the decent into chaos.
    Oh, and it wasn’t all that long ago that you would see an Italian woman all dressed in black, head scarf and all. Kida like a muslim woman, owned by her husband, even after death.

  14. “it wasn’t all that long ago that you would see an Italian woman all dressed in black, head scarf and all.”
    They’re called nuns. You don’t see many around these days but they are still around.
    “My X turfed me, in her mid years”
    I’m shocked! And to think you were such a catch before your break with reality.

  15. Well OK Oz, you’re so effin’ brilliant, let’s hear your plan for winning the two-front war…

  16. Mission Phase One:
    Unite the Anglosphere and refuse to sell any food or water or medical supplies to any Mohammadan nations, or any nations that act as intermediaries to sell these now contraband items to Mohammadan nations.
    Mission Phase Two:
    Nuke Mecca, then nuke Tartus Syria. Tell the Russians that the next nukes will be on Russian cities.
    Threaten that the Russian hinterlands will get viral crop blights and whatever we have in prepared bio-weapons and chemical weapons.
    (Yes, contrary to public knowledge, we do have large well developed stocks of these)
    Mission Phase Three:
    Since our navies are now free to interdict the PRC we will begin to CONTAIN them to mainland China.
    This means neither Russia nor the PRC are permitted to maintain a Space Program or a Blue Water Navy which they have been and will use for belligerent purposes to project power.
    When either of these nations, Russia or China, allow viable opposition political parties to not only exist but thrive, these restrictions on them will be reviewed and relaxation will be considered.
    NONE of this must be done under UN auspices. If it is, I will not support it, I will oppose it.
    No Russian hegemony, No Chinese hegemony, No ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT.

  17. “That said: The Left is using Islam as their Cat’s-paw to destroy our traditional way of life.
    They believe they can cast Islam aside when they have succeeded. All it would take to destroy Islam would be to nuke Mecca.”
    Bingo! And that is a big bingo, you nailed exactly what is going.
    Glacierman, do you know what unfettered leftism does to people? I do, as no doubt does Lev.
    Don’t ridicule Bdsm too much. He is right. Both the left and Islam want to destroy western liberal democracy. It is a two front war going, and lets face, we are at the moment losing.
    (Time for the leftist idiot John to show up)

  18. Do not bomb Mecca. Ottawa would be a great place to start bombing. Mind you,all the dead pieces of feces coming from there would pollute the rest of us. The only good thing coming out of Ontario is an empty bus.
