30 Replies to “It’s Probably Nothing”

  1. Pish and tosh I have it on highest authority (Time Warner News Channel) that this was the result of a fireworks accident.

  2. Fireworks don’t generally explode when you step on them. Just sayin’.

  3. “Just a “homemade device.” Seems to me there’s a name for those.”
    I’ll take ‘what is a clock’ for $50, Alex.
    Maybe you’re looking for EID?(Explosive Improvised Device)
    But that can’t be right ’cause that’s what Mohammadans called the feast at the end of Rama-dama Ding Dong.

  4. I just read the Global News article regarding this and left the following comment on their site.
    “What ridiculous reporting. From “a man injured his foot” stepping on what might possibly be a rock at the beginning of the article morphing into a “major injury with possible amputation” because of an explosion – this article is deliberately misleading by trying to downplay the possibility of an IED planted in Central Park. I don’t say there WAS an IED planted in Central Park, but to my knowledge rocks and fireworks don’t generally explode when trod upon. Facts would be appreciated, not spin. Shame on you Global News.”

  5. What they are saying is they don’t have a clue what happened but they know that it is a hobbyist that likes to blow things up. My guess is an Amish terrorist.

  6. Some supposed witnesses are saying the guy was climbing on rocks, fell, and his fireworks detonated. I’m waiting, as always, for known facts to outweigh rumors.
    But just because a drunk was screwing around with heavy duty fireworks doesn’t mean islam isn’t the Religion of Pieces.

  7. A ‘homemade device’? What, he didn’t order it online from Bombs ‘Я Us?

  8. I thought that and checked, also what Tooner said too. I’ll respectfully wait for more info.
    Either way, government has no right to protect us from ourselves. If there was no evil intent, then this is a misadventure. Nothing more.

  9. The Blaze, “The victim was identified by sources as Connor Golden of Fairfax, Virginia.
    One witness told the Daily News his foot was “all but gone.”
    I’ve had a quick look for a Connor Golden living in Fairfax, Virgina on Facebook, the only one there has none of the suspect signs of islam, nor any of his friends, or recently added friends.
    There’s just nothing there, except the fear that possibly he stepped on something intended for someone else, or to instil fear. Witnesses said it was not a fireworks.
    This guy? https://www.facebook.com/connor.golden.9/friends_current_city

  10. Well, NY Times is reporting it as of as somebody stepping on homemade fireworks. Even Fox News, while describing it as a ‘mystery’ device, is not suggesting terrorist connections. Photo of the victim shows WASP-appearance, for whatever that is worth. Fireworks/explosive recipes are common on the net – and very often dangerously unstable.
    Terrorism? Maybe, but pending confirmation, sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.

  11. I know…..
    Let’s ask Justine and Barry.
    They’ll know what happened.
    I’ll bet it’s those pesky Presbyterians again!

  12. I know you already posted this:
    But now there are 115 dead and 200 wounded in Baghdad.
    We used to called it an IED, Improvised Explosive Device, homemade bomb.
    The little muslim boy friend of Obama, and his homemade Clock are back in
    Smart little boy can build improvised devices that frightened other students and teachers, but we should have known it was just telling time..

  13. I’m trying my best to guess what possibly your comment attempts to point out. Police respond, sort it out with the proper care and caution and our liberal think-translator blames it on Trump. Give me the detail on why Hillary is your choice and why this incident doesn’t reflect on her as it does Trump. I suppose you’ll tell us she made the right choice on Benghazi….didn’t rush to judgment as you’d have us happened in there in Avon. Fool.

  14. Here’s some true over-reaction. Bet all those running hysterically are liberals. Stereotyping as usual.

  15. Not to mention token liberal who comes to his aide ? The Muslim brotherhood who being that they are all doctors claim he may have suffered a wrote lol hmmmmm fishing for money ? Who got shot token liberal?
    Anyone? ANYONE? That’s right cops did their job some jag off is in America to abuse the healthcare system that supposedly sucks worse than 90% of the world ohh wait know that’s only the private for profit system ….oh wait that’s the one he was using….hypocracy much!! Token liberal token moron totally the same.

  16. In non professional fireworks, the device normally requires a rocket and a charge so the shell that is filled with explosives and the chemicals that give off the noise and the color can be elevated up to a height where we can see the show. The rocket is charged with black powder, that is ignited with a fuse. Amateurs will light the fuse, nothing happens so they walk away, not realizing that the fuse is sometimes smoldering. If the rocket is pointing upwards, when the charge ignites, it simply rise upward and the fireworks go off.. If however the device is pulled from the ground and is lying sideways, the charge and the fireworks can explode at the same time. We all recall the fireworks factory scene in the movie ”Revenge of the Pink Panther” where Inspector Dreyffuss accidentally ignites a device that sets off a reaction. Sadly the explosion scene has been removed from Youtube. This however is the real thing.

  17. I’ve been involved in amateur fireworks. The last time I did them were in the late ’90s here in Alberta. We had rows and rows of rockets which we bought(in Alberta) and planted to fire for Dominion Day.(we also had a few cases of shotgun shells that we had to blow because the law had changed and lead shells were then illegal) Our party blew them crates of shells over a pipeline easement on the land shooting at clays, no biggie.
    We were all camped on private land out near Sundrie and the only rules were:
    Pick up yer litter(especially bottle caps so the cattle wouldn’t eat them) and do yer share of everything.
    Yeah we had fireworks, no biggie, and yeah we had preteens that we allowed to have semi-auto .22s to go out into the bush and shoot some of our beer cans. Stipulation: they had to bring back all of their casings and all of the beer cans.(they were already taught gun safety and also winter survival techniques) Good kids they did as they were taught.
    Anyhoo, when it came time to fire the rockets that night it appeared as though the lines were too close together.
    Kinda scary for a bit. Nobody got scorched but it was touch-and-go or light the lines and skedaddle. The problem were people who had leftover bear bangers(from mountain/foothill hunting trips) firing them in the direction of the tent city and risking fire to the tents.(liquored up yahoos)
    Turned out the firework show was a real crowd pleaser, especially with the gals, and we all had a real hoot that night.
    Never had any problems with pyrotechnics or firearms. The only injuries we had were from abuse on the zipline we set up(twisted ankles when too many guys got drunk and shared the ride together) and one girl(mother of two) broke her ankle just walking over a split log across a creek by stepping wrong.(I saw it happen, it was the kind of thing that could have happened just leaving her house, it was a mis-step, she was in her cups)
    About the pyrotechnics, you have to know how to handle them. They’re simple. The are not, in themselves, intrinsically dangerous any more than walking across a spit log is.

  18. “Factors such as race, ethnicity, and/or religious affiliation are not suspicious. The public should only report suspicious behavior and situations (e.g., an unattended backpack or package, or someone breaking into a restricted area).” (dhs.gov) — Obama’s America
    “Well I think profiling is something that we’re going to have to start thinking about as a country…It’s not the worst thing to do.” — Trump’s America
