21 Replies to “Let Them Eat Yacht”

  1. At least someone in his audience will clap and cheer in total disproportion to the quality of his content.

  2. But..but saving the environment is only for youse guys. Dontcha know how these things work?

  3. Many people who have some success in their life believe they are infallible and know everything . We have elevated people who pretend to be something they are not and they actually believe they should be running other people’s lives. Aka Leo and a drama teacher P M .

  4. Leo has money, fame, and now he wants power.
    Why is an oldster like Schwarzenegger among his invited friends?
    Because although Schwarzenegger has never even been nominated for a serious acting award and is also a Republican, Schwarzenegger made the jump from actor to Governor of California.
    I expect DiCaprio to run for some sort of political office in the near future and he is feathering his nest with green creds.

  5. I’ve never asked leftists or eco-loons to practice what they preach — that would be hell on earth. I only wish they would preach what they practice.

  6. An even bigger Global Warming sin was when Bill Clinton’s private plane landed beside Loretta Lynch’s private plane and they had a conversation that was entirely about their grandchildren. How could they not see the hypocrisy of their carbon footprint during that discussion? It’s not like they were talking politics or something.

  7. The most hypocritical people in the world are the eco-freaks. Duhcaprio is just trying to catch up.

  8. Leonardo Di Crapio:
    2 bit (_i_)hole
    Not a very good actor.
    Don’t watch his films.
    Don’t give a rats ass about what he or any other “actor-musician-failed politician” has to say about so called Climate Change or any other quasi political issue.
    Planet Earth is full of self serving egotistical S%%theads who love nothing better than to tell you how to live and what to think – LIBERALS – F em all.
    Now can I tell ya how I really feel….?? lol
    Go Brexit..!
    Go Trump..!

  9. I don’t think there’s ever been a socialist/leftist/communist government throughout history that hasn’t had a politburo that didn’t profit from being in power. I guess the senior commissars need their champagne and caviar to help them make those tough decisions on how to maintain the people’s revolution.
    The fact is that they’ve always been thieves who, once they took over, began ransacking the domains they ruled over.

  10. So I have to wonder, do these deeply concerned star-activists not actually believe in the global warming scam and just play along for publicity’s sake?
    or do they believe but are so dense they’re not aware of the CO2 they’re generating?
    or do they consider themselves to be the elite whose superiority exempts them from the personal sacrifice that they demand for the rest of us?
    I would suggest the last option is most accurate.

  11. As he flies in his jet he yells”I’m the King of the world”.Leo stick to your crappy acting.

  12. DiCaprio a big time hypotcrite sailing around the world lecutring everyone on how to live as one with the earth an flying all around doing the same typical hollywood hypotcrite and someone should tell him the TITANIC was run on COAL that very stuff the eco-freaks wan to leave in the ground STUPID ENVIORMENTALIST
