9 Replies to “O, Sweet Saint Of San Andreas”

  1. My view is that if your feet are on the pedals and your ass is on the seat, you are a vehicle and will be treated as such.

  2. Bicycles should have been banned from the roads in the same era that they banned horses, and they’re dangerous on the sidewalks.

  3. The working taxpayers’ ultimate defence is to move out of the afflicted jurisdiction and leave the snivelling servants with their unsustainable, gold-plated pensions holding an empty promise and wallowing in their decaying mess. Measures to try to upload government incurred debt to the next higher level of government have to be fought tooth and nail.
    As for bike paths, I cycle to work myself periodically using the bike paths provided as far as possible. Half the time the other cyclists don’t even use the bike paths and simply slow traffic on the roads. Time to license the bicycles so the riders can contribute to the upkeep of the existing paths and stop squandering money on paths and lanes which half the cyclists, let alone the majority of commuters, never use anyway.

  4. … and for the Coup de gras … Driverless Cars ! Yes, all the State of CA Libs are just wetting their depends over the Socialist highways of driverless cars. FORCING everyone who can actually afford an automobile … to drive the EXACT speed and range deemed appropriate by the politbureau elites in CAL TRANS

  5. Revenues from police speed traps hardest hit. Oh where will they ever find the funds to make up the shortfall?/

  6. As a recreational road bike rider for many years, I have to comment. First the picture. So many things wrong there. Number 1, no need for a dedicated, labeled, bike lane. A decent shoulder (smooth) 2 feet wide is enough. The one in the picture is unnecessarily wide, unnecessarily labeled. Second, bike lanes need maintenance just the same as roadways. If the road is deteriorated so will be the bike lane. It’s part of the road. Third, both bike riders and cars need to CALM DOWN. I have been assaulted by drivers for no other reason than they don’t want bicycle riders on the road. By the same token, some of these bicycle clubs feel entitled to take an entire lane simply because they have numbers. Finally, never ride in the city. It’s simply asking for injury or even death.
    California’s effort is just more PC. Hipsters rejoice. They can take their carbon fiber, custom built, $8,000 bicycle to work …. about 3 miles away…. and feel good about themselves for saving the planet.
