Y2Kyoto: The Green Gestapo

A win for the good guys:

Virgin Islands Attorney General Claude E. Walker agreed Wednesday to withdraw his climate-related subpoena of ExxonMobil, a stunning reversal that delivered a blow to the Democratic-led effort to prosecute climate change dissent.[…]
The retreat also comes as an ominous sign for AGs United for Clean Power, a coalition of 17 attorneys general, including Mr. Walker, formed in March to pursue the fossil fuel industry and others that challenge the catastrophic climate change narrative for “fraud.”

h/t Ken (Kulak)

10 Replies to “Y2Kyoto: The Green Gestapo”

  1. This thing is heading for a ‘Scopes Monkey Trial’ type of conclusion.

  2. Apparently CNN has a source within the FBI. Bets are she will walk. Corruption.
    “According to CNN, sources close to the FBI investigation into Hillary Clinton‘s use of a private email server have told the news network no charges will be filed against the presumptive Democrat presidential nominee.”
    Hugh Hewitt tweeted,

    That “source” would have had to have been in this AM’s interview if only for 18 USC 1001 purposes. They called Evan? https://twitter.com/teddydaviscnn/status/749347441057603588
    3:46 PM – 2 Jul 2016

  3. Typical prog ploy. Accuse opponents of exactly what you are doing.
    Hide-the-decline is scientifically indefensible but government approved. I would love to see Wild Rose accuse the Notley government of fraud.

  4. Progressives differ from their predecessors only in their choice of shirt colour, green instead of brown.

  5. Since the unhinged Eco LEFT is using the same legal theory employed against the cigarette industry … I suggest that the RIGHT sue the Virgin Islands for systematically covering-up all the SCIENCE that shows marijuana is a dangerous psychotropic drug. Let’s see their reggae festival after THAT lawsuit !

  6. The fix is in, obviously. That’s why they’re doing it now while people are distracted by barbecue season, and will only remember that she was ‘proven innocent’ by the time November rolls around.

  7. Innocence can’t be proved, they can only prove failure to convict.
    I doubt that if Trump wants to win the presidency that he will let this sleeping dog lie.
    Either Clinton is indicted and a jury fails to convict, which will euthanize the issue politically, or it’ll be the death of a thousand cuts from the Trump campaign.
    Hillary can’t say she is innocent, only that she wasn’t indicted.
    Hillary may yet rue that she dragged this issue out for so long instead of having it tried in court.

  8. Innocence can’t be proved
    ..but of course; that’s the point of why I wrote it as ‘proven innocent’, which is what the leftard media propaganda will proclaim.
