15 Replies to “God Bless America”

  1. Happy Independence Day to all my American friends, and to all Americans in general. We are two great nations burdened with lackluster leaders at all levels. As our British forebears have shown, we can thrust off the yokes that bind us, even if just a little bit. I hope you choose Trump!

  2. What an incredible voice. I’d like to see her open the upcoming convention for Trump, to really showcase her talent to America.

  3. Thank you from the American heartland here. This is one of the days on which I make a point of remembering the immigrants who are my ancestors (three of my grandparents were immigrants – two from Poland, and one from Ireland), who came to what they considered the land of opportunity, which it turned out to be for them. I’m very grateful that they did that, and that their generation and my parents’ generation built the wonderful world in which I was able to grow up. I wish that my generation (I’m a baby boomer) had done as well.
    I very much appreciate the friendship shown by Kate and all the other Canadians here. This has been a good place for me to hang out over the past ten years (probably more).

  4. God Bless the United States. Had many opportunities to work alongside US sailors in the 80’s. Great bunch of guys. The work they do along with their counterparts in the Marines, Army and Air Force goes a long way to ensuring the peace that so many of us take for granted.
    Hope your Independence Day is peaceful.

  5. God has blessed America and I pray He will continue to do so. Of course it’s not perfect as nothing man-made is, but more ordinary people have had the benefits of freedom, security, and material wealth in the U.S.A. than in any other nation in history. And the other countries (e.g. ours) that offer their citizens similar opportunity are helped to do so by the success of the U.S.A.

  6. The day america was founded time to remember this and to give thanks to those who protect this nation(Not the Politicians)and enjoy a fireworks show tonight(If i hasnt been banned by the granola munching idiots)and be happy america is a nation

  7. I agree totally.
    Robert is right. God Bless America. Present travails shall pass.
    PhilM reminded me of the great interaction my Canadian army unit in the Niagara area had with the missile base people in the Niagara Falls, NY airbase and the friendly atmosphere between our unit and the Buffalo, NY garrison units at the May Day balls during the late 60s and early 70s.

  8. I love that anthem. When I lived in the US, I played it often with a concert band but most meaningfully, during Independence Day. I doubt that Americans would allow their politicians to screw around with it the way the Liberals have done to O Canada twice in my lifetime.

  9. Well i see theres some intelleciual moron who was interviewed by that liberal rag ROLLINGSTONE who calls for the 2nd AMENDMENT to be repealed typical pea brained mindless philosepher and blabbering jerk need to have his american citizenship repealed

  10. That woman can sing ! Love her rendition, and her smoky voice … what a gift ! I highly suggest the Washington Nationals give her a gig for their next MLB game. She bright tears to my eyes.

  11. Watch her be labeled a Uncle Tom for sing the National Antheme and refusing to sing KAMBYA
