1. Not just because of “white”.
    Black Lies Matter has a strict protocol when interfacing with white liberals.
    First get on your knees and don’t speak until a black person speaks to you.
    They know how kinky you are, so enjoy.

  2. If you think that’s bad, wait until they invade your neighbourhood with guns and matches to try and kill you and burn your house down. Remember Rwanda?

  3. I didn’t used to be a racist, but these BLM morons are having great success changing my opinion about black people.

  4. I tried to ask the Black Lies Matter group at the parade how about stop shooting up Toronto as more of it was done over the weekend but they were babbling too loud.

  5. I’m looking forward to the Democrat and Republican conventions where their street demonstrations will show who they are for all to see. Git Whitey!

  6. That’s like the pot calling the kettle white.
    The battle for special interest supremacy continues.

  7. The Queers tick off the Black Lies Matter people to no end. It’s hard to have a Pity Party when you have to compete.

  8. Why are their even Black Lies Matter groups in Canada? Our cops tend to shoot Indians on sight, not Blacks.

  9. It must be tough to be a white gay person these days. You keep getting shoved further down the pyramid of oppressed groups by Muslims, transsexuals, blacks, and any combination of the above.
    Here’s a roundup of the happenings at the Toronto Pride parade. Seems like the real enemy of these people is the police. Police are pissed as they have been big supporters and volunteers for Pride for years.

  10. My first thought on hearing about the Black Lies Matter wankers jacking up the Pride Parade was: “Please, just a little asteroid!”
    My second though was about the heartfelt tear that the rank and file Metro Police personnel no doubt dropped, because their Pride float was removed from the parade.
    I feel their pain, from the safety of my compound next to the hayfield in Hooterville Ontario, home of the World’s Biggest Hayseed.

  11. komedy korner, meet keystone kops…….
    what was missing is Jew haters parade, now that addition would have really been the icing on the cake

  12. sorry but I just cannot get my brain around celebrating sexual perversion as if it is some great social improvement. what has happened to Canadians, americans, jeez, just about everyone. being a homosexual is not something to be celebrated it is to be pitied. I wait with arms open for those who are now going to jump up and down with rage and tell me that I am wrong. well, I am right. a thousand years from now I will still be right.

  13. I’m still waiting for Hetero Day, Hetero Week, Hetero Month, and our own Hetero Parade.
    Of course, we don’t have to dance around on the floats waving our dongs around, like our Pridey flakes do, but, in the NAME OF EQUALITY……..are we not being discriminated against, now?

  14. Both will use the ladies room because
    Obama has no balls and identifies with his femininity.
    Michele on the other hand…
