16 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. Johnny, may he rest in peace, was right with his poem. The flag has taken some hard knocks for freedom and has taken a few of those during the last 7 1/2 years. I do not think it is ready to fall to the ground yet although some would be ready to replace it with one mostly red.
    Happy Fourth of July to our American friends.

  2. Very moving piece by Johnny Cash.
    I don’t know how many people are aware of the Muslim Brotherhood’s and Obama’s attempts to erase language from security briefings, etc. That might make associations between Islam and terrorism. Here is an explanation of what is happening. Testimony from a former security guy.
    This is why they wanted to tamper with the actual 911 tapes in Orlando.
    The book Catastrophic Failure by Coughlin makes this same point. Very scary:

  3. Sad to hear Johnny Cash’s well known song about the Stars and Stripes on the same day that our Prime Minister made a total fool of himself and our country at a gay parade in Toronto today. Even sadder to think that he was ridiculing this great nation on the same day as Ed Wiesel’s funeral in New York. I could have sworn that Trudeau was high on some substance when the CBC glorified him on TV this PM. Total piece of shit!
    Happy Forth of July to my American friends and neighbours!. Enjoy the song.

  4. Another day and another suicide attack in the ME, however muslimes killing muslimes doesn’t concern me much. I do wonder when so-called ‘moderate’ muslimes will start speaking out loudly condemning those who kill the name of their God. Instead they just keep playing the victim card.

  5. Yes, with a Republican White House, Pres. Trump and Senators like Ted Cruz.
    The M.B. with be cleared out from the Rio Grande, up north to the Arctic circle.
    The pressure on the Trudeau Liberals to ditch their M.B. advisors/policies will be on the high side of overwhelming.
    The Canadian Senate Report recommendation on designating them a terrorist entity and seizing their extensive property and closing their jihadi pulpits can’t come soon enough.
    The Islamist influence in Calgary alone,is getting close to a war footing. At 10% Muslim it’s a hot spot to watch closely in Canada. Many Islamist jihadis have come out of Calgary, 5 from one apartment block alone.
    Finally, there is a J.D.L. branch to contrast to the Islamic Republic of Iran jihadi supporters advocating Sharia Law and wiping out both Israel and the U.S. of A.
    If or when the Trudeau Liberals allow Iran to open an embassy and consulates. Things may slip out of control pretty fast.

  6. Dragon Slayer: St. George Farage.
    “Nigel Farage has earned his place in history as the man who led Britain out of the EU”
    “Nigel Farage will be remembered as the man the British people chose to follow. His entire political career has led up to what he calls “our independence day”.”
    “David Cameron told us we had a choice between his Britain and Nigel Farage’s. Britain chose Mr Farage’s vision.”
    “Nigel Farage has persuaded Britain to vote to leave the European Union. Mission accomplished for the Ukip chief, so it’s little surprise that he has felt able to ride off into the sunset, announcing his resignation today by declaring: “”I want my life back”.
    The Ukip leader said he had “couldn’t possibly achieve more”, having presided over the biggest political upheaval in modern British history – which would certainly not have happened without him.”

  7. No doubt just a coincidence.
    A former United Nations official whose testimony could have linked back to Hillary Clinton died two weeks ago in what some have called “suspicious” circumstances.

  8. Hillary’s security transgression in precis:
    “What we know about Clinton’s server.” By Hugh Hewitt:
    “HH: As a professional matter, do you believe that at least one or perhaps many foreign intelligence servers, services have everything that went to and from that server? MM: So I think that foreign intelligence services, the good ones, the good ones, have everything on any unclassified network that the government uses, whether it’s a private server or a public one. They’re that good.” HH: So that’s a yes? MM: Yup.”
    The problem is either you understand what the Russians, the Chinese and the Iranians do, or you don’t. (CNN’s) Barro apparently doesn’t. He thought it condescending that I would point this out. So does most of MSM when confronted with huge gaps in their knowledge. Why this is I cannot fathom, but it is the reflex. “How dare you suggest I am out of my depth!” is sadly a default setting, …”
    “When it comes to the presumptive Democratic nominee’s server, here is what we do know. We know what the Inspector General’s report told us. We know that her aide has invoked the Fifth Amendment. We know that Guccifer hacked into systems that held at least some of her emails. We know that she deleted 33,000 emails without permission or input from the government.”
    We know lots but we don’t know what the FBI knows. But we most assuredly know what the Russians, the Chinese, and the Iranians do vis-a-vis high value intelligence targets. Which is everything they can do. Quietly. Effectively.”
    To prevent such situations (security breaches) the government insists that those trusted with its secrets and even just those trusted with its leadership use encrypted devices and often retreat to “Sensitive Compartmented Information Facilities” to discuss crucial matters. Those facilities are as secure as we can make them from prying eyes and machines.”
    Secretary Clinton broke all those rules. Then she spirited away all her emails in contravention of the law. Then she destroyed what she should not have destroyed, obfuscated and outright lied about all of it. That’s what we know. We don’t know if she or her close associates will be charged. But we do know she shouldn’t be president.”

  9. “We know lots but we don’t know what the FBI knows” Shamrock
    Well we know that Hillary knows what the FBI knows… Bill got the FBI briefing file from Lynch before Hillary talked to the FBI… She knew all the questions and right answers, nothing surprising….Preparation pays
    What form of corruption is to small for Bill Clinton…

  10. it does. the root of diversity is divide and that is what has been happening for decades. only the blind or terminally stupid are unable to see it.
