8 Replies to “We Don’t Need No Stinking Giant Fans”

  1. Interesting.
    Thought that their windmills rent seeking initiative had gone bust years ago.
    Learn something mew every day.

  2. No free money, no windmills.
    The socialist capitalists know when to hold them and when to fold them.
    They did not get rich by being fools.

  3. No free money, no windmills.
    The socialist capitalists know when to hold them and when to fold them.
    They did not get rich by being fools.

  4. No more money for bird and bat chopping windturbines tell the granola munchers to use their own Hot Air or Al Gores Hot Air

  5. This is disappointing … not for the wind power advocates … but for the nuclear and fossil fuel power generators. Because every new windmill requires an equal Kwattage of cheap, reliable energy to back it up. The windmill charade is good for everyone’s business ! Green FRAUD pays EVERY power Corp. with taxpayer and ratepayers $$$$$ !

  6. Germany itself is dumping wind turbines, or at least not subsidizing them so they have to find a market somewhere. I hope the brits are not stupid enough to give them money.

  7. Providing we have a bunch of narrow minded idiots opposing fracking and the Keep it in the Ground Fossil Free jerks wont be happy until there returned to a primative was of living frankly these anti fossil fuel idiots need to go live in a cave all winter long a drafty bat filled cave with creepy crawly bugs running up and down their legs and no heat becuase fires contribute to Global Warming according to these bunch of morons ENVIROMENTALISM SPREADS STUPIDITY
