Here, Tell These People Something They Don’t Know About Me

“Trump has a better chance of cameoing in another Home
Alone movie with Macaulay Culkin–or playing in the
NBA Finals–than winning the Republican nomination.”

–Harry Enten, Five Thirty Eight Politics , June 16, 2015

Available at Amazon.

Support a fellow blogger — because it looks like a fun read! Trump the Press: Don Surber’s take on how the pundits blew the 2016 Republican race.
More — a review by Stephen Hayward.

5 Replies to “Here, Tell These People Something They Don’t Know About Me”

  1. “Trump has no ability to govern”, well now, after Obungles has paved that road……………

  2. Unlike most others, Coulter called it for Trump early on.
    Now she’s worried he might make a mistake as big as Reagan’s in choosing a VP.
    “My vice presidential prediction is: Trump is about to make his first mistake. … Everyone thinks Trump’s model should be Reagan, who chose his main primary rival as his [establishment] vice presidential nominee. It’s true that the important thing is for Trump to win. Reagan couldn’t have saved the country if he had lost, and nor can Trump. But, apart from signing off on amnesty, choosing a Bush for his vice president was Reagan’s biggest mistake, foisting this pestilence on the country for no reason. Reagan won in a landslide. Did he really need to worry about carrying Greenwich, Connecticut?”

  3. Trump in a “landslide” … the Press … including no-name bloggers … live in a leftist echo chamber that has distorted “reality” as they perceive it. BREXIT was supposed to LOSE ! The betting windows “proved” it. The Pollsters “proved” it. It’s all rubbish.

  4. Trump saving the country; to soon to tell. Trump as Reagan? Now you’re just setting yourself up for disappointment. When Coulter came out as a Trumpster, I just stopped listening to her. The fact is, everyone is simply seeing what they want to see in the candidate they decided on. No one looks at facts anymore; haven’t for decades.

  5. “Trump as Reagan?”
    From an economy and government spending/regulating point of view, Reagan was a failure.
    He, along with Thatcher, the Pope and Lech Walesa, did manage to defeat the Soviet empire.
    Personally I consider him a great president. I expect Trump to be more consistent. As for presidential accomplishments, God will determine that through the flow of events into history.
