Y2Kyoto: You Mean That Big Blazing Ball In The Sky ?

Science! Settled!

“We now believe that [the solar cycle] accounts for 50 per cent of the variability from year to year,” says Scaife. With solar physicists predicting a long-term reduction in the intensity of the solar cycle – and possibly its complete disappearance for a few decades, as happened during the so-called Maunder Minimum from 1645 to 1715 – this could be an ominous signal for icy winters ahead, despite global warming.

23 Replies to “Y2Kyoto: You Mean That Big Blazing Ball In The Sky ?”

  1. I remember reading several years ago that this was discredited.
    Meanwhile, solar physicists are still discovering new things about the sun. What do the climate changers know what those researchers don’t?

  2. I am skeptical of the predictive ability of solar physicists; but at east so far there are none of the grandiose caims of the climate quacks.

  3. I remember reading several years ago that this was discredited.
    Real science is never static. A theory that was supposedly ‘discredited’ is often revitalized with new data. “The debate is over” only applies to religious cult dogma, not science.

  4. icy winters ahead despite global warming. what can one say about such a statement other label it stupid?

  5. The theory was “discredited” by climate models, not by observation. The climate models were then tested against the “Hockey Stick” which was cooked to minimize any variability that seemed harmful to “The Cause”
    “We have to get rid of that warm blip in the 1940s” – Climategate. (I am sure that was taken out of context, right?)

  6. Quote:”….this could be an ominous signal for icy winters ahead, despite global warming.”
    That’s code for “If we have severe winters it’s because of the sun getting cooler, if it gets warmer it’s because of you and me.”

  7. Simultaneous Globull Warming and Freezing will be disastrous.
    Grant money will dry up.

  8. “”The debate is over” only applies to religious cult dogma, not science.”
    Christe jean, you nailed it!!!!!

  9. And from an Ace of Spades HQ commenter quite awhile ago commenting on ‘what could be possibly causing global warming?’:

    If only there were some . . . natural explanation for falling and rising temperatures.
    Such a hypothetical source of warming would have to be massive, however. On the order of magnitude of our own Sun.

  10. Anyone who says that ‘the science is settled’ has stopped growing and therefore of no account.
    Perhaps the only ‘settled science’ is that unbridled public funding has ruined that dog.

  11. Probably the very best indication of chicanery and fraud with modern climate (political) scientists is the absence of any other plausible cause for “global warming” but human activity.
    Of warmistas I usually ask a single question to which I never get an answer, not even an attempt:
    12,000 years ago there was a 1 mile-thick slab of ice over what is now Edmonton.
    How did it melt?

  12. Measuring “global warming” is like trying to measure the increase in a pool as a child pees into it while other kids a splashing around, water is evaporating, and rains storms come and go. Except harder.
    So far the “proof” of AGW is analogous to “Airplanes can’t fly because of gravity. Isaac Newton proved that!” Except the climate is more complicated than an aircraft.

  13. Does anyone else find it ironic … that this article in the Financial Times was published on June 24, 2016 … ONE DAY after the BREXIT vote? As if the shackles on the Met office, clamped onto them by the Euro-Eco cabal had been unlocked ! These Eco Marxists aren’t interested in science … or “proof” … or “cause and effect” of anything. They are just interested in funneling solar and wind projects to their crony Marxists.

  14. By “discredited”, I meant that it was like “The sun? Nah, hardly does anything for global warming”, or some such thing.
    In other words, it was simply brushed off and no credible data was offered to support the statement. But, then, pushing a phony doctrine doesn’t need it, right?
    Thanks to spacecraft like the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO), solar physicists now have a better idea of what happens on the sun than they did a generation ago. Their understanding is, obviously, far from complete. For example, the current solar cycle hasn’t quite turned out the way it was expected–the reason for this remains a mystery.
    With that in mind, it is puzzling how the eco-freaks can disregard the possibility of the sun’s role in long-term climatic behaviour unless, of course, they are pushing a particular political ideology.

  15. The facts are that back in the 1970’s TIME magazine was talking about a New Ice Age and Global Cooling now its Global Warming Yeah listen to TIME lie about everything i mean you cant ever trust these lying journalists and politicians and con men like Al Gore,David Suzuki and those idiots from GREENPEACE and the SIERRA CLUB and the rest of the eco-freaks groups espeicaly the Enviromental Defense Fund

  16. Yeah, tell those people who are forcing you to read and comment on articles you don’t like to stop, or try using a mind filter.
