35 Replies to “#ChickenMeatMatters”

  1. I’m not sure just what chitlins is, but they don’t sound too appetizin’ to us white folks, especially those of us experiencing a cold, wet Spring. And it seems to me that Chick-fil-A was someway politically incorrect too, – was it some kind of sexual incongruity of sorts?

  2. It’s a video. Not a remarkably informative video.
    That said, living in the Calgary area, as I do, please hear my PLEA.
    Please, Please, Please, CHik-Fil-A, open a restaurant in North Calgary* or the Cross Iron Mill, or Airdire.
    Please? Pretty Please. I want to buy your delicious food.
    *the Hills or Panorama or Creekside or even as far away as Beacon Hill*

  3. No drumsticks! No peace! and breasts buy the cuckold loads! We see how fan it pammns on in heat. Gray Pooupoun?

  4. Chick-fil-A also supports marriage between a man and a woman! And now they support the pigs over the peaceful Black Lives Matter protestors?!
    That is one screwed up company!!

  5. Budweiser should show up with a big red truck and a film crew. (with canned water of course)
    Hey, Officer!
    This Buds for you!
    Because Bud Buddys Matter!

  6. In experiments, researchers found that people whose values focus on reducing harm and caring for everyone are likely to blame the perpetrators: the rapist or the police. In contrast, people who adhere more closely to values like loyalty, purity and obedience to authority are more likely to blame the victims.

    Previous research had suggested that victim blaming arises out of a belief in a “just world,” in which people must get what they deserve. … People who endorse “individualizing values,” which prioritize the reduction of harm and the universal application of compassion, tend to think no one deserves harm.

    people who are politically conservative generally are more likely than people who are politically liberal to endorse binding values.

    Binding values are probably necessary for societies to function, she said, but they might sometimes motivate disregard for human rights.
    This explains why progs are so fúcked up with their idea that nobody is to blame for what they do, and why they make excuses for people’s behavior instead of emphasizing personal responsibility.

  7. Black Houston Texas official calls for segregated police force-
    “I think at this point, because of the crisis situation, BLM, not in Houston but throughout the country, we need to have officers patrolling areas that reflect their ethnicity.
    I think we should also have White Bathrooms, White Resturants, White Water Fountains, segregated theaters, segregated buses, segregated airplanes, people of color should set in the back…
    Wait a minute..
    Didn’t we already do that ??

  8. The little dears need to complain to George Soros, he is paying the leadership to feed the rubes.. The demonstrators in Ferguson filed complaints that Soros failed to pay them a final severance….Real Communists don’t need money or chicken…
    When is the media going to provide coverage of George Soros & his political philosophy. ….Understanding George Soros is necessary
    When he served the SS in Hungary, rounding up the Jews. He said that “if he would not have done it somebody else would have” Deep moral convictions
    The BLM brain from Chicago (Fox Kelly town hall) said the police should be disbanded & a tribal neighborhood (Kenyan like) overseers would keep the peace…That was just like the Dixiecrat (KKClan) segregation policy….

  9. I think all this mayhem will only help The Donald. Think Nixon ’68. If it doesn’t, well then we’ll know it’s definitely all over for the USA. (I already think this mind you with JugEarsMcFoodstamp’s election in ’08. This would just be further proof.)

  10. What, the protesters think that their protest should be a catered affair? On the public dime, no doubt.

  11. If you go to the YYC Airport, there is a Chic-Fil-A Restaurant ready, willing and able to satisfy you with all their culinary delights.

  12. The cops have earned themselves a free meal from Chic-A-Filla and these collage and university idiots who oppose traditional marrage need totaly defunded and i do remember the mascot for the St Louis Cardinals(Fredbird)witha sign POLICE LIVES MATTER

  13. Progressive Pat – We all know that Liberalism is a mental disorder and that you have this incurable disease. Kindly step off this planet as you are a candidate for assisted suicide.

  14. Right to die inevitably morphs into duty to die; and it won’t be the progs duty. The target of the death camps will of course be everyone else. The pogrom is well underway. People should have listened to McCarthy, Yuri Bezmenov, Orwell, etc. when they still had a chance. At this point, all that is left is a boot, on a human face, forever. Don’t even know how many people sounded the warning over the years, but it always has been, and always will be ignored. The one axiom of the human condition is this; everyone believes this time really is different, but it never is.

  15. BLM protesters just summed up the meet of the matter.They want chicken,but don’t want any skin in the game.

  16. Doug, check your White Heterosexual Privilege, and quit watching Faux Noise please!!

  17. You’ve got a mean sense of humour, Pat. Just goes to show that a conservative can impersonate a progressive, but not vice versa.

  18. So, you don’t support marriage between a man and woman? (Reread your first sentence. I don’t think that is what you meant to express. Regardless,there are still lots of people who support Chicken a Fil’s view on marriage, interestingly, most Blacks.
    Unfortunately, BLM increasingly is not looking like a peaceful protest group. I suspect they have been infiltrated by agents provocateur. The anti-cop rhetoric and violence is undermining their cause. Many people who were originally sympathetic to them no longer are.

  19. If the cops have a union, the chicken may very well have been their overtime meal. Scumbags don’t get meals for overtime.

  20. ” I suspect they have been infiltrated by agents provocateur. The anti-cop rhetoric and violence is undermining their cause. Many people who were originally sympathetic to them no longer are. ”
    File that one under, “No shit, Sherlock.”
    BLM has been a Leftist front group right from the get-go. No infiltration required. May as well say, “the Communist Party has been infiltrated by Communists.”

  21. @Jean;
    File under “Social Values Studies” in the cabinet marked “Social Experts Say”. It’s in the subbasement room labeled “Meaningless Experts Studies”. It’s right next to the cabinet marked “Political Values Studies” folder.
    After filing, please burn….. the entire room.
    Sorry to be so sarcastic. I just get tired of “social experts” trying to box everyone up and label them.

  22. They sound SO oldy-fashioned … don’t they ? Clinging to outmoded values such as heterosexual marriage … and law enforcement. Chik-fil-a are soooooo backward … I’ll bet they cling to their GUNS too !

  23. I just get tired of “social experts” trying to box everyone up and label them.
    Exactly. That was the point of my comment regarding this progs ‘study’ trying to defend her viewpoint. It’s more of the “If everyone was nice to each other the world would be perfect” crap.

  24. Walter…my thoughts exactly. Something stinks about these trolls kt, John, Prog pat. Too incendiary, cliche, provoking, or what have you. Someone is pulling the collective wire to bring out the ire. These posters can’t be real. Pressing the buttons for fun I guess. Not even a sniff of debate. Just a wrench in the works. Kate….I love your stuff, but reassure us you are not “kt.”

  25. It’s like a child misbehaving just for the attention. Like with a misbehaving child it’s easy to ignore them and not respond. The attention is what they seek, and if that’s denied they go away and pester another blog.

  26. Chicken on the Way, the first one on 14 Street north was a regular breakfast stop for me and my wife back in the 80s. Their breakfast foods were always perfect. Now, not so much. They opened one in Airdrie last year and we were so disappointed we won’t eat there ever again. Expensive and inferior.greasy and didn’t settle well on the stomach
    The folks at KFC in Cross Iron Mill have a better cheaper product and they are so nice to us, well we even drive out there even though there is a KFC in Airdrie, which is inferior in product and inferior in service attitude.

  27. When I lived in Calgary back in the 70s Chicken on the Way and that ‘non-chain’ hamburger place on east 16th avenue [I forget the name] were frequent stops for me.

  28. Peter’s Drive-In!!!
    Best fruit milkshakes in the city. Family fries are more than our family can eat with our burgers. Have to have their onion rings too.
    There is now a new one on Gasoline Alley in Red Deer too.
