I Admire China’s Basic Dictatorship

International Tribunal in The Hague;

China’s land reclamation “was incompatible with the obligations on a state during dispute resolution proceedings”, it added, since it involved causing “irreparable harm to the marine environment”, building a “large artificial island in the Philippines’ exclusive economic zone”, and destroying “evidence of the natural condition of features in the South China Sea that formed part of the parties’ dispute”.


“Screw you.”

12 Replies to “I Admire China’s Basic Dictatorship”

  1. No doubt officers from The Hague will be arriving in Beijing any day now to take President Xi Jinping and Premier Li Keqiang into custody.
    Ha ha!

  2. Errrrrr. Right. Isn’t this one of those UN thinings that only succeed in killing millions of trees for the paper? Thought so.

  3. So which comes first, the strongly worded letter or the sternly worded letter?

  4. Without the UK as a signatory to the tersely-worded letter … China will just continue without hesitation

  5. Boy, those Chinese better be careful about what they say – otherwise Jughead will stop the healing process and let the oceans start to rise again to flood that nice airstrip! That would teach them uppity Chinese, eh?

  6. New weapon: Atoll Buster. Courtesy of Murder Inc. I think the French used the last one, somewhere in the Pacific. Hardly make a dent into what Fukishima is injecting into the Pacific everyday. My “farmed” Tilapia positively glows in the dark already.

  7. Or as I said elsewhere:
    UN and what Navy? Obama isn’t sticking his neck out for anyone.

  8. There are, as is common knowledge, over 1 billion Chinese.
    You wanna argue with them?
    Good luck to you.
    The communists don’t care how many will die.
    If it comes to shooting war they just may say, bring it on.
    Have heard this before, perhaps 50 years ago, in a socialist country run by communists. They said openly that the way the Chinese calculate these things, there are so much more of them than of the rest, they will win by sheer numbers. Perhaps a pyrhic victory, though satisfactory to them.
    How ever you look at it, it looks bad.

  9. So now we will get to see what PM Trudeau admires about the Chinese dictatorship.

  10. To paraphrase Stalin, “And how many divisions does the International Tribunal in the Hague have?”

  11. “If it comes to shooting war they just may say, bring it on.”
    They might. But due to their One-Child policy they will be exterminating countless Chinese family bloodlines and that can’t be a politically acceptable thing in the People’s Republic.
    Mainland China is a big place. Really big. They need more land because of political adventurism?
    Same question goes times 3 for Russia. Russia is 2 1/2 to 3 times in area to the next largest country and they need to take over Georgian and Ukrainian territory and are spending huge money in a play for the arctic?
    Look at a map and get some perspective.
    Now think about what Argentina did with the Falklands when their economy was failing.
    Did Argentina need the Falklands or did the Argentine government need a diversion from their failed economic policies?
