25 Replies to “Justice Is Blind”

  1. So Beverley McLachlin, head of Canada’s Supreme Court, thought she should give marching orders to Harper. Can you imagine the uproar in the media had Harper phoned the cow and not the other way?

  2. Hard to say if Justice Ginsburg has drifted into senility, given that her thought processes have been more than a little scrambled for most of her adult life.

  3. She’s a disgraceful old commie brat. Always has been. Filled with contempt for the constitution and its limitations on judicial power.

  4. How do impeachment proceedings get started for supreme court justices? Has one ever even been tried?

  5. Many Americans were outraged that Trump questioned whether he would get a fair hearing from a judge with Hispanic roots. Outrageous that citizens would question progressives in position of power.
    Canadians are way ahead of our American cousins as we have become quite accustomed to such behavior. It is more than expected it is accepted.

  6. Ruth Bader Ginsburg has opened the Pandora’s Box into overtly politicizing the Supreme Court, by one of the Supreme Court justices.
    Now that she has admitted that she is judging politically, how can she possibly be considered as giving any objective judgement on any Constitutional matter from this point forward?
    It’s my view that Ms. Ginsburg has effectively recused herself from any future matters coming before the Court.

  7. Impeach? Would be nice if she was just sh*t-canned for the obvious indulgence. The blindfold is no longer a characteristic of justice. Liberal fascism has removed it.

  8. I suspect the only way to impeach a Supreme Court judge is by referring the matter to the Supreme Court. Whatever they say can’t be appealed to a higher power.

  9. It is hugely inappropriate for a supreme court justice to take sides in an election.
    Ginsburg is the oldest of the justices, and she may have hit her best-before date.

  10. A Supreme Court justice is now actively campaigning in a presidential election. By default she supports Clinton. How would she rule when Hillary’s illegal activity catches up to her?
    This is more than a mere conflict of interest.

  11. It would be so easy and comical to say Ginsberg is senile and needs another nap. But she’s not. She is a highly politically-leftist Supreme Court Justice who is dedicated to transforming America into a Marxist hell hole ! And she is succeeding ! We desperately NEED President Trump to nominate CONSTITUTIONAL SCOTUS members to restore our Nation of LAWS

  12. “By default she supports Clinton. How would she rule when Hillary’s illegal activity catches up to her?”
    Innocent until proven whatever.

  13. Impeachment of a Supreme Court justice is the same as a president. Illegal or unethical behaviour can result in a charge that is brougt to the House of Representatives. A majority vote sends it to the senate for trial. 2/3 vote would impeach and have the individual removed.
    Bill Clinton was only the second president impeached in the house. He was later acquitted in the senate. His wife may well be the third and would probably go the whole way.

  14. Correct, and given the Senate math it would be virtually impossible to convict a Democrat, as it was with President Clinton.
    But at least the American Constitution provides a framework for the process, unlike Canada where the only review of complaints would be by other judges at the Canadian Judicial Council. A complaint against Beverley McLachlin there would stand as much chance as I have of being appointed to the SC.

  15. Upon Trump’s election Ms Ginsberg, on her was to Zealand, should resign since she feels so strongly.

  16. I think the only Supreme Court justice to be impeached was Samuel Chase in 1804.

  17. This episode reinforces the need for judges to stand for election. Since they’re going to practice politics anyway then they should answer to the people over whom they want to make decisions and, de facto, new laws.

  18. Ruth Bader Ginsburg should be FIRED!
    What’s that you say? Judges, especially Supreme Court Judges, can’t be fired because they are appointed for life, these lifelong appointments being based on the premise that because they have lifelong appointments that judges can remain unbiased and politically neutral?
