16 Replies to “More Pavilions At Volkfest”

  1. About 1,400 young girls were raped, tortured and pimped out in Rotherham over about a decade. Only five perps were convicted. As in Germany, the Brits didn’t want to create a hostile environment for their Muslim visitors, so it was downplayed and covered up.

  2. WOOOOOOHOOOW. Rape for religion. Now where is that diaper…err…turban for my head?

  3. 1000+ Rabbis Sign Letter In Support of Welcoming Refugees
    The following letter, signed by more than 1000 American Rabbis, was delivered by HIAS to all members of Congress on December 2, 2015.
    We, Rabbis from across the country, call on our elected officials to exercise moral leadership for the protection of the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program.

    We therefore urge our elected officials to support refugee resettlement and to oppose any measures that would actually or effectively halt resettlement or prohibit or restrict funding for any groups of refugees.
    As Rabbis, we take seriously the biblical mandate to “welcome the stranger.” We call on our elected officials to uphold the great legacy of a country that welcomes refugees.
    1284 Rabbis as of January 15, 2016

  4. Multiculturalism is Nazism-lite … the National Socialist party is resettling all the new Buchenvald prison guards in every town throughout Germany. The Concentration camps now have names like “Cologne” and “Berlin”. Herr Merkel has incarcerated nearly ALL the German people behind the invisible barbed wire of Muzlim refugees. Heil Merkel ! Heil Merkel !!!!

  5. “As Rabbis, we take seriously the biblical mandate to “welcome the stranger.”
    How do you feel about welcoming the enemy whose stated goal is the eradication of Jews (including American Rabbis) from the face of the earth?
    Suicidal political correctness.

  6. The Germans, as usual, are late to the parade…France will beat them out of the EU and Germany will be bankrupt. The third place is EU purgatory.
    Hillary & Bernie made Climate change their number one policy…NO cheers from the partisan crowd..Folks know that the price of that turd is Very high Energy costs & the corresponding loss of Manufacturing Jobs.
    The EU depends on gaining a competitive advantage against the USA, which carbon taxes provide. Bernie & Hillary will share the Economics Nobel prize..Favorite son of Poland & Crazy Witch

  7. If you or anyone you know has some unpleasant interactions with our new Muslim partners in Canada, know this……
    Do not go to the police, their job now is to “keep a lid” on unpleasantries and you will be sacrificed for the greater good. The same with the media, your local government, your provincial government and your Federal government. You are now all potential Islamophobic trouble makers if you are beaten, robbed or raped. The newcomers will always be shielded and we are now all on our own.

  8. “Only 120 suspects — “half of them foreign nationals who had only recently arrived in Germany” — have been identified…”
    And the other half? Let me guess: German “Citizens”….but not blond and blue-eyed.

  9. “…Till Merkel gets raped…”
    That’s pretty much it. Till the mobs are howling through Rockliffe Park and Westmount, there wont be any change here either.
    I’m starting to think old Angela has a fantasy. ..

  10. Remind me again why we saved Europe from the National Socialists. Did we not kill enough socialists, is it that simple? Do we really need to kill them all!?
    @ Bl@kbird yes, we are on our own. Cops and politicians will obey orders, and democratic principles do not enter into it.

  11. If you had beer goggles that thick, you couldn’t get it up with a crane.
    (although we are talking about guys so horny that a goat is their default date out)
