13 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. The golden era of useful antibiotics may be coming to an end, due in large part to the overuse of antibiotics in CAFOs (confined animal feeding operations). CAFOs, otherwise known as “factory farms,” are all about raising farm animals faster, bigger, cheaper. To sustain their unnaturally concentrated and large populations of livestock, CAFOs rely heavily on antibiotics.
    Now, the newest research out of China reveals that the overuse of subtherapeutic antibiotics as growth-promotants on CAFOs is creating antibiotic resistant superbugs — strains of bacteria that do not respond to antibiotic treatment.
    According to the study, manure from pig farms doesn’t just contain antibiotic residues. It also carries high concentrations of bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics. This increases the risk that antibiotic resistance will move into bacteria that infect humans, and the resulting diseases will be more difficult to treat.

  2. I remember hearing that song on the BBC World Service nearly 30 years ago. For some strange reason, it was rather popular back then, staying on its Top 20 for several weeks.

  3. That video goes on the list of things to never Google, because they cannot be unseen. The list so far; goatse, tub girl, lemon party, that video.

  4. It seems so futile for our official opposition Conservative to be calling for money to fight the Trudeau government’s plan to change the way we vote without a referendum. They’ll do as they damned well please and we know they will not listen to opposition. I refuse to fork out any more money for a useless effort, we need instead to organize a massive outcry, take to the streets in protest. Somehow I don’t think that will happen, we are doomed, we gave the power to fools with an agenda as big as all outdoors to give them the advantage, power forever.

  5. Canadians by and large are whining sniveling fraggles, not doozers that take action.
    Toute nation a le gouvernement qu’elle mérite.
    Every nation gets the government it deserves.
    –Joseph de Maistre

  6. Yep,that’s what we are. My backlash for begging politicians is sorry, I can’t support stupidity.

  7. Then “Go Galt” and refuse to give them the fruits of your labor to squander on their libtard fantasies. It’s not that difficult once you set your mind to it.
